Unpopular sites being disconnected

http://www.guidemag.com/magcontent/invo … 1CDCD52F41

An article about how a boy-love site was being taken down. According to the articles I read, this site was kept legal, since talking about things (I thought) was mostly legal, but doing it wasn’t. However, a major backbone decided to disconnect the site, because it wasn’t very popular (and a nasty little bomb for some). The idea that ISP’s will be responsible for removing sites is scary, because I found that they have a tendency to go with “if we have a report, shut it down, investigate if someone complains”. Yahoo and MSN groups seemed to have done the same thing and there is no reason to feel that ISP’s and backbones wouldn’t do the same.

It reminds me of an ISP some seven or eight years ago. There was an article on how they believe in free speech and they hosted Nazi boards. They talked about how it isn’t illegal (in this country) to be a Nazi, even if you aren’t popular. They also were talking about the number of threads, DDoS attacks, and hatred directed at them because they would even consider hosting it. Their response was “it is free speech” and I applauded them for that, despite the fact I suspect I would hate the Nazi party. In the movie, Blues Brothers, a similiar topic came up, but it was passed of as viliglanti justice.

Now, doing the pedo thing is illegal in this country and in many others. That is wrong, though I don’t feel it is morally wrong depending on conditions. However, since it is illegal, it shouldn’t be done. However, talking about it doesn’t mean you’ll commit it. I mean, I write violent porn and I’m a pacifist. (Hrm, I still own someone an essay on why.) Just because I write it doesn’t mean I’ll do it. Actually, the idea of doing most of the things I write about in “real life” kind of makes me sick.

Just the nature of things.


I have to agree with that quote. It is one of those ones I hold up as my reasons for being so interested in free speech. The boy-love is just another example. I don’t agree, but I’ll fight for their right to be heard.


Heh, you are more educated than me when it comes to quotes.