Sodomy in Texas

[url=]Susie Bright’s Journal: That’s Right, You’re Not From Texas - Sodomy Loves You Anyway[/url:1q6v7lm9]

Susie Bright has always been a wonderful writer of sexuality and probably one of my role models when it comes to writing. At least in certain topics. In this case, she had a little bit on Texas and the various laws of sodomy (anal sex) and having dildos (sexual toys). That includes some of the brain-dead ways of sex shops getting around it (condom demostrator for example).

The scary part is, it is a [i:1q6v7lm9]felony[/i:1q6v7lm9] to have anal sex! I’m one who enjoys it occasionally, but the idea of it being a felony is mind boggling because of my belief that the government should never be in someone’s bedroom.

One of the interesting things is her comment about speaking under police watch (not sure if that is a term) and being petitioned for help by someone in prison over having too many dildos.

Just for clarification, I probably have around 10-12 toys I’ve picked up over the years. They are in a big toolbox in my bedroom closet. Needless to say, I can’t go to Texas again.


Actually, there are four or five states that have that rule, I seem to recall. Texas is just the loudest of them.


Heh. For Bad Movie Night this week, we watched the Killer Kondom, a movie illegal in Texas just because they talk about it all the time. But, if you want to watch a very funny horror/randomly beefcake movie in German (with English subtiltes), it’s a great one to pick up. Of course, most of the actors aren’t “pretty” but I still enjoyed it.

I liked the poem.