Raped by Zombies by Kelly (M+F zombie nc viol)
In a world overrun by zombies, only a few people survive. I am one of the few, but perhaps not for much longer. (F/undead, nc, rp, anal, sci-fi)
The three of us remaining watched as the teeming undead seemed to gather to the building we were in. None of us knew how it had started; but we had all lost family to those bastards.
We had food and utilities, but it was just us three women; no men had survived that we knew of. And it was only a matter of time before they found their way inside.
They would get in much sooner than any of thought. We always posted a guard while two of us slept, and we rotated this shift daily. But Diane had fallen asleep during her shift. Hadn’t seen or heard the mass of undead bodies against the door. It was enough and the door gave.
They found us while we were sleeping; I’ll never really know what happened to poor Diane on the roof.
Cold, dead hands grabbed us; the smell of rotting flesh. It was dark. I couldn’t see. I flailed my arms, but to no avail. Hands. Hands everywhere. I heard Kris scream in horror. Blood curdling. My body was stretched painfully suspended some feet off the floor. But none were biting.
Hands ripped at my clothes until I was nude. I was crying. Someone’s dead fingers entered me. Cold violating fingers. I screamed. I was turned in the air and lowered on top of one of them, arms and feet still held. A cold; ice cold penis, hard and long slid inside me as I was made to straddle it. Another shoved his purple erection into my anus. Unmerciful. Painful.
And the smell. I wanted to throw up but couldn’t. They shoved, grunting and pushing into me. I tried to be somewhere else in my mind. Others stood around me, stroking themselves. Some were cumming. Even it was cold and lifeless as it splashed over my skin. .
Perhaps they were acting on instinct; trying to fornicate with the hopes of giving birth. Renewal.
The two inside me came and pulled out. My body was twisted painfully onto my hands and knees, and again two more cocks replaced them while a third was shoved in my face. I would never oblige, but it mattered little. He stroked it in front of me while the others pushed. More were cumming, splashing on my skin.
The one in front of me came, rubbing his cock as it spurted against my cheeks. My stomach knotted, twisting as I reeled in pain. The two came in me. Replaced. They kept coming and cumming in me and on me. It seemed endless.
My mind could no longer function. I shut down. I knew I would be dead soon. But I wasn’t. When it was over, I just laid there, dripping cum. It was still dark. I could hear Kris whimpering and knew she had survived the ordeal also. I painfully crawled to her and held her hand.
The sun peaked over the horizon and I could now see the mess that we both were. Cold and shivering, and bleeding. We went to the window and looked outside. They were all dead, as if the last life in them was spent. I held Kris’ hand and we both began to cry. It was a mixed feeling.
We walked outside; the first time we could do so freely in months. But this was only a reprieve. There would be more. I squeezed Kris’ hand tight.
The End?
Kelly (porngirl180@yahoo.com)
This work is copyrighted to the author © 2007.