MLHU Sex Education Game

This is a cute little flash game that asks you questions about sex education. If you get it wrong, the villian hits you with a sperm missile. If you get it right, you use your condom shield to reflect it back. Do well enough and you cure him of STI (STD).

As education goes, that actually kind of cool. It’s a silly game (the bad guy has cocks for arms) but education is a rather important thing.

Though, I disagree with two of the answers. I think pap smears should be started when there is a possibility of being sexually active, not when you become sexually active. If we have a girl (first one is going to have at least boy parts, but Fluffy really, really wants a second), those visits start when I was sexually active, not when they tell us they are fucking.

The other is pregnancy. The amount of times I had to get Fluffy laid for it to knock her up… it wasn’t 25% in a month or 85% in a year. Trust me, we worked a lot harder for that one and it was in years, not months. And a bunch of my co-workers told me about their own struggles to conceive, including one who tried for three years and one who tried for five.