Canada and prostitution laws

I think making things open and acceptable is a good step in preventing abuse. Pimps work because they need someone to manage for them. If you had competition or the ability to go on your own, it would lessen their power of prostitutes because they can leave.

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Canada recently changed the laws about prostitution because their courts said the last one wasn’t right. Apparently this one took from Sweden’s book and made the buying of sex illegal but not the sale of sex. It’s an interesting things. And frustrating. It makes the assumption that prostitutes don’t want to be doing it, that they are being harmed by it. And I don’t believe it. I think it is a valid profession because there are times when you just want a roll in the hay without the emotions that come up with it, sometimes you want to try something new, or just be different.

I’d rather see that they pass laws to make it legal, have good testing, and generally make it safe. Making something illegal creates a black market which is far more profitable than a white market. And it also consolidates that money into abusers a little more than corporations do for the white markets.