Accepting the "people's" sexuality … i-abbyjean

I’m a relatively sexual person cough and I’m very tolerance of sex at that. Just one of those things that is pretty obvious from this site. But, I wish this country (USA) wasn’t quite so hung up about sexuality in public. It would be nice if people didn’t rant about an exposed breast or some erect dick on the screen.

The soft core porn channels that I used to subscribe so Fluffy and I could make out as a tease, were annoying because while I like soft breasts and pussy, I also like really hard cock. And someone good-looking attached to it. Lesbian sex, strangely enough, when put on a screen is completely off-putting for me. I don’t like to watch it because I honestly feel that no lesbian in their right mind would have those fingernails that all “lesbians” seem to have.

That and I get my pleasures from things inside me, not rubbing on the outside.