2010-10-20 Spirit Day
Obviously, I’m in the category of LGBT so I have some affinity for days like this. It started when someone pointed out that we’ve had a recent spat of teen suicides, all gay boys. One of them found out that his dorm mates recorded him doing things to other boys and, feeling so much despair, jumped off a bridge.
It isn’t growing up bi. Actually, in my case, suicide almost became the option for me but circumstances helped me push past it. But, it is a devastating thing to be teased about it and to have people pointing it out like it is some horrible flaw of your personality. It was part of me, as natural as breathing as just as part of my personality when I was eight as it was later. I was nothing but bisexual in life. I was also androgynous in my sexuality also, right from the beginning.
I had no support structure for my sexuality. None. My father gave me a book “Me and My Body” and my mother just pretended sex didn’t exist. I suspect that part of the personality that created this site comes from that, but it also comes from that desire to love everyone.
I may have “figured it out” on my own, but my heart breaks for those who couldn’t. The ones who feel that the only way out is to commit suicide.
Sadly, on the radio, I heard a fragment of a political ad talking about the Iowa Supreme Court Judges that “inflicted gay marriage on us” and the only thing I could think of was people from those commercials are only making it worse.
It is sad, but I can only think that it takes everyone to get rid of some of that intolerance.
I noticed two co-workers wearing purple that day, but I didn’t really get the memo, as it were, until after I got home. I can only hope that it will make a difference, mainly because I’d hate to see people tearing apart all the relationships I grew up.