The Mermaid Season
The mermaid season By Sarah
Mermaids; those lovely half human half fish creatures who sailors dream about on their long ocean voyages, The scourge sometimes of some unwary mariners, And the dream of some of the best genetic scientists. This story is the tale of a group of mermaids who are living in the Gulf of Mexico.
Back in the year 2020, genetic scientists unlocked the secret of the human and fish <span class="caps">DNA</span> codes. They figured out a way to engineer mer-people. Within a year of offering the treatment to anyone asking to become a mer-person, the seas were teeming with mer-creatures, both mermaids and mermen. Scientists knew a boom in the mer population was possible, but soon, there were enough mer people to start threatening the survival of other marine life.
As the world started to realize this fact, world governments came together, and passed the fishing and mer-catching laws. Soon, there was an international treaty signed by all nations, to allow for the limited hunting of mer-people. Naturally, those who had been genetically transformed were shocked by the developments, and pleaded for some sort of limits and controls, and in a small victory, they won the right to allow for only those mers caught who were between 16 and 25 to be declared as keepers, and subject to processing. Also, the mers were allowed to offer any mers up who were guilty of violating laws up, as well as offering trading deals with the land dwellers. Volunteers were also welcome to join the offered mers as food or pets, and those mers who didnt want to leave the hunting fields after they were 25 were allowed to remain, but were often used only for food parts and fertilizer.
As the years passed, mer cities were built, and areas within the city boundaries were declared no fishing zones. At first, some land dwellers protested, but the mers explained that from age 14 to 25, all mers were required to leave the cities, and not return until they had passed their 25<span class="ord">th</span> birthday. Mers trying to return early would be sent to the surface. The fishermen agreed, and soon, the fishing zones were mapped out for each mer-city.
The Birthday:
Melody looked at her parents in shock. She was about to turn 14, and her parents had told her that she was soon to be exiled from the city, till she was 25. Melody knew it was coming, but she still dreaded the trip out to the fishing grounds. She had heard of mers not coming back. And she suspected that she might not be back, either. But her parents had told her that for 2 years, if she was caught, she would only be a pet or returned to the sea. And she could learn how to avoid the mer-catchers.
Melody decided that she had best start learning soon, so she wouldnt be caught. So, on her birthday, she swam out of the city, and out towards the mer-fishing grounds.
As she left the last of the settlement behind, she met up with a few other mers out also going towards the fishing grounds. She started talking with them, and soon she made friends with a mer-boy, named Charlie. Melody and Charlie became friends, and agreed to help teach each other how to avoid being caught.
The Fishing Grounds:
The young new arrivals looked at the fishing grounds with some wonder, as they entered the area. First off, they were met by a 25 year old merman, who asked if any of them wished to volunteer to be captured. 2 mers swam forward, and they were placed into a cage, to await the next fishing boat. They were told, since they were not going to be processed, they would probably be sold as pets or placed in an aquarium. The 2 mers looked at each other, and agreed that was better than being fished out of the ocean.
Melody and the other mers swam into the grounds, and were confronted with all sorts of shops and other areas, supposedly to help teach mers what to avoid. Some of the mers went to the various displays, watching some video on how the capture happens, or the tricks for spotting the traps, and many other displays.
Melody swam around, but seeing nothing she thought would be interesting, swam out to the empty fields, and decided to find a place to sleep.
The hunters come:
Melody had been able to avoid the first two years of hunters, simply because there were enough volunteers coming in that there wasnt a demand for a lot of mers. It seemed that the mer-people had a unique birth cycle. A majority of births occurred every 5 years, so, there would be a boom in the number of mers available during the peaks. It was only in the dip in between that there was a heavy fishing season. Melody meanwhile had matured at a good pace, and was starting to look more developed.
She was a good looker, and she knew she might now be declared a keeper. She was also starting to notice the mer-boys more, and sometimes she would tease Charlie, just to see what would happen.
Charlie was usually a good sport, but he had put her over his fin, and spanked her bottom most of the time. Melody would cry and kick her fin, but she was enjoying being over Charlies fin.
Melody and Charlie had developed a habit of swimming thru the nets and other traps for fun, but they had time to memorize their locations, so they felt pretty safe. But word had started circling in the hunting zones that the mer-catchers had developed some new netting, which was supposedly disguised to look like the sandy bottom, with no lines or other hints it was there.
Melody and Charlie had heard the rumors, but they still wanted to go for their swim together, so they went out into the fields, and started dodging the nets and hooks. Suddenly, Charlie let out a scream, and as Melody watched, a buoy and net was rising up from the floor, carrying Charlie up to the surface. Melody started moving out of the fields, when a net appeared below her, and she too found herself being carried up to the surface.
Both mers were netted and they knew it. Charlie tried to free himself, but the more he struggled, the tighter the net closed in on him. Melody likewise was struggling. But soon, both were tired and gave up.
As they sat in their nets, both realizes they were prime food grade mers, and Melody started to sob quietly to herself, while Charlie tried to think of a way to escape the net.
As the hours passed, both mers soon heard the fishing boat returning, and both knew their time was short. Melody was still sobbing softly, as the boat pulled up even with the two nets.
Melody and Charlie were lifted out of the water, net and all, and placed on deck, only to be transferred to the ships hold, and placed in the water filled holding bay. There were about 10 mermaids and 3 mermen in the hold, now, and the boat started heading off to port.
Arrival and processing:
As the boat pulled up to the dock, the crew started to unpack the mers for their trip into the processing plant. Melody was one of the first mers to be removed from the tank, so she had a front row seat to see all that was going to happen.
First off, she was strung up by her tail, while the other mers were likewise removed and then strung up. As each mer was suspended by their tail, they each struggled and flopped around, hoping that the rope would break or slip. Melody tired of this, and she slumped in defeat, awaiting her fate.
As the mers settled down, the foreman on the dock ordered the mers moved inside, where they each would meet their fate.
As the mers were pushed on the tracks into the doors, they found themselves staring at the machines that would end their lives. First, the mermaid in front of Melody was placed over a tub, and her throat was cut. The mermaid shook and flopped violently as she died, and her blood drained into a tub beneath her head. The line moved forward, and Melody soon found herself over the tub, the knife coming to her throat.
As the blade began cutting, Melody shrieked in pain, then started twitching and shuttering in pain as her blood too flowed down into the tub beneath her. Melody was left thinking, why now? Her last gasp came, and her pussy exploded in a huge orgasm, leaving her lifeless body hanging from the hook.
As her body continued down the line, various pieces were cut off, such as her breasts. These were placed on a separate line, for jelly filling and freezing. The rest of her body was dropped down a grinder, to become fertilizer and mer-sticks.
Charlie likewise was on the line, and as h approached the tub, he was thinking of Melody, and of the powerful orgasm she had had. He had watched her shutter in her death throws, and he was hard. The mermaids in front of him had also likewise orgasmed as they died, and now Charlie was thinking that it was natural. As the blade came forward, and slit his throat, he likewise began orgasming. He died, and proceeded down the line to be butchered for parts and fertilizer.
Epilogue: After the mers reached their 25th year, they were allowed to leave the hunting grounds, and begin making families together. Those who did not want to leave the preserve were allowed to remain, but they were told if captured, they were going to be considered as meat only.
As the mers returned, they began mating, and soon, the next mers were ready for the fishing grounds.