Introductory Ramble
Firstly, many thanks to t’Sade for letting me archive my insane and perverted little collection here .
To those of you who haven’t read my any of my work before, shame on you . I hope you enjoy what you find here. To those of you have have (and are here cos you liked it
) I hope you enjoy rereading my stuff or find things you hadn’t seen before.
This will be an archive of everything I’ve posted on the web apart from a story whose title I’ve forgotten that I posted long ago on the Grey Archive (published under the pen name eagenetix if by some freak chance anyone saved it) that has now been lost from both that archive and my hard drive. This collection mostly consists of stuff I have posted on the Dolcettgirls forum and the Femmegore text stories board before that got killed by subscription fees. I’ll continue to post any new stuff here as and when it gets written.
Subects include Vore (mostly toothy), Woman Eating, Dolcett, and Snuff (mostly shootings). I’ll try to remember to put the subject area in the thread title so people can check out areas they’re into. Test yourself though you never know what you’ll like till you suck it and see. Most of my stuff contains sex and is usually very light hearted although occasionally it ventures into the dark (relatively speaking) or romantic.
I appreciate feedback on my stories both good and bad so please feel free to comment on what you read. I hope that this becomes a worthy addition to t’Sades wonderful site.