Not Being
This doesn't seem to be the most looked at part of Sade's page, so I hope people find it here…. It seems to be the most relevent part
My fantasy is sort of connected with 'Mortality' but I think it goes one step further
Its a fantasy that came to me recently which I find very erotic
I guess its linked to the transformation fantasies I see around… and its one step on from snuff fantasies…
I guess I just like playing with 'identity' issues.. and the most extreme I can thing of is removing my identity completely…
Just imagine that your parents didn't decide to have a child when they decided to have you…. Its not such a big change in history, but just think about the consequence…
In the fantasy, someone has developed a machine that can tweak history in this small way….. Imagining learning about this machine… if you have the same 'playing with identity' fantasies as me, just think about the pull of putting yourself forward fro this 'treatment'… when it is completed, you won't exist. more than that you never existed. All memory of you has been erased….
As you step forward, accepting this eventuality, you will undergo the biggest transformation anyone could have - to go from something, to nothing
Its possible of course that i'm the only one who finds this idea erotic, but I have chatted to a couple of guys who think its erotic to be the controller of this machine… to see me just wiped out…
II guess I'd like to see if others think on the same lines
Ahh this is a very interesting subject indeed being able to become a namless face a convoluted yet non existant whisper upon the wind having a free ticket to start over yet having started years ago with that same ticket to exist within a non existence yet to have not existed at all. You have a very unique method of thought this is something that should be further expanded and inquired upon.