My RL Jungle Cannibal Adventure
My RL Jungle Cannibal Adventure: Personal story by Ludovico
While most of my fantasies revolve around Cannibalism In Everyday Life (CIEL), I have never forgotten my roots. I was born on the edge of the jungle, and, after growing up in NYC, I moved back. As you might discern from my Backwoods Cannibal fantasies, I love the outdoors. I go hiking regularly on my various trips, and while off on a trail, my Cannibal fantasies run wild. Quite often they become incredibly strong, especially when Im hiking by myself (being alone enhances the romance of the wilderness). These fantasies become so powerful that I occasionally risk a very embarrassing encounter! Naturally, I go off on a side trail, but one time in the Redwoods, near Crescent City, I came within minutes of disaster (I cant believe Im sharing this).
Anyhow, while I go hiking in many different terrains (I especially love the desert), my home is only a few minutes walk from a jungle trail, which I go on regularly. Usually, its just for exercise or to unwind. As a matter of fact, Ive done it so many times, I know all the jutting roots and rocks by heart having tripped on everyone of them on each and every occasion. The trail is a loop, so I cant get lost - a favorite pastime of mine.
Naturally, I have numerous detailed fantasies associated with this hike. We recently had a thread about Fijians, who are Polynesians. Many of the various cultures of Polynesia practiced Cannibalism, including those where I live. Undoubtedly, this practice still goes on. After all, we know how strong the idea is how could it possibly have died out in those who had it as part of their culture so recently.
On my hikes, I try to spot the most likely places where the Cannibals, who live higher up on the ridge, sweep down to carry off unsuspecting hikers to their lair. Passing hikers in both directions often fuel these fantasies, some being incredibly succulent, especially since the majority are of Polynesian ancestry. Caught at strategic points along the trail, they become the reluctant dinner guests of the Cannibals, struggling in vain as they are taken away for jungle feasts. There is one particular story I would like to share.
Now, I often hike this trail in the late afternoon, partly because there are fewer people, partly because I need to unwind. One of the challengers is to see how late I can start, and still complete the loop while I have the light. Sometimes I need to turn back if I leave too late (due to the jungle canopy, this is before twilight). Losing the light would not be good! Thats where the story begins.
On this particular occasion, I knew I was leaving too late, and intended to start the loop in the steeper direction, get some exercise, and then come back. I made the strenuous climb, looked at my watch, and decided to go a bit farther, for a nice relaxed walk. As I got further along, nearing the point of no return, my obsessive/compulsive side took over. Checking my watch again, I decided to go for it, and complete the loop, knowing it would be very close. Soon, I had to start walking faster, stumbling on the multitude of large roots more than usual (and thats saying a lot). Slowly losing the light, I went even faster, which was actually quite exciting. Then it happened! Coming into the home stretch, with about a half mile to go, I came upon a beautiful local girl. She was walking quite a bit slower, so I passed her rather quickly. Surprised at her nonchalant pace, I turned and said, Better hurry! It will be dark soon, and the Cannibals may get you. It was an impulsive remark, but I think I saw her smile, as I whizzed by. Soon, I was coming out of the jungle, quite relieved to have made it.
Sitting down on a bench by a stream, I thought about the girl who was still back there. When she didnt show, my imagination kicked in. The Cannibals must have swooped down and grabbed her. Kicking and screaming, she was tied to their bamboo pole, and carried off. Losing her slippers, dangling from the pole, beautiful bare legs and feet glistening, she pleaded not to be cooked and eaten as they went higher into the dense jungle.
Soon, they arrived at the lair, where their stewpot was already heating up. Despite fighting furiously, she was forced into the steaming cauldron. Ropes were looped around her neck, and tied to the side of the pot, to hold her in. While she pleaded and struggled, the cannibals started stirring their tasty feast, the water getting hotter and hotter. Soon, the helpless catch was simmering
Suddenly, I was awakened from my fantasy by a figure coming out of the jungle. Low and behold, it was the beautiful girl, finishing her hike as the last light was fading. She passed me on the bench, smiled, and said, The Cannibals didnt get me! Then she was gone!
A bit shaken, I got up and walked home. Following my usual routine, I went to the fridge for a beer. Although looking forward to having an IPA, I now needed something stronger. Luckily, a Trappist Trippel was in stock. Soon, I was relaxing, thinking about my adventure. I almost never mention cannibalism to anyone in RL. I wonder what the girl must have been thinking. Guess Ill never know.
So ends my RL Jungle Cannibal Adventure. Thanks for listening. Lud