Community Service

Community Service: A Halloween fantasy adventure by Ludovico

Paula slumped back on her bed, staring at the envelopes, brochures, and forms scattered around her room. Graduation loomed around the corner, and one item on her college applications was causing her grief. Concentrating on getting excellent grades, Paula had little time for anything else, including parties, boys, sports, or, and here was her problem, community service. Although extremely beautiful, with a lovely body, slim waist, and long, slender legs, Paula was a workaholic, figuring she has plenty of time for boys, and girls, later. The trouble was the community service. She needed a letter of recommendation, from a service organization, praising the time she donated to the community. Time she had never quite found the time to give.

Depressed, Paula poured through various ads, looking for some opportunity to donate time. Even though Halloween was only a couple of days away, she couldn’t even think about it. The trouble was most organizations required months of service. Then she found one that looked interesting. It requested help in feeding the elderly, and promised recommendations for short term care. Excited, Paula called the number. A female voice answered, and Paula set up a meeting at the mall coffee shop.

Sipping coffee at a booth, Paula almost didn’t notice the old lady slip in opposite her. Introducing herself as the head of the Feed the Elderly organization, the old lady happily explained how much Paula’s help would mean. “My dear, we are always short of warm bodies at our care facilities, especially on Halloween. You cannot imagine how much your presence is needed,” explained the old lady. Feeling her hopes rise, Paula asked about the recommendation. “Well, normally, for short-term service, we require a group of five girls. Since you are in a rush, and its Halloween, if you can find two friends by tomorrow, we will write you the letter.” Paula was surprised by the short amount of notice, but she was desperate, and promised to meet the old lady at a home for the elderly next day, Halloween, with two friends in tow.

Rushing home, Paula called her classmate Toni, and explained the situation. Although annoyed at the short notice (and ruining Halloween), Toni relented, and offered to bring along her younger sister, Pam, who would be needing a recommendation in the future. Pam protested, not wanting to miss her Halloween party, but then felt selfish, and went along.

The next day the three lovely girls took a bus to the home for the elderly. As they approached, a woman, about 45, who resembled the old lady, drove up in a car. “You must be Paula, climb in. We need you at our country facility.” Without thinking, the three got in the car, although young Pam felt uneasy. If the three noticed the smile on the lady’s face, they would all have been very uneasy.

Driving for quite a while, they arrived at a remote house at the end of a dirt road. As the three girls got out, Pam was reminded of the story of Hansel and Gretal, but her queasy thouhts were broken by the sudden commotion. A group of elderly ladies rushed out of the house, laughing, clapping, and chattering excitedly. “We are so happy you came,” said one, rather ugly, but smiling, old lady. “You cannot imagine how hungry we are, and here you sweet, young girls are to help feed us on Halloween. Please come inside, and accept our hospitality.”

Entering the house, amidst the excited old ladies, who were prodding them along, the three girls came into a dining room, with a table laden with Halloween cookies, cakes, and pitchers of milk. “Please help yourselves and eat heartily. It is the least we can do in return for your participating in our feast later.” Hungry, Paula, Toni, and Pam began to scarf down the delicious sweets, and drink the cold milk. After a while, they began to feel drowsy. First Toni, and then Paula, laid their heads down on the table and drifted off. Barely able to stay awake, Pam looked up, and was horrified at the evil grins on the old ladies faces. “My God”, screamed the terrified girl, “You are all witches.” Unsteadily rising to her feet, she tried to head for the door, but was easily seized by a few of the laughing witches.

Pulling the struggling Pam to the floor, they began to strip off her clothes. The other witches greedily began to undress Paula and Toni. Slowly, with great pleasure, they removed their shoes, socks, skirts, etc., commenting on their soft, tender, young bodies. Naked and trembling, Pam screamed, “What do you want with us”, but she already knew the answer. “Silly girl”, laughed the ugly old witch, “ We want to cook and eat you for our Halloween dinner”. With that, Pam passed out.

When Pam groggily awaked, she was startled to discover she was locked in a small metal cage, with just enough room to sit up. Naked, with her hands bound behind her back, she looked around what seemed to be a cellar. Paula and Toni, also naked and bound in cages, were already awake. All three had ball-gags in their mouths, and could only stare at each other in disbelief. The cages were raised from the floor on small platforms.

Soon, a group of smiling witches entered the room. One cackled, “My what sweet, tender, succulent, young morsels you are. We are very pleased to have captured you for our feast. The “old lady” is paid well to lure silly innocents into our clutches, and again she has come through. Her scams are wonderful. The last batch were from a private high school, and thought they were going to buy SAT tests. Instead, they wound up on our serving platters. It was wonderful watching them, crying and begging, take off their school uniforms, and climb naked into our pots. We simmered them very slowly, and they were delicious indeed. Tonight you three lovelies will be prepared and cooked to perfection for our Halloween Feast.”

With that, the witches opened each cage, and carefully inspected the girls, one by one. Poking, stroking, and squeezing the soft bodies of the struggling, crying girls, the witches discussed how they should be prepared. It was decided that Tony would be perfect for the roasting spit, tender Pam for the oven, and Paula would simmer in the stewpot. “Now we must start preparing. See you in a short while.” Left alone, the three caged, naked, bound girls stared at each other. They were going to be cooked and eaten by witches.

Soon, the witches returned, pulled the girls from their cages, and led them up a flight of stairs, and into an inner courtyard. In a state of shock and denial at the idea of being dinner for witches, the three young girls stared in disbelief. There was a large black pot, with wood beneath it, a roasting spit, large enough for a girl, and an oven, with a prep area, including a pan that would also hold a smaller girl, in various areas of the courtyard. Reality sank in: Paula, Toni, and Pam were on the witches menu. “Let the Halloween Feast begin”, shouted the ugly witch.

Chattering in excitement, the happy witches dragged the girls to their designated areas. Paula, fighting wildly, was lifted into the stewpot. Standing helplessly in the water, her hands still bound behind her back, she watched as the fire was lit, and witches began to add vegetables and herbs to the water. The sight of her beautiful, naked body in the pot made the witch’s mouths water. Paula could only look on in horror.

Toni also fought intensely as she was tied to the roasting spit. Her lovely ankles were crossed and tied tight, her arms bound behind the small of her back, and the rest of her succulent body secured so she could be rotated without slipping. A witch removed her gag, and she just had time to scream “please no” when an apple was shoved in her mouth. Her squirming body then placed over the coals, and witches began to rotate her.

By this time poor Pam was bound in the roasting pan. In deep shock, her tender body was hog-tied, and witches began to carefully rub oil and spices all over her soft, young skin. Her small, cross-bound feet, and lovely slender legs were given special attention. Pam’s tear streaked face looked adorable with a small apple in her mouth. After a while she was garnished, and placed the large oven. Witches watched in awe, through the glass window, as the sweet girl began to slowly cook.

Now the witches circulated, enjoying the aroma of cooking schoolgirl. Paula had sat down in the pot, which was beginning to simmer, and watched helplessly as her young friends roasted alive. Witches poured liquid on he head, shoulders, and legs, which were still above the water. Slowly her struggling lessened, and eventually she sank below, as the witches continued stir, and the water came to a boil.

Toni’s body was beginning to blister, as she was slowly turned over the coals, and witches brushed sauce on her browning skin. Soon her mouthwatering body ceased to squirm. Sweet Pam still twitched slightly in the oven as she slowly roasted until tender. The witches, enjoying the spectacle, knew their feast was near. One turned to the ugly witch and commented on how wonderful the feast of tender, young, female flesh was going to be.

“Yes”, she cackled, “They are really doing our community service!”