"Hell Hath No Fury..." - story (F/F, NC, rape, semi-graphic
[i:jtwu6llz][b:jtwu6llz]Hell Hath No Fury…[/b:jtwu6llz][/i:jtwu6llz] by LT
[b:jtwu6llz][u:jtwu6llz]Disclaimer[/u:jtwu6llz]:[/b:jtwu6llz] This story contains scenes of sexual cannibalism. If you cant tell the difference between fantasy and reality it is highly suggested that you read no further.
This story features non-consensual sex and cannibalism between women.
Copyright 2008
This is actually a rewrite of my previous story, “Pushing Friendship Too Far”, which was a lame ass title anyway, and fairly representative of my early prose work. I’m slightly more experienced now, so I thought I’d give another workover, and as it turned, I’ve made it more than twice as long as it was before. I’m not saying that this is going to be awesome writing that’s anywhere close to what someone who actually knows what they’re doing might be capable of, but I’d like to think that what I’ve done to it now represents an improvement over my first version. Some of the prose is still kind of weird I’m just lacking knowledge in some of the rules and experience applying what I do know, but I’ve at least tried to keep the perspectives consistent, whereas in the old version it kind of jumped around a lot from paragraph to paragraph. In any case I hope you all like it.
If youre not in it for the story, as I know that sometimes myself I’m more in the mood for something akin to a fuck-’n-run, the dinner preparations start [url=http://rodo.tsade.com/index.php/topic,1029.msg3908.html#msg3908:jtwu6llz]here[/url:jtwu6llz] with some girl-on-girl spit-muffin action, and they start getting down to business [url=http://rodo.tsade.com/index.php/topic,1029.msg3909.html#msg3909:jtwu6llz]here[/url:jtwu6llz] if you’d rather skip ahead. It’s [u:jtwu6llz]very[/u:jtwu6llz] nonconsensual in nature, so you have been warned.
And as one last note before anyone reads this, I’ve cast three women to play the main characters and provided some pictures for visual aids. I would like to eventually draw this all up comic-book style some day, but it will probably be a long time before I’m able to do so, if at all. But I digress.
Since these are real women, I’d just like to say that in case you are one of these women, know them (intimately or otherwise), are friends with them, or represent them to please keep in mind that as the disclaimer says, this is all fantasy. I [u:jtwu6llz]don’t[/u:jtwu6llz] want to actually eat them, unless of course you’re using a euphemism for cunnilingus in which case I’d be game, preferably while fucking one silly and fingering the other one, but we both know that isn’t going to happen either. In any case, please don’t sue me; I’m just a poor college student, and there’s no getting blood from a stone anyway.
I’m going to be posting up sections in a long series of posts, so I’m asking everyone to please wait until I’m done posting before they post any responses (and I’m hoping some of you will give me some feedback when I’m done)
[u:jtwu6llz][b:jtwu6llz]Cast of Characters[/b:jtwu6llz][/u:jtwu6llz]
[b:jtwu6llz]Denise Richards as Heather[/b:jtwu6llz]
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[b:jtwu6llz]Fairuza Balk as Tanya[/b:jtwu6llz]
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[b:jtwu6llz]Rebekah Parmar-Teasdale as Jessie[/b:jtwu6llz]
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[b:11bo6jdh][u:11bo6jdh]Queen Bitch[/u:11bo6jdh][/b:11bo6jdh]
Heather opened the door to Ambrose Hall and stepped outside into the warm spring air. She enjoyed the feel of the sun on her exposed skin, glad that it was finally starting to get warm again after the long cold winter. After all, it gave her an excuse to show off what she’d been forced to hide under layers of warm clothing for the last four and a half months. It was Friday, 70 degrees, and she’d just finished her last class for the week. Homework wasn’t a problem, because her nerdy friend, Jessie, would usually do it for her, or she could find some pathetic geeky guy who would do it for her is she showed him enough cleavage while she asked in that tone of voice she knew would get her almost anything from anyone all she had to do was pretend that she was going to fuck them. If they did a good enough job and got her an A, she might actually give them a handjob.
[i:11bo6jdh]Probably the first time they didn’t have to use their own hand[/i:11bo6jdh], she mused with a smirk.
Deadlines weren’t a problem either, since she had all of her professors wrapped around her little finger. She was stunningly beautiful and used it to her full advantage. If that made her a tease, she didn’t care, because it was all about her, and always had been since junior high. Ever since she noticed the effect her developing shape had on men and certain women, she loved the attention that went along with it, whether it was good grades from horny, middle-aged teachers, getting out of trouble, or even a good fuck. It didn’t even matter much who she fucked, as long as he was hung and had a good body. She’d even let a few lezzies eat her out just so she could cum when she was feeling horny. After all, why do it yourself when you can get someone else to do it for you?
That was actually her main concern as she started to walk the five blocks back to her apartment, which was just barely off campus. Her usual lay was away at a game out of town, and despite flashing her g-string in her micro-skirt all day long, she hadn’t gotten anything more than the usual appreciative stares.
She discreetly checked around her for any hot guys, and catching a glimpse of one behind her and off to the side, she stopped and pretended to check the strap on one of her sandals. It also gave her a chance to take a better look at him. Much to her disappointment, he was already with someone. She had to suppress a laugh when she glared at him and punched him in the arm for staring at her almost completely exposed ass. No doubt there would be another glare directed at her from this girl, but Heather really didn’t care. She was proud of her body, which was well toned from her regular exercise (which included sex as far as she was concerned). She made a point of jutting out her generous breasts as she stood up, even adjusting the knot that pulled her shirt up tightly underneath them for extra measure.
Disappointed at striking out for the evening, she continued on her way back to her apartment, anticipating a night out clubbing in order to find a good dick to fuck her over the weekend.
Jessie was where she usually was at this time of day sitting at the table with her nose in a textbook. She was studying to be a mechanical engineer, and while she would definitely love to have a night life, she just couldn’t afford to take the time if she wanted to maintain her 3.8+ grade point average. Most people, including her fellow engineering students, usually took her for a nerd, but she was actually kind of proud of that. She even dressed to reinforce that idea, wearing large circular-rimmed glasses instead of getting something smaller and sexier, or even wearing contacts for that matter. She kept her brunette hair very short, short enough that it would only really look feminine if she gelled it, and during most of the year she usually didn’t bother. Since occasionally there were some people who looked past that and might notice how trim and fit her petite body was and how perky her modest breasts were, she also usually wore frumpy sweaters and jeans, just to avoid any temptation that might present itself if she didn’t. As much as she might appreciate the attention her hidden beauty might draw, she didn’t really have time for any kind of a relationship, and she wasn’t really one for one-night stands either.
[i:11lw8i6k]That was more Heather’s thing[/i:11lw8i6k], she thought to herself and wrinkled her nose.
Heather should be getting back any time now, dressed like a slut and no doubt dragging some horny guy behind her in order to show him off. She couldn’t really blame her for showing off a little skin, and the guys she usually brought home were always good looking, but she showed off a little too much, and the guys were usually stupid jock/alpha male types who would leave a mess for her to clean up.
Jessie was enjoying the warm spring weather herself, and rather than her usual frumpy clothes she’d worn a tight blue blouse with a plunging neckline that accentuated her curves and ended at her ribs with a black miniskirt that hugged her hips and ass. It left a small band of her taut mid-riff exposed just a hint of what was hidden beneath her clothing- her black leather belt riding just above her almond-shaped navel. She blushed as she thought of the looks she got from all the people who had taken her for just some geeky bookworm up until now. She was happy to finally be noticed by that cute boy from Manufacturing Processes she’d been eying all semester. It was alright that he didn’t ask her out, though. While she wouldn’t mind getting a better look at the muscles his t-shirts barely hid, or what those baggy jeans hid much too well, she didn’t really have the kind of time she’d want to give a boyfriend.
[i:11lw8i6k]He probably already has a girlfriend[/i:11lw8i6k], she sighed. [i:11lw8i6k]Or a boyfriend[/i:11lw8i6k], she thought wickedly.
While she liked boys, she also liked girls, and made no secret of it. Her first sexual experience had actually been with her friend Tanya, her friend since they were little. She rested her chin in her hand, propping her arm up on the table, and thought happily back to that day in junior high. At first they’d started out just doing some comparing, but they each noticed that the other was looking out of more than just curiosity. It had basically just been heavy petting with a little fingering, since both knew how to masturbate but didn’t know how to do anything else yet, but that first exploration of each other’s bodies had started off the current “friends with benefits” arrangement she still had with Tanya whenever either of them needed to have an itch scratched. She’d actually probably need Tanya tonight, for that matter, but it would be a little after 5 when she got back from her drawing class, so she’d have to wait a while.
She was already starting to get a little wet in anticipation of the fun she was sure she’d be having later that night as she went back to her textbook.
[b:1nsmlrf1][u:1nsmlrf1]Gothic Artist[/u:1nsmlrf1][/b:1nsmlrf1]
Tanya brushed a lock of her raven-black hair behind her ear and skillfully put pencil to paper. She was just about done sketching out the basic shape of the (disappointingly male) model sitting in front of her. They were getting into figure sketching now, something she’d been looking forward to since she started this class. Thankfully (in this case) the bored looking model was fully-clothed, as they hadn’t advanced enough yet to do nudes, and in any case she wouldn’t have been very interested if he was a nude model. After all, she’d only ever been interested in women since she’d become sexual aware, and while she wasn’t repulsed by the sight of a naked man like some fem-nazi, she definitely preferred the sight of a naked woman.
Yes, she was a lesbian, and didn’t hide it any more than she hid her sense of style. She didn’t wear the pale-face make-up, but she did wear the black make-up to go with the black hair she kept gelled in something similar to a “salad bowl” style except for her bangs, her black t-shirt, her baggy black jeans, and her polished black combat boots. Naturally she also had plenty of piercings, some very visible on her face, ears and tongue, others not so visible, like the one in her navel and the studs through her nipples and clit hood. Her goth look definitely got her more than a few disapproving looks, along with her open sexual preference, but since she’d developed her fashion sense and her sexuality at around the same time in junior high, she was more than used to it and it didn’t bother her as much any more. In fact, she was so good at ignoring most of the people around her that she barely even noticed it anymore.
She started laying some graphite down on the paper in front of her and smudging it to resemble the light and shadows on the shirt of the model. She smiled, a dirty thought coming to her that made her reconsider being thankful that this model was fully clothed. She might not like men, but her friend Jessie did, and a picture like that might make a good present, and probably put her in the mood for a fun way to say “thank you”. She didn’t understand what Jessie saw in men, after all, most of the guys Jessie had even been with had ended up hurting her, especially since Jessie only seemed to be interested in long-term relationships, and all of the men she’d bedded had only been interested in something a lot more short-term in nature. Tanya was always there help pick up the pieces, though. She’d been friends with Jessie since they met in kindergarten, and more since that special sleepover at Jessie’s house back in eighth grade.
Tanya laughed quietly to herself her… whatever it was she had with Jessie was the longest relationship she’d ever had herself, since she preferred one-night stands or flings that lasted only a few weeks to a month at most. Any longer and she might get bored, because by then she’d usually know enough about her partner to have some annoyances associated with them, and she found it best to let them down easy at that point so there weren’t any hurt feelings. That way she might always look one of them up later for another night together in the future. Jessie, though, had a strange kind of special place in her heart. She wasn’t sure why, either. It could just be that since they’d been friends since the very beginning of school, or it could be that Jessie had been her first partner, but she couldn’t really put her finger on any one reason why she enjoyed Jessie so much that she would invite her to share her bed with her whenever she wanted it or needed it. The fact Jessie didn’t really have any annoying habits probably helped, if nothing else.
She hoped she could talk Jessie into posing for her when the class got into doing nudes. She even had some sexy poses in mind cannibal poses actually. It would be fun and it would be good for a shock factor for her instructor. Plus it would give her a chance to share her secret fetish with Jessie without Jessie actually finding out that she was actually into that. Ever since Tanya had come across some drawings on the internet, the thought of sexual cannibalism made her hot, whether she was the one preparing one of those women, or she was the one getting prepared. She’d already done some light bondage with Jessie, so it probably wouldn’t be that hard to talk Jessie into doing some cannibal role-playing with her. She could already see Jessie laying on their kitchen table in a classic turkey pose, an apple in her mouth, her cute little breasts pushed up between her arms, her legs spread wide open, exposing her shaved little twat, its lips stretched around the biggest cucumber she could find. A piggie pose would make another great drawing, since it would show of Jessie’s pert little butt, with her stuffed cunt peeking out, and her sexy legs folded up on either side of her petite body.
She didn’t [u:1nsmlrf1]really[/u:1nsmlrf1] want to eat any women, or get eaten herself, after all it was just fantasy. She had to admit though, she was curious to know what a woman’s meat might taste like, just a little bit. Or what it might feel like to slowly rotate over a hot bed of coals, knowing that she was becoming meat herself, a hard unyielding bar of steel impaling her through her ass and out her mouth the closest she’d ever come to sucking cock with a stabilizing “pussy post” to fill her aching cunt, and help her to have her last orgasms. Jessie had definitely been curious when Tanya had started completely shaving, but she hadn’t complained. After all, no one liked having hair in their food.
She could already feel her panties starting to get wet. She couldn’t wait for class to get over so she could go home and fuck Jessie. She knew Jessie would be up to it; she always was when Tanya needed to get off.
[b:2h5abcyu][u:2h5abcyu]The Queen Has Returned[/u:2h5abcyu][/b:2h5abcyu]
Heather made it back to the apartment she shared with Jessie and Tanya and walked inside. She wasn’t surprised at all to see Jessie sitting at the kitchen table, reading one of her textbooks. She was a little surprised to see that Jessie had ditched her usual frump for something a little sexier, but ever once in a while Jessie would do that.
She gave Jessie the usual greeting and went back to her room; she’d wait until later to talk Jessie into doing her homework for her. It was pretty easy to get anything she wanted from Jessie or Tanya, just on the promise that she might “warm up to the idea” of joining in on one of their sessions. She frowned as she thought of hearing their moaning through her bedroom wall. While she’d let some other lesbians get her off before, she’d never returned the favor she only sucked cock. She didn’t care if she hurt the lezzy’s feelings either, since they barely qualified as women, and even the butch ones could never stand in for a man. She’d rather fuck one of those homely geeks and give him the first ride of his life than so much as finger a dyke. She hadn’t always felt this way about her friends, though.
The three of them had known each other since kindergarten, when ironically Heather was the homely, gawky one and Tanya and Jessie were considered the cutest girls in their class by all the adults. Later on though, like a caterpillar out of a cocoon, Heather developed the stunning figure she currently had, seemingly overnight. It helped that she was heavily involved in cheerleading, and the attention she got doing that helped to make her the woman she was today. To be honest though, Tanya and Jessie were pretty good looking themselves, both of them were actually even more toned than she was because they’d been tomboys all of their lives, played in basketball, volleyball, and even did some regular weightlifting. Jessie practically had a six-pack from all the sit-ups and flutter-kicks she did. Unfortunately for them the standard for beauty was women of the blonde-haired, blue-eyed, large-chested variety, like Heather. They had still remained close friends though, at least until Heather noticed that she could get anything she wanted because of her looks, including any boyfriend that Jessie might have.
She’d stolen more than one of Jessie’s boyfriends, only to drop him on a whim later and claim she hadn’t meant any of it to happen. Part of this was because she knew Jessie and Tanya liked each other far too much to be just friends [u:2h5abcyu]everyone[/u:2h5abcyu] knew they were eating each other’s snatch every chance they got. Back then it actually amused her to break up Jessie from her boyfriends because she knew inevitably Jessie would end up crying to Tanya for a sympathy fuck. Now it just disgusted her to have to pretend to still be their friend so she wouldn’t have to deal with any of the judgmental strangers in this university town, but it still meant she was sharing the same apartment with a couple of dirty dykes.
Heather flopped down on her bed and let out a sigh of frustration. Here she was on Friday night with no one to pay for her drinks or to give her a good lay. She nibbled at the fingernails of her left hand and let her right hand fall across her chest.
She was so horny right now…
She lightly rubbed the underside of her breasts, tracing them out with her fingertips before letting them make their way to her right nipple. Alternating between tracing the areola and pulling at the hardening bud, she left her left hand make its way across her exposed belly, and past the narrow band of cloth that passed for her skirt. She pushed aside her practically nonexistent g-string and let her fingers slip through her slick folds. She let a quiet moan escape her lips, imagining that it was some buff guy teasing her cunt with his fingers, getting her wet before he stuffed her with his fat cock.
It was at that point that a stray though flickered across Heather’s mind, and her fingers stopped. She’d noticed how provocatively Jessie had been dressed, and knowing Jessie as she did, she knew that probably meant that Jessie was feeling in the mood for some action herself. Her lips curled into a smile, and she pulled the knot under her breasts out.
[b:2q3zu42l][u:2q3zu42l]The Rub[/u:2q3zu42l][/b:2q3zu42l]
Jessie was just finishing up the last of her reading assignment when she heard Heather’s voice calling from the back room.
Hey Jessie, can you help me on some homework?
Jessie knew that Heather was really asking for her to do her homework for her rather than just helping her, but while Heather really ought to be learning everything on her own, Jessie liked a challenge, no matter what the subject.
Sure, what with? she asked.
Oh, its my Economics; I just cant seem to figure out this chapter for some reason.
Jessie smiled, Economics was probably about the simplest kind of math that she could think of especially compared to the kind of math she had to do for her degree. She got up, taking her huge calculator, a pencil and a note-pad with her, and eagerly made her way back to Heathers bedroom.
The sight that greeted her was enough to stop her in her tracks, right in the threshold to Heather’s room. Heather was laid out on her bed with her shirt completely unbuttoned and pulled open, and her pussy was fully visible between her spread legs. Heather giggled at Jessie’s open-mouthed expression and gave her a “come hither” with her index finger. Jessie couldn’t believe it; Heather had been saying for a while now that she’d give Jessie and Tanya a whirl, but she hadn’t really thought Heather would follow through with it. The sight of Heather’s ample breasts, pink nipples, and glistening sex was more than enough encouragement for Jessie to make her way to the foot of Heather’s bed.
Weak in the knees, Jessie slowly sat down on the edge of Heather’s bed, staring longingly at the last bits of Heather’s tanned body that were no longer left to her imagination. She may not have approved of how Heather dressed in public, but she’d always admired her beauty and had wondered what she’d taste like. Now she was finally going to know.
Jessie let herself smile as Heather slid down to the foot of the bed, wrapping her arms and legs around the smaller woman. Jessie let herself go limp in Heather’s embrace, scarcely able to breathe.
Heather giggled again, and whispered, “on the other hand, how about some help with anatomy?”
It was a lame joke, but Jessie couldn’t keep herself from smiling as she looked into Heather’s pale blue eyes, and down to her full lips. She felt Heather’s hands rubbing her body, warming her skin with her touch, even through her blouse and skirt. With a quick jerk, her blouse was over her breasts and her shear pink bra under them, pressing them against the bottom of her blouse. She exhaled happily and closed her eyes as she felt Heather’s fingers tease her little pink nipples, which grew hard under her touch.
Heather took Jessie’s glasses off and set them aside. Jessie opened her eyes and looked into Heather’s face, feeling her hands at her nipples again. She looked down at Heather’s lush lips again and started to bring her own to meet them, but before she could get there Heather’s hand had slid under her belted skirt and over her silky pink panties. Jessie gasped as Heather’s fingers seemed to flow like water over her quickly engorging labia and her thumb teased her swollen clit. Her panties were quickly becoming wet. She unconsciously tightened her abs, making the muscles pull the skin across them tightly. Then Heather’s hand found its way under the elastic band of her panties, rubbing her fingers in small circles over Jessie’s mound. Jessie moaned softly with her building pleasure much more of this and she’d cum all over Heather’s hand and bed.
She groaned as Heather’s hand left her cunt, which ached in protest at being left so close to climax.
“Don’t worry,” Heather whispered into her ear, “I’m not done with you yet.”
Heather withdrew herself from around Jessie and got off of the bed. Initially Jessie had simply let herself fall limply onto Heather’s bed, but hearing another giggle from Heather, she turned around and flipped over onto her belly so she could see what her friend was doing. Crossing her ankles and rocking her lower legs in the air with her chin propped up in her hands, Jessie looked almost child-like as she watched Heather give her a short strip tease, her hazel eyes watching the ripple of every muscle against Heather’s skin, the way her hips swayed, and the snake-like movement of her body.
The shirt came off first, flung to the floor just in front of the bed. Turning away from her and bending over, Heather slowly pulled her skirt over her round ass, down her shapely legs and stepped out of it. Left only in her g-strong now, Heather pulled up on both sides of the strap, pulling the barely-there panties into her cunt. Swaying her hips, Heather moistened one of her fingers in her mouth and ran it along the frilly cloth that was now crammed between her pink pussy lips. Turning around again, she pulled out on the elastic band, and started to pull them down over her ass as she had with her skirt, then pulled them back up again, teasing Jessie with this last article of clothing before finally getting rid of this, too.
Now completely naked, Heather walked back to Jessie, placing her sex inches in front of her face. Jessie stared at Heather’s mound, admiring the way it looked, flush and full, her clit peeking out from under its hood, and topped with a strip of short blonde hair. Jessie pulled herself forward and kissed Heather softly on the clit, eliciting a giggle from the taller woman. Sticking her tongue out, she gave the outer lips of Heather’s pussy a few broad licks before tracing out her labia with just the tip, pushing through the slick folds. Heather gave her some satisfactory moans for her efforts, and pushed her head into the juncture between her legs.
Jessie slurped happily at Heather’s cunt, lapping up her juices and occasionally pulling at her inner lips. She used one of her hands to help support her in this somewhat awkward position, and used it as an excuse to feel up Heather’s perfect ass. Heather was starting to sag under her onslaught, and soon pushed back on her shoulders.
Heather laughed. “I guess I better lie down.”
Jessie just smiled and waited for Heather to join her on the bed. Once there, Jessie wasted no time in diving right back in, on a mission to make Heather cum for her. She buried her face deep into Heather’s warmth, and caressed Heather’s body with her hands, enjoying the tickle of soft blonde hair at the tip of her nose as she noisily ate Heather out.
Heather’s breathing was becoming deeper and more rapid, her moans growing higher and higher. Knowing that Heather was close, Jessie moved up to her friend’s clit and eased two fingers inside of her. Finding the rough patch along the top of Heather’s fleshy sheath, she started to give her the “walking man” treatment, running her fingers rapidly over Heather’s g-spot while giving her clit broad licks with her tongue. Heather’s whimpering practically turned into screams, and her pussy clamped around Jessie’s fingers. Jessie tried to lap up Heather’s thick, clear ejaculate as best she could, but most of Heather’s sticky juices ended up all over her chin and the bed.
Heather’s legs shook and she struggled for breath as she came down from her powerful orgasm. Jessie gave her cunt a few more playful licks while she waited for Heather to recover and smiled up at her. With one last twitch, Heather finally opened her eyes and smiled at Jessie.
“I have to admit, you really know how to suck pussy, girl,” Heather sighed.
Jessie pulled herself up along Heather’s body and started to cup Heather’s breasts in her hands, tweaking Heather’s nipples with her thumbs.
“I know how to give a girl a good time,” Jessie replied in a sultry voice.
Heather rolled her eyes. “I’ll bet…”
Jessie’s smile vanished and she gave Heather a look of confusion. Something about the tone Heather used wasn’t right. When Heather didn’t say anything, Jessie tried to get back the mood, sucking the fingers she’d used to get her friend off.
“Mmmmm sooooo gooood .” she moaned. Smiling seductively, she added, “your turn.”
Heather suddenly frowned and slapped Jessie hard against the mouth. Jessie held her cheek and stared at her, stunned.
“What makes you think Id ever want to munch carpet!?”
“But you ” Jessie started, confused.
“You think that because I rubbed my fingers on that dirty little twat of yours that Id want to suck it or put my mouth anywhere near it? Heather replied, and cruelly added, “I may have let you suck my cunt, but Ill let anyone do that. I dont care what pathetic thing gets me off so long as I do. You’re exactly one step up from using my own fingers. Now get the fuck out of my room you nasty little dyke!
Jessie couldnt contain her tears as she rushed from the room sobbing.
Hey waiiiit! You forgot your noooootebooook! Heather called after her and then laughed sadistically.
Jessie just couldn’t believe what the person she’d thought was her friend had done to her. Running to her own room, she slammed and locked the door behind her. Jumping on her bed, she curled into a fetal position and wept bitterly, ignoring more of Heather’s taunts coming through her door.
[b:3jaatnja][u:3jaatnja]A Friend in Need…[/u:3jaatnja][/b:3jaatnja]
Tanya came home from her afternoon class to a quiet apartment.
[i:3jaatnja]Too quiet[/i:3jaatnja], she thought to herself.
Heather had already no doubt left for some weekend fling, like usual, but usually Jessie would be done with her homework and watching TV by now, and even if she wasnt, shed be noisily tapping away at her calculator and scrawling her work out on her note-pad. She noticed that one of Jessie’s textbooks was still on the kitchen table and began to worry. Tanya quietly shut the door and listened, tuning her ears to hear even the quietest sound. Thats when she heard the shower running.
She made her way down the hallway to the closed door of their apartment’s small bathroom and put her ear against the painted wood. It took a second for her ear to separate it from the sound of the shower, but she definitely heard Jessie sobbing. Unfortunately she’d heard Jessie cry more than once, and she began to wonder if Jessie had been seeing some guy in secret.
Tanya gave the door a knock and waited for a response. Jessie went silent and didn’t respond.
“Jessie, it’s me,” Tanya called through the door in a soothing voice.
The shower stopped and she could hear the wet padding of Jessie walking across the tiled floor to the door. The lock clicked as it disengaged and the door opened, revealing a naked, dripping wet, and still sobbing Jessie. Tanya didn’t know what to say, upset to see Jessie this way. She took a step into the bathroom and put her arms around Jessie’s heaving form. The water quickly soaked through her clothes and she couldn’t help but shiver from how cold it felt. She quickly grabbed a towel from the towel rack and wrapped Jessie up in it as best as she could.
“What’s wrong?”
“H-Heather ” Jessie managed to get out between sobs.
Tanya’s anger flared briefly, not knowing what Heather did, but upset that she had somehow hurt Jessie this much. But she knew getting angry wouldn’t help at this point, so she forced it down and tried to remain as calm and steady as she could manage.
After helping Jessie to dry off, Tanya took her to her room. With its somewhat dark theme, it might not have been as comforting as Jessie’s more girly room, but this was where they’d usually spent nights together for some reason, surrounded by black and white Evanescence posters and a shelf-full of Hustler and Maxim magazines. Tanya pulled back the black blankets on her bed and sat down on it with Jessie.
Jessie told her everything that had happened: the rouse to get her into Heathers room, the sex, the slap, everything. Tanyas anger for Heather only grew the more she heard.
Shhhhh Tanya comforted Jessie, Im here now, everythings okay now.
Tanya kissed Jessie on the forehead, and started to undress, stripping down to her panties before she was done. She crawled into bed, and Jessie snuggled up next to her. Tanya pulled the blankets over them and put her arm around Jessie. She kissed the smaller woman on the back of the head, breathing in the sent of her freshly washed hair, and rested her chin on top of Jessie’s head.
Neither of them spoke another word the rest of the night, and fell asleep spooned together, with Tanya wrapped protectively around Jessie.
[b:1rzzho6l][u:1rzzho6l]The Morning After[/u:1rzzho6l][/b:1rzzho6l]
Jessie woke up surrounded by Tanya’s warm limbs. She could tell it was still early, as the light coming through the slats of the blinds was still just the light blue of the pre-dawn hours.
She could feel Tanya’s small breasts pressing against her back, moving with each breath she took. She turned, the movement waking Tanya. She watched as Tanya slowly opened her stunningly turquoise eyes and smiled. Jessie returned the smile and greeted her with a peck on the lips.
“Morning,” Jessie told her.
The corners of Tanya’s mouth crept upwards slightly, but her smile soon evaporated, and Jessie could tell that she was preoccupied.
“How are you doing?” Tanya asked.
Jessie tightened and looked down at the pillow, unsure of how to answer. She felt Tanya kiss her on the forehead and the bed move as her friend wriggled her way out of it. Jessie turned to look at her, admiring the way the early morning light attached to Tanya’s form. Tanya was very fit, a little muscular even, though the word “butch” didn’t quite fit. As a Goth, Tanya tended to avoid tanning as much as she could, so her skin was very pale, almost white in this lighting. She had the cutest little pink nipples, with very small areola topping breasts so small that they almost disappeared when she was laid on her back. But the way her waist narrowed and her hips flared out, Tanya was still very feminine-looking, and her tight yet curvaceous butt more than made up for her little handfuls up front. Jessie still liked them though, and the way they fit perfectly into her little hands.
Tanya seemed to be listening for something now, which just gave Jessie an excuse to check out her ass. She had on a black thong, and what little cloth there was at the back of it framed her cute behind just perfectly, forming an arc that was very aesthetically pleasing, at least in Jessie’s opinion.
Tanya turned, revealing the skull and cross bones on the front of her panties. Jessie smiled at that, something so clichéd and yet part of what endured Tanya to her.
“Well, I don’t hear her snoring,” Tanya said with a roll of her eyes. “She wouldn’t be up this early, so she probably isn’t here.”
Jessie threw the covers back and sat on the end of the bed, fear and anger creeping into her mind. She hung her head low, not quite able to make eye contact with Tanya.
“Can you make sure, please?”
Tanya offered her a comforting smile and nodded. After throwing an over-sized t-shirt on, Tanya unlocked the door and disappeared out into the hall.
After about a minute she returned and proclaimed that Heather was indeed gone.
“Are you sure?”
Jessie felt silly asking her that, but with all the things she’d forgiven Heather for doing to her in the past and what Heather had done last night, she was in no mood to deal with that sadistic bitch.
Tanya simply nodded in response, showing no judgment of any kind for her insecurity.
Jessie chewed on her lower lip and asked, “Could you get my things? Theyre in her room.”
Tanya gave Jessie a warm smile and nodded again.
“Ill start breakfast,” she said quietly as Tanya left the room.
“Okay,” she heard Tanya call from the hallway.
Finding one of Tanya’s over-sized t’s, she put it on and went out to the kitchen.
[b:egc2gxds][u:egc2gxds]A Dish Best Served … Hot[/u:egc2gxds][/b:egc2gxds]
Tanya pushed the door to Heather’s room open for the second time that morning. She never could quite get over the obnoxious pink color so prevalent in this room, or the strong perfume that almost made her want to gag. Apparently this was what guys liked, or at least what Heather thought they should liked.
[i:egc2gxds]And she’d probably know…[/i:egc2gxds] Tanya thought sardonically to herself.
It didnt take her long to spot the things Jessie had brought in with her the day before Thankfully Heather hadn’t done anything to them, especially to the expensive engineering calculator. Heather had had a way of “accidentally” breaking things like that before, and if she was being openly antagonistic, it was actually a little surprising that she hadn’t done anything to Jessie’s things.
She picked up the calculator and the note-pad, and looked around for one of Jessie’s mechanical pencils. She found it on the bed next to Jessie’s large gold-rimmed glasses, but as she picked it up she felt a tell-tale stickiness that made her fling it into the garbage with contempt. She hoped Jessie wouldn’t notice it missing, because she didn’t need to know where Heather had put her pencil. At least the glasses seemed unharmed and unmolested.
When Tanya left the room she made a point of slamming the door so hard that it broke the edging and jammed. There were a few pounds on the walls from annoyed neighbors, but Tanya was too satisfied with the noise and the destruction to care.
Tanya could smell that breakfast had been started as she arranged Jessies things on her neatly organized bookshelf, just the way she knew Jessie always put them. Jessie was a bit of a neat freak, but in a way that was part of her attraction to Jessie, because Jessie was never snotty or arrogant about it, and she actually seemed to enjoy helping her clean up her own room ever once in a while. She smiled as she thought of the morning she’d woken up to Jessie happily going about cleaning her room for her. Running her fingers along Jessie’s shelf, she admired how neat and organized Jessie was.
She laughed, [i:egc2gxds]I guess opposites really [u:egc2gxds]do[/u:egc2gxds] attract.[/i:egc2gxds]
By the time Tanya had taken a quick shower and changed, Jessie was setting the table. She followed the scent into the kitchen - some kind of seasoned meat. When she sat up at the table, she saw what the source was, a delicious-looking beef tip next to some scrambled eggs. She handed Jessie her glasses, which she put on.
“Mmmm You always were a good cook, Jessie,” Tanya complimented. “But steak for breakfast?”
Jessie giggled and replied, “Its a country-style breakfast: steak n’ eggs.”
“Well it definitely looks and smells good.” Tanya cut a piece from the beef and put it into her mouth. “Mmmm ”
“Glad you like it,” Jessie laughed.
The two of them ate and visited about everything and nothing, just making small talk like usual, but eventually their conversation turned to the events of the previous night.
“You know what?” Tanya asked, full of anger and frustration. “I think the only piece of meat that could be any better right now would be Heathers pussy on my plate.”
Jessie eyed her. “Figuratively speaking, right?”
“Of course,” Tanya nervously replied, then paused as she thought for a moment. “I have to admit though; I’m kind of into stuff like that,” She told Jessie, then quickly added, “As a fantasy.”
Jessie stared at her blankly, and she was starting to regret bringing it up at all. She just hoped she wouldn’t lose Jessie’s friendship for revealing this intimate little secret of hers. It was all she could do to keep from jumping when she heard Jessie’s meek little voice.
“I’m not sure I really follow…”
Tanya took a big breath and hoped she wasn’t about to just dig herself into a hole she couldn’t get out of. “It’s just a bit of a kink I have called woman eating, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. She continued. A few years back, I was doing a little porn surfing when I found all this artwork that showed women being cooked, carved up and eaten.
“Eewwww . Gross ..” came Jessies reply as she made a prune face. Tanya could tell though that she wasn’t really in trouble with her though.
Tanya leaned toward Jessie and gave her a sexy smile. “I dont think so, it’s actually pretty hot-looking.”
“No pun intended?”
Tanya laughed. “It just looked so sexy, seeing a woman trussed up like a turkey and baked in an oven, or put into a pot and boiled, but my favorite drawings were when they were spitted and roasted over a fire.” Tanya unconsciously licked her lips. “It’s actually why I started, you know, shaving … down there.”
Jessie looked a little confused, but interested. “Can you show me some of this artwork?”
“Sure,” she replied, and eyed her a little bit. “Actually, there’s one comic with a character that reminds me a lot of you, working real hard on a double major.”
Jessie harrumphed a little at that. “No I [u:egc2gxds]know[/u:egc2gxds] it’s fantasy working for one major is hard enough as it is.”
Tanya smiled and continued. “She invented some kind of special spit for her engineering thesis, but the professors arent convinced and she ends up testing it herself. They also end up roasting this sexy-looking woman professor, named Karyn, and it comes to my favorite panel in all of his work the other professor has her steaming pussy all garnished on a platter and says that hes not going to let the dean get it.”
Tanya remembered the comic fondly and her mouth started to water. Her hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it made its way to her tingling loins. She quietly sighed as it found its mark.
“I could always imagine myself as one of those women, bound and helpless, or impaled on a spit and turned over a fire until I was ready to eat, but I could also imagine myself as eating one of those women.”
“Id like to do it,” Jessie interrupted.
“It would be the perfect revenge,” Jessie finished.
At first Tanya thought she was just playing along with her or something, but the deadpan way she said it made her wonder. “You cant be serious.”
“I’m [u:egc2gxds]dead[/u:egc2gxds] serious. Im through putting up with that sadistic bitch, and we’d be doing the world a favor by ridding it of her skanky ass.”
Tanya was floored; she couldn’t believe that her innocent, meek little Jessie was talking about this, and was actually serious. “Look, I know you’re angry and hurt because of what she did, but the most we should do is scare her a little, you know, fuck with her mind. All we have to do is go most of the way and then stop. Besides, dead ho’s don’t learn from their mistakes.”
Jessie sat motionless and silent for a while, making Tanya worried.
Finally, she said, “I guess you’re right, I was just over-reacting. I can’t believe what I was just thinking.”
Tanya laughed and added, “Damn girl, remind me not to ever get on your bad side.”
Jesse smiled and started laughing herself.
They went back to eating breakfast.
[b:2e3jc2br][u:2e3jc2br]Stupid is as Stupid Does[/u:2e3jc2br][/b:2e3jc2br]
Heather got back to the apartment a little after 10 in the morning. She winced as she got out of her car, the bright light of the sunrise doing her hangover no favors. And yet she felt so satisfied; her night out bar-hopping had been very successful she could still feel him inside of her, and taste him in her mouth. What made it even better was who [u:2e3jc2br]he[/u:2e3jc2br] was. She giggled to herself as she thought of how that little dyke Jessie was going to take it when she told her.
She walked to the door on fabulously weak legs and opened it. Jessie and Tanya were at the sink doing dishes, Jessie not wearing anything but her glasses and one of Tanya’s big t-shirts, and Tanya not wearing much more than that.
Probably gave the cunt-sucker a little sympathy fuck when she got home, Heather thought to herself as she eyed them, her mouth twisting with disgust.
She had to smile though when Tanya glared at her presence in the open doorway, and the way Jessie refused to look up from the sink. She stepped onto the linoleum floor and closed the door behind her, slinking as best she could over to the kitchen table.
“Good morning, you two,” she said in a faux pleasant voice. “How was your night?” She made a point of looking them up and down before adding, “Looks like the two of you had a bit of fun last night; I know I did…”
Tanya took a step toward her and told her in a deep, angry voice, “I know, she told me all about it.”
Heather gave her a girly little wave-off and replied, “That’s not what I’m talking about, thought that was fun, too.”
She giggled at the way Tanya scowled, the veins sticking out in her neck like they always did when she got mad. Heather leaned toward Jessie, who was still quietly washing the dishes in the sink.
“Guess who I was fucking last night, Jessie?” she taunted.
“I dont think she really gives a fuck whose dick you had up your ass,” Tanya said in Jessies defense. Though Jessie was clearly upset, it was clear she was content to let Tanya do all the talking.
Heather ignored the jab. She may be loose, but she didn’t do anal. “That’s an exit only!” she’d always say when some guy tried. Tanya couldn’t ruffle her feathers that easily, especially when she was looking so forward to what she was going to tell Jessie.
“What was his name again?” she feigned, getting a satisfactory guffaw out of Tanya. “Oh yeah, Jon Everson. Wasn’t he that cute guy you were eyeing in your class, Jessie?”
Jessies jaw dropped and she stared in disbelief, obviously too stunned to say or do anything.
Heather knew the others would believe her, after all, for all of the things people seemed to hate her for, she didn’t really ever lie. She smiled at Jessies reaction and enjoyed every second of it.
You really should go out bar-hopping with me instead of sitting around here doing homework,” she teased. “I found him at Buck’s with a few of his cute friends.”
Heather saw Jessie’s lips start to quiver and the beginnings of tears forming in her eyes.
“He was so good, I can see why you’d like him, Jessie; he nearly wore me out.” Heather paused to run her tongue across her lips and to fondle herself. “He had a nice big cock and felt so good in my pussy and in my mouth. Mmmmm . I can’t wait to taste his cum again ”
Heather giggled at the looks on Jessie and Tanya’s face. She was enjoying herself so much that she didn’t even have time to react when Tanya clopped over in those huge combat boots of hers and punched her right across the jaw. Tanya hit her with enough force to knock her and the chair backwards. She stared up at Tanya, shocked. [i:2e3jc2br]She [u:2e3jc2br]hit[/u:2e3jc2br] me![/i:2e3jc2br]
Heather couldn’t believe it neither one of them had ever had the gall to lay a hand on her before now. Now both of them were standing over her, looking down on [u:2e3jc2br]her[/u:2e3jc2br]!
She rubbed her jaw and glowered defiantly at Tanya. “Figures you’d stick up for her, since she sucks your pussy every night. Did the two of you have a nice carpet-eating session when you got home?”
Tanya seemed to stand motionless, but the next thing she knew, Heather felt a sharp jab in her belly and was forced to curl into the fetal position. She felt the hard rubber and leather of Tanya’s boot and knew that the dirty little bitch had just kicked her when she was down. If she had the strength, she’d punch that dyke right in the cunt.
[i:2e3jc2br]Except she’d probably enjoy that…[/i:2e3jc2br]
As if some higher power had somehow read her mind, there was another sharp pain in her already worn out snatch. Her eyes bulged out with the pain, and she could help but cry out, her eyes beginning to water. To add insult to injury, there was a wet splat on her cheek, and it didn’t take long for her to figure out that Jessie had just spit on her.
“Hope I got you in the cunt, you bitch!” she heard Jessie scream from above her.
She heard steps leading away from her and the door opening. With a loud slam she was by herself, alone in the pain and insult. She had half a mind to call the cops on the two wenches for assaulting her, but knowing the PC laws in this university town, they’d probably side with the lezzies.
Heather could only writhe in pain and cry silently onto the kitchen floor.
[b:18od1jrh][u:18od1jrh]Hatching a Plan[/u:18od1jrh][/b:18od1jrh]
Jessie sat in the passenger seat as Tanya drove her goth-mobile around town, not going anywhere in particular. They’d probably get kicked out of anyplace they went, anyway, since she was basically just wearing a pair of Tanya’s steel-toed boots and one of her over-sized t-shirts, and Tanya was just in a sports bra and jogging shorts to go with her combat boots. Tanya in particular was drawing a few stares just as they drove around town the goth look and a jogging bra were definitely an odd combination.
Jessie stared at her, wondering what they were going to do now that it was obvious they couldn’t live with Heather anymore. She hoped Heather didn’t do anything to their stuff. Even if they had locked their doors before Heather had gotten there, she didn’t know what Heather was capable of. It wouldn’t even surprise her if Heather had called the cops on them and they’d be pulled over on the next street they drove down.
Tanya had been absolutely silent since they’d gotten into her car. Jessie had never seen Tanya this mad, and it made her worried. She was proud that Tanya had stood up for her, though, and it made her feel warm inside to have someone like Tanya who was always there for her like that.
“You know what, you were right,” Tanya said suddenly.
“About what?”
“About what we should do to Heather.”
Jessie looked at her with confusion. “You mean fucking with her with that cannibal shit?”
“No, what you first said.”
Jessie had at first been shocked she’d thought about doing that to Heather, but the more she reflected on it, the more she liked the idea of roasting that bitch alive. Was Tanya actually thinking the same thing now? She’d seemed so against it before.
“You mean going all the way?”
Tanya nodded. “Shell never change her ways, shes been like this since junior high.”
All the horrible things Heather had done to other people came flooding back to Jessie. Heather [u:18od1jrh]had[/u:18od1jrh] been unapologetically cruel to everyone since she grew a pair of tits, even to her own friends. Yesterday the fact she was contemplating torturing and killing Heather would have shocked Jessie, but now everything seemed to be in perspective, and she could think of nothing better than to rid the world of such a waste of skin. At least this way they might get some use out of her by eating her.
“Good,” she finally said. “I want to see that whore suffer.”
“How should we do it?”
“I think we should do it your favorite way, give her one last good fuck.” Jessie sneered. “Little slut will probably like it.”
“You mean spitting? But where would we get one? We cant exactly go downtown and pick one up you know.”
“Well, [u:18od1jrh]I am[/u:18od1jrh] a mechanical engineering student after all, with access to the machine shop and bar-stock steel; Ill make something up,” Jessie confidently replied. “I just need some of those drawings you mentioned to base something on.”
Tanya smiled and glanced at her proudly. “I’d say that I have plenty of reference material for you.”
Jessie laughed at that Tanya probably had more porn than most guys.
“Now all that leaves is where to do it; we can’t just roast her up in the front lawn of the apartment complex.”
Tanya thought for a moment. “My dad has a hunting lodge not far form here, only about an hour or so away. Theres nothing for miles up there and its back in the woods, no one should be able to see anything.”
Jessie let a sinister smile creep across her face. Sounds like a plan.
The bitch’s fate was sealed.
[b:2ntg0kug][u:2ntg0kug]Plastic Humble Pie[/u:2ntg0kug][/b:2ntg0kug]
Heather sat at the table and nursed her bruises. There wasnt much she could really do about it, but holding the ice to them really helped, though the one she was sitting on still bothered her. She honestly hadnt thought Tanya and Jessie would do anything, and was wondering what to do next. She was sure theyd be coming back, and even though she had no guilt about what she did or saw anything wrong with it, but she didnt want to get beaten up again either she was in no shape for a fight now.
She heard Tanya’s little rice-burner pull up in front and its two doors slam. She straightened up as best she could, and waited apprehensively for the front door to open.
Jessie and Tanya walked through the door and stood silently. Heather put her hand up in a kind of surrender, and to keep them from saying anything until she’d said what she’d rehearsed to herself for their return.
“Look,” she started. “I’m sorry about last night, Jessie.”
Heather did her best to look sincere as she gauged Jessie’s reaction.
“Oh?” was her only response, her expression otherwise unreadable.
Heather looked down at the table, pretending to be ashamed of what had been a great start to a wonderful evening.
“When I came home yesterday, I was feeling pretty horny, and like they say, ‘two heads and only enough blood to run one at a time’.” Heather batted her eyelashes for effect and offered Jessie a small smile, hoping to get one in return. She didn’t. “I just wanted to get off and you were the only one around right then, but to be honest I’m not really into girls, and I just put up a front to hide the fact I was uncomfortable with actually doing it with another chick.”
Jessie frowned. “So why did you go out and fuck Jon and then rub my face in it?” she demanded.
Heather took a deep breath she was about to lie and hoped Jessie and Tanya would believe it.
“I didn’t, actually.”
Tanya and Jessie actually looked genuinely surprised at that.
“I did go out and fuck some random guy last night like I usually do on the weekends, but I couldn’t tell you [u:2ntg0kug]what[/u:2ntg0kug] his name was. I was so drunk I barely remember what he looked like.”
It was easy for her to look sincere, because she actually was kind of drunk when she’d seen him there at Buck’s.
“I brought up Jon’s name because I knew you liked him, and I guess at the time I thought I should be keeping up appearances because I didn’t want to apologize to you right then, because…” Heather took a deep breath and let it out. “Because I didn’t want to admit that I liked what you’d done to me last night.”
Both of them looked satisfactorily stunned at her proclamation, and seemed to be buying her elaborate explanation. Tanya and Jessie exchanged a look, with Tanya quirking an eyebrow at Jessie. It was a moment before they said anything.
It was Tanya who finally broke the silence, clearing her throat. “Then in that case I’m sorry I hit you.”
“And I’m sorry I kicked you and spit on you,” Jessie chimed in.
Heather did her best to seem humbled by their acceptance of her bullshit. “You mean you’re not mad?”
“Weve been friends for so long,” Jessie interjected, “How can we have let so much come between us?”
Heather smiled, pleased at their naivety, and answered, “How can I argue with that?” She stood up and extended her arms. “Friends?”
Jessie and Tanya both smiled and embraced her in a group hug. She was so happy they’d bought her fake apology that she ignored the feeling that something wasn’t quite right with them.
During the next week, Jessie designed an eight-foot long spit based on the artwork Tanya had given her, using some design software she had on her personal computer. She also downloaded a detailed computer model of a human female that was completely anatomically correct inside and out. Using what she knew of Heather’s appearance, she managed to modify the model so she could make a good guess of how things would line up inside of her. This was important, because unless the complex series of holes she was designing for the hollow section of the pipe lined up right, Heather would suffocate soon after being spitted, and she wanted her to live to be roasted alive.
Later, Jessie bought an eight-foot section of bar-stock steel from the universitys engineering department and secured permission to use the machine shop after hours. No one asked her what she was doing - no one cared as long as she signed the checks and they didnt bounce. It was all very convenient actually, because since she was there after hours, she could lock the door and work without worrying about being disturbed. She wouldnt want anyone to see her fashioning a spit with the computer-controlled machining center and the lathe.
It took her a while, but when she was finished it was a thing of beauty. She’d had to cut the pole into three sections so the machining center could bore out the breathing section while she turned down one of the spit ends to a sharp point. Over the course of the week she’d carefully welded it back together and gave it a good polish. She hoped that the breathing holes wouldnt clog up with blood when it came time use the spit.
The spit finished, Jessie turned everything off and closed up the shop. Walking into the cool night air, she quickly opened up the topper of her pickup and put the spit inside. Being a small university town, no one was around now to see her do this, but daylight always brought plenty of prying eyes. She threw a canvas tarp over the spit, but since one of the ends had to rest along the top of the box, it was still pretty obvious what it was. She just hoped the windows were tinted enough to keep her nosy neighbors from noticing anything out of the ordinary.
Now on to the next job, Jessie wryly thought to herself. The next step would be to come up with the stabilizing rod that would double as a meat thermometer. The size, shape, and position of it had varied in the drawings, but she had decided that Heather would be tormented the most if the spit pushed up her ass. Just for extra torture, Jessie had also decided that the stabilizer should have a third function, a stimulator. On top of twitching over the fire in pain, Heathers body would have to deal with the pleasure of a vibrator integrated into the stabilizer rod.
But that would have to wait until the next week, since she needed the weekend to catch up on her homework. She still had plenty of time, though, as Spring Break was late this year.
It took Jessie three days to form the plate copper she had gotten into the shape she wanted.
She set aside the impossibly huge rubberized penis shed used as a sort of form for the conductive sheath that would make up the outside of the rod. She slipped in the wood core that she’d carved to give the rod structural integrity and brazed the copper sheath around it. She’d drilled a hole through the length of the core for the temperature probe and the small motor that would make it vibrate. Giving the base some threads, Jessie was finally done with everything she could do in the shop. She put all the tools away and cleaned the shop one last time before gathering up the product of her labor and carefully adding it to the back of her ‘83 Chevy pickup.
All the work Jessie had done had made her arrive late in the evenings at the apartment, but fortunately Heather was too preoccupied with herself to notice or care. There was only a few more days left in her miserable life now.
The next day, Jessie went to classes like usual but skipped her last one so she could get back early. It pained her to do so, but she needed the time before Heather made it home from her classes.
She cautiously took out the stabilizer rod from her pickup and took it into the apartment. She then took out the other materials she needed and set everything out on the table before sneaking back into Heather’s room for one last part. She’d fixed the door after she and Tanya had pretended to make up with Heather, which gave her an excuse to hide a secret way in to the wench’s room for just this occasion.
She pulled out the small wood plug she’d left in the door frame, and pushed a straightened paper clip inside. Feeling the catch she’d hidden at the bottom of the door jam, she flicked it and the door latch went loose, allowing her to jimmy it open with an old ruler.
Heather was simple-minded, so it didn’t take long to find where she’d hidden her vibrator, though “hidden” didn’t really describe just inside the drawer of her nightstand. Jessie wrinkled her nose at the fact Heather had neglected to clean her impressively-sized power tool after its last use, and avoided touching the business end of it as much as she could. Unscrewing the base of it, she had what she needed. She giggled at the irony of her own vibrator helping to provide a means to her own end.
After replacing the vibrator and locking the door behind her, Jessie went back to the kitchen table and started to work. She fitted the vibrator motor that Heather had so generously donated into the stabilizer, then slipped the temperature probe through the middle of the assembly, the point projecting slightly out of the tip, and finally screwed on the end-cap that contained the digital thermometer readout and the switch for the small motor inside. Jessie smiled; everything was ready.
An hour later, Tanya and Heather walked through the door and Jessie was already patiently waiting for them. Tanya winked at Jessie, indicating that shed already talked to Heather about their plan for Spring Break.
So . You two have a surprise getaway planned for the three of us, Heather said, confirming that Tanya had spoken with her about it.
Jessie nodded and added, Yeah, we thought we could rekindle the old friendship we used to have, or if nothing else we could get away from this town for a while.
Well Heather mulled, I suppose I could use that if nothing else.
Good, Tanya replied, Its all settled then.
The three of them smiled, though obviously for different reasons.
[b:2w95srx9][u:2w95srx9]Road Trip[/u:2w95srx9][/b:2w95srx9]
Everything was going perfectly as planned. It hadn’t been hard at all to talk Heather into going to her own funeral, and Jessie had already shown her the spit and pussy post. Tanya didn’t think things could be much better. By the time they were leaving that afternoon, most of the campus would be deserted, so there shouldn’t be anyone to see them leaving together. Heather was packing as much of her shit as she could fit in her bag, too, which was just helping to build their alibi for later on.
Tanya hefted the bags she and Jessie had backed for the trip, and went back inside for the sleeping bags. When she saw how full Heather’s bag was, she couldn’t believe it. Did she think this was some fancy hotel room they were going to? It was a hunting cabin in the middle of the woods for crying out loud!
Tanya couldn’t keep herself from smiling as Heather hefted the bag up onto the table. “Got enough bodies in that thing?”
“Hardy-har-har,” Heather retorted. “Since you’re practically a guy, you may not understand, but a proper lady needs certain things to keep up her appearance.”
[i:2w95srx9]Proper lady?[/i:2w95srx9] Tanya snerked at that and shared an eye-roll with Jessie, but fortunately Heather didn’t drag it out anymore. It did give her a bit of a scare though when Heather started to pick up her bag to load it in Jessie’s pickup. Even if she didn’t recognize the spit for what it was, it might make her suspicious, and at the very least she might start asking questions.
Tanya quickly handed off the sleeping bags to Jessie and stepped forward. “Uh, I could load that for you, Heather.”
Heather looked at her with a little confusion on her face.
Tanya put on her best smile and flexed her arms. “It would probably be a good workout,” she told Heather in a teasing voice.
Heather kind of rolled her eyes a little, but thankfully accepted Tanya’s offer at face value.
She was thankful that she’d kept up weight-training as part of her regular exercise routine, because she probably never would have made it all the way to the back of the pickup with Heather’s bags otherwise. Heather came out shortly afterwards and got in the passenger side of the pickup. Tanya opened the driver side door and crawled in, earning her a questioning look from Heather.
“You’re driving?”
Tanya nodded. “It’s my daddy’s cabin and Jessie doesn’t know the way.”
Heather looked at her blankly. “Oh.”
Fortunately that had been a long enough distraction for Heather not to notice that Jessie had unlocked Heather’s car and dropped the keys on the ground right under its door.
Jessie threw the sleeping bags in back and closed up the topper. When she crawled into the cab, she reached across Heather and handed Tanya the keys. Heather would be sitting bitch for the drive out to the woods.
[i:2w95srx9]How appropriate.[/i:2w95srx9]
Tanya smiled as she started the pickup and shifted it into gear. It was a manual pickup, so it gave her an excuse to smack Heather in the knees as she popped it into reverse.
Heather made a pouty face.
Tanya didn’t care if Heather thought she was sincere or not, because that kind of “accident” was going to happen plenty of times before they got out of town. It was going to be a fun drive.
[b:1vhah3p3][u:1vhah3p3]You Call This a Vacation?[/u:1vhah3p3][/b:1vhah3p3]
Heather couldn’t believe how stupid Tanya and Jessie were. She’d spent the last couple of weeks trying to think of a way to get them back for beating her up, and they’d given her the perfect opportunity to get back at them. The best part was that they actually thought they had to talk her into going!
[i:1vhah3p3]Let’s see, a cabin in the middle of no where, only one vehicle, whatever could I do to them?[/i:1vhah3p3] Heather asked herself rhetorically.
It actually wasn’t that hard to figure out something to do, more narrowing it down to only a few possibilities. Leaving them tied up naked outside and driving off with their only vehicle definitely at the top of the list. She could just imagine the look on their faces as she left them tied to a tree buck ass naked and drove off in Jessie’s crappy old pickup. She had to suppress a quiver of excitement of how cold they’d get at night, and how long it might take them to get loose, not to mention having to hike miles into the nearest town with nothing to wear.
When she got back to the apartment, she’d probably wreck all of their stuff just to rub their faces in it. She didn’t even care if she got into some kind of legal trouble for it, because she knew all it would take was batting her eyelashes at the right person to get her out of something so minor. People always took her for a dumb blonde, be she knew the most they could potentially charge her with would be unlawful restraint since they were the ones that had driven her out there, and she simply would be tying them up. At most she’d probably get some community service, and returning the pain they’d caused her would more than make up for it.
It took them a little over an hour to drive out to the middle of no where, and the only thing that kept Heather from being completely bored out of her mind was imagining her revenge. There was something especially naughty about the thought of stripping her dyke friends down and typing them up, though Tanya would probably enjoy it. She didn’t really know how she was going to do it, but she’d have to get them separated somehow and take them by surprise, probably Tanya first since she was the only one of the two who might put up much of a fight.
Keeping her mind occupied meant that it was a bit more of a shock for her to look up and suddenly see nothing but tree-covered hills. Having been born and raised in the fairly sizable university town she was going to school at, she thought that she was truly in the wilderness now. Her eyes widened in awe as they left pavement and turned onto a gravel rode, and later left that for a road that was basically just two wheel ruts cut in the ground.
When they finally got out to the hunting cabin Tanya had told her about, she almost couldn’t believe her eyes. It was so much worse than she had imagined. Why, the whole cabin was probably only as big as her room in the apartment. She couldn’t believe that she was going to have to stay here for however long it took to get the jump on Tanya and Jessie. She was going to have to take a [u:1vhah3p3]really[/u:1vhah3p3] long shower when she got back.
Tanya and Jessie were oddly quiet when they got out of the pickup to unload their things. Heather went to the cabin door and waited for Tanya to unlock it.
“It’s not locked,” Tanya called from the back of the pickup.
[i:1vhah3p3]How quaint[/i:1vhah3p3], Heather thought to herself.
She pulled open the rusty screen door and tried the cast iron handle of the cabin door. Sure enough, it was unlocked. Opening it, she stepped inside, and saw that it was every bit as horrible as she thought it would be.
She immediately set about looking for every little thing she could bitch to Tanya and to tease her about while the two of them were busy unloading everything.
She waited until they were done and had started to unpack.
“God, I cant believe I let you two talk me into coming out here,” she complained. She turned around and motioned at the lack of any outlets in the wall. “Why didn’t you tell me that there wasn’t even any power out here?”
She looked over her shoulder at Tanya, expecting to see Tanya giving her the usual wry look. Instead, Tanya was giving her a toothy grin.
[i:1vhah3p3]That’s strange[/i:1vhah3p3], she thought. She was about to goad Tanya further just to get that sour-puss face, but before she could say anything, Tanya interrupted her.
“You know, I think weve heard enough out of you.”
The next thing she knew, she was being tackled to the floor, and a ball gag was being forced into her mouth. Tanya kneeled over her and tightened up the strap of the gag, laughing at her efforts to free herself. She was trying to get her arms up to push Tanya away from her, but her arms were being held behind her back by some really strong hands. She felt the cold steel of handcuffs on her wrists, and tried to scream as they were ratcheted down. All that came out was a muffled wail. Tanya and Jessie stood up and laughed at her as she struggled in her new bonds.
“Not such the super-bitch now, are ya?” Tanya taunted.
Heather rolled onto her back glared up at her new nemesis with all the defiance she could muster.
Tanya and Jessie simply laughed as they started to strip.
[i:1vhah3p3]What the [u:1vhah3p3]are[/u:1vhah3p3] they doing?[/i:1vhah3p3] She wondered. [i:1vhah3p3]Are they going to lez out here in front of me or something?[/i:1vhah3p3]
Tanya slicked back her hair and pulled her black t-shirt over her head, revealing that she was wearing a corset underneath and nothing else. Jessie was completely naked when Heather looked over at her to see what she was doing. Her eyes widened when Jessie pulled the biggest strap-on she’d ever seen out of her bag and put it on.
Her eyes caught the glint of metal and she quickly turned her attention to Tanya. To her horror, she saw that Tanya had a big hunting knife in her hands.
[i:1vhah3p3]Oh my God! What the [u:1vhah3p3]fuck[/u:1vhah3p3] are they going to [u:1vhah3p3]do[/u:1vhah3p3] to me? Are they going to rape me?[/i:1vhah3p3]
Heather tried to cry out again, but the best she could manage was a long wailing sound. She struggled to get up again, but she just couldn’t roll into a good position to stand up with her arms cuffed behind her back. She tried to squirm away as Tanya approached her with the knife, afraid that she might stab her or slit her throat, though she couldn’t imagine why.
Instead, Tanya started cutting away Heather’s clothes, and she was convinced that they were going to rape her now. The tears were already streaming down her face as she angrily tried to kick at Tanya, but the fucking goth managed to catch her legs and roll her over onto her belly.
Tanya pulled Heather’s legs roughly up to her butt and Jessie helped to tie her ankles to her wrists and to each other with some twine from lord knows where. They’d definitely come prepared for whatever they were planning to do to her. No longer able to resist, all she could do was cry silently as the rest of her clothes were cut away from her body.
Heather was already starting to lose track of time when she felt herself lifted onto the wooden table at the center of the room. The way she was tied left her completely vulnerable to penetration, and she knew it.
“Are you ready for what comes next, Heather?” Tanya jeered. She got Heathers attention and motioned towards Jessie, who was lubing up the strap-on she was wearing. Heathers eyes widened, wondering how something so huge could possibly fit inside of her.
Seeming to have sensed her thoughts, Jessie told her, “Don’t worry, with the proper amount of force, it [u:1vhah3p3]will[/u:1vhah3p3] fit.”
Jessie gave her an evil grin, and she tried to cry out again. She couldn’t imagine anything more humiliating than getting raped by a lesbian even getting violated by a man would be better than this.
Heather saw Tanya disappear behind her, and soon felt her starting to rub her pussy. Tanya was paying special attention to her sensitive clit, and even though sex was the furthest thing from her mind, her body had other ideas, and reacted to the stimulation with arousal. The moisture started to form in her slit, apparently leading Tanya to start in with her tongue, licking at her cunt with wide, broad strokes at first, then forcing the lips apart and lapping at her defenseless slit.
Jessie and Tanya took turns, keeping up the treatment for what seemed like hours. Even though she knew that they were probably getting her ready for that huge strap-on she’d seen Jessie wearing, it was still a shock when she finally felt the cold, hard tip of it at the entrance to her now swollen and dripping pussy, slowly forcing its way into her. Heather tried to cry out in pain and frustration, but the gag kept her from doing so. She could only silently cry as she was violated, and she was forced to enjoy it. Jessies pelvis met Heathers ass for the first time, and she started to slowly pull back out, Heathers well lubricated pussy slurping and sucking as the fake cock was pulled out. Now Jessie started a new stroke, and another, and another, increasing her tempo each time. Heather began to moan and squeal despite herself as she grew accustomed to being stretched this much, which only made Jessie piston faster.
Heather’s head jerked with each stroke, and the sounds that were being made as Jessies skin slapped against her firm ass and the slurp of her juicy cunt as Jessie withdrew again filled her ears. SLAMM!…SLURP!..WHAM!..SLORP!…SMACK!..THURP!
Tanya was obviously getting turned on by all of this when she put on her spiked dog collar, looking every bit the dominatrix now. All that was missing were the thigh-high boots, and it wouldn’t have surprised her if Tanya had somehow managed to pack a pair of those along. Instead, when Tanya reached into her bag again, she pulled out yet another strap-on. It wasnt as big as Jessies, more long and narrow. The filthy dyke started to use it on herself too, watching Jessie fuck her and synchronizing with the strokes she took.
Heather could feel the pressure starting to build inside of her, and despised her body for enjoying this treatment. A few seconds later, her body was spasming and shuddering as she groaned with her involuntary pleasure, the tears still streaking down her face. Tanya laughed cruelly.
“Whats the matter?” She teased. “I thought you liked being fucked by big fat ones?”
Heather looked down at the ground as Tanya laughed again, but Tanya wasnt done taunting her just yet. She grabbed her face and looked her dead in the eyes, then looked up at Jessie, who had by now built up a good, constant.
“Do you think its time to give her a little preview of whats to come?” Tanya asked Jessie.
Heather didn’t hear a response, but Tanya put on her strap-on all the same. When Tanya took the ball gag out of her mouth, she immediately started pleading with them to let her go.
“Shut the fuck up and suck my dick you dirty little slut!” came Tanyas reply, right before she rammed the fake cock into her open mouth and down her throat.
Heather started to gag right away, but Tanya pulled the rubber cock out of her mouth before it could build enough to make her vomit. She tried to bite down, not that she thought it would hurt Tanya, but hoped it would keep Tanya from being able to shove the offending member back down her throat. She only succeeded in chipping her front teeth.
Suddenly, Heather felt Jessies huge strap-on leave her aching cunt. At first she was relieved, though it felt oddly empty now, her pussy still gaping open. She soon realized that she should have known better than to think any of the torture was done, because while Tanya was fucking her throat, she soon felt the head of Jessies strap-on pressing against her sphincter. It was odd to think that she, who had always been so loose with men, was still virgin in this area, something she had actually taken pride in. That is an exit only! She used to say. Not anymore. She tried to keep herself tightly closed, but it didnt take long for Jessie to force her way in. Heather tried to scream, but she was cut off as Tanya shoved her rubber member down her throat again, only managing to get out an AwwAK!
Jessie and Tanya kept up this treatment late into the night, only stopping on what was technically Saturday morning to get each other off after forcing her to cum so many times that shed lost count. Heather knew that they purposely did it in front of her, and even though at first she averted her eyes, she couldnt keep herself from watching as the women sixty-nined with each other. They were both quiet lovers, but their writhing about and soft sighs attested to the pleasure and contentment each felt as they made love, running their hands over each other as they ate each other out. They brought each other to climax several times before theyd drained themselves of energy and fell asleep in a tangled heap of sweat-soaked limbs. Her own energy spent by what she’d been put through, Heather soon followed them, passing out more than falling asleep.
[b:30o5f0ro][u:30o5f0ro]Hi Honey, What’s For Dinner?[/u:30o5f0ro][/b:30o5f0ro]
Jessie woke up first, she and Tanya apparently having untangled themselves in the night. They’d kept each other warm, having completely forgotten about the sleeping bags in their desperate need for each other’s touch. The only other thought that had crossed their minds was how nasty it would be to make sure Heather would basically have to watch, so they’d ended up falling asleep on the bare mattress. Jessie smiled and gave Tanya a soft kiss on the forehead, then got up for the day.
She was surprised at how late it was almost noon, actually and wondered how late they’d been up that night.
Sitting in a wicker chair, she quietly got dressed in the “Lumber Jill” outfit she’d gotten for herself this week. It was just a cheap flannel shirt with some suspenders and old jeans she’d gotten at a second-hand store. Tanya was letting her burrow a pair of her older boots, but she’d probably end up burning the old clothes she’d bought for this trip just in case any of Heather’s fluids managed to make their way onto them.
She looked over at Heather, who was somehow sleeping soundly in the odd position she’d been left in. Jessie was surprised that it was possible for someone to sleep hog-tied, with a giant dildo crammed up her ass and another one crammed down her throat. Hopefully by now her ass would be stretched wide enough for the spit, and her gag reflex would be gone so she wouldn’t choke to death on the spit that would be far too quick of an end for her.
Jessie snuck quietly through the door, taking one last look at Tanya lying there in the sun beams coming from the window. She went to the back of her pickup and retrieved the first thing she’d made for this little camping trip: the two spit supports that would go on either end of the barbeque pit. They were just pipe sections welded to the end of some stout fence posts she’d scrounged out of a scrap pile, so she hoped they’d take the pounding she was about to subject them to. Grabbing a sixteen pound maul and a tape measure, she closed the door of the topper and went looking for a flat spot close to the cabin.
She found a spot that looked promising about twenty feet from the east side of the cabin and measured it out. It was more than enough, so she got a spade out of the tool shed next to the cabin and marked the rectangular shape of the pit out. She carefully cut the sod up into bricks and set them aside in the shade of a nearby tree. She cleaned up the few remaining roots and packed the loose dirt down. Done with that, she looked around for some stones, and used what she found to line the edges of the pit so the grass there wouldn’t burn. That done, it was time to pound in the spit supports.
The supports were fairly easy to pound into the ground, and thankfully the pipe sections hadn’t warped under the pounding. But while she had hoped Tanya would be able to sleep a bit longer in return for the “extra effort” she’d put in last night, she wasn’t surprised at all to see Tanya come through the door at the sound of metal pounding metal. She [u:30o5f0ro]was[/u:30o5f0ro] slightly surprised to see Tanya was only wearing her combat boots though.
“Why good morning, sunshine.”
Tanya smiled at her and watched as she drove the second spit guide home. Tanya looked excitedly at what she was doing and seemed impressed by how far along she was.
“Looks great, Jessie, but I think we should have a little more fun with Heather before we get her ready.”
“I think I know just the thing,” Jessie agreed.
Heather jumped at the sound of the screen door slamming shut behind them as they came in. She was clearly scared as she eyed the large bucket labeled Olive Oil and the two rather large basting brushes they were carrying. Now doubt the evil grins they both had were making her wonder just what the hell they had in store for her.
“You know,” Tanya started, “We debated as to whether or not to use barbeque sauce, but I thought you’d look better if you were covered in olive oil instead; youre skin glistening as you turned.”
“But I was worried about how it would taste,” Jessie continued for her, “So were going to make sure we made the right choice, or if we have to drive out the twenty miles to the nearest little town to buy something else.”
“In order to do that, we need to take a little taste test,” Tanya finished.
Jesse dipped the brush into the bucket of olive oil and slathered some on Heather’s pussy. Heather shivered as the cool liquid touched her sensitive lips, and gave an involuntary jerk as Jessie started to lick it off.
“Mmmm ” Jessie moaned, “You taste so [u:30o5f0ro]good[/u:30o5f0ro] Heather!”
Jessie repeated the process but Tanya wasnt about to just stand by and watch. She brushed some of the olive oil out on Heathers firm ass and licked it off with long strokes of her tongue. Tanya licked her lips and reapplied more basting, apparently agreeing with Jessies assessment.
Heather moaned at all the extra stimulation, the little slut probably enjoying all the attention they were giving her. Tanya took turns with Jessie at Heather’s cunt and ass, though every once in a while theyd try a different part of her as well. Jessie had to giggle at how frustrated Heather was getting she’d talked Tanya into getting Heather close to cumming and then stopping, as a way of paying her back for the way she’d teased her on that fateful day.
“Well ” Jessie finally said, “We better not waste all of our basting on this, and we might make ourselves sick if all were eating is olive oil.”
Tanya put the olive oil and the brushes up on the counter and went outside to start up the generator. There might not be electricity wired in from the outside, but the cabin was equipped for short stays.
Jessie uncoiled the new garden hose she’d gotten and screwed it onto the end of the faucet. With the other end in the sink, Jessie turned the water on and let it flush the hose out, giving it a good rinse.
Turning to Heather, she smiled and told her, “time to get you cleaned up, little piggie.”
Heather pouted at the name she’d called her and Jessie laughed.
She’d rather be using hot water for this, but there was no water heater out here. The look Heather gave her when she shoved the hose up her loose cunt was almost worth it though, especially after she turned the cold water on. The bucket she’d placed under the edge of the table caught all the nasties as Heather was rinsed out.
She repeated the process for Heather’s ass, which also drew more muffled screams from her future meal. There was more of a mess with this, but she’d deal with it later. For now she scrubbed Heather down with soap and water, getting done with as much as she could before she needed Tanya’s help to flip her over.
As luck would have it, Tanya came in not long after she was finished.
“Coals are lit,” she announced.
Seeing that she needed help, Tanya helped Jessie flip Heather over onto her back, her arms and legs still hog-tied behind her. Heather groaned with the pain of the awkward position she’d been placed in, which was music to Jessie’s ears as far as she was concerned. It made washing her up that much more enjoyable. Tanya took care of the mess that had been created earlier, leaving them alone again. Jessie took her time, getting every nook and cranny soaped up and scrubbed out before giving Heather a nice cold rinse. She watched the goosebumps form on Heather’s skin and took pleasure in the way her nipples puckered up from the cold. Usually they were barely visible against her tanned skin, but now they stood out, having darkened a little in color thanks to the cold.
Jessie let Heather air dry as she got a small bowl of water and “borrowed” Heather’s razor from her bag. She got another satisfying squeal out of Heather as she wet down her pubic mound with the ice cold water, making the hair she had left there and even her stubble stand out.
Jessie heard the screen door screech open and slam shut as she took the first few scrapes off of Heather’s mound.
“What are you doing?” Tanya asked her, a little confusion in her voice.
Jessie turned to her as she rinsed the razor out in the bowl. “Like you said, no one likes hair in their food.”
Tanya gave her a toothy grin and patted her own bare mound. “I like to use hot wax, personally, but I guess I didn’t think to bring any with.”
Jessie turned her attention back to Heather’s partially shaved cunt, being careful not to cut her prematurely. “This will do. And anything that’s left will probably fall out when the heat gets to her skin.”
Heather moaned and tried to ask them something through the dildo that was still crammed down her throat. Guessing her question, Jessie responded by telling her, “don’t worry, you’ll find out soon enough.”
She and Tanya shared a laugh as Jessie finished shaving Heather’s prime cut.
With one final rinse of cold water, Heather was done and ready to be spitted. Jessie gave Tanya a sexy look and ran her tongue along her upper lip. Tanya nodded and went outside to the back of Jessie’s pickup. The look on Heather’s face as she saw the spit was priceless, her ultimate fate finally clear to her. She started to wail and weakly struggled again, as if that would help her escape. Her squirming didn’t even make flipping her over any harder than when she’d just been laying there.
Tanya handed Jessie the spit. “The coals should be about ready by the time we get done trussing her.”
Jessie lined the sharpened steel up with Heather’s gaping asshole and started easing it in.
“Time for your last fuck, Heather,” Jessie called out sadistically.
Heather kept up her struggle against her bonds, but Tanya held her down with little effort and leaned in close to her ear.
“No use struggling, Heather; youre only going to make it harder on yourself.”
Jessies face twisted with the hate she felt for Heather. “Maybe you [u:30o5f0ro]should[/u:30o5f0ro] struggle, I’m going to enjoy every bit of your suffering anyway,” she spat. “You’ve been such a crazy, sadistic bitch [u:30o5f0ro]to your own fucking friends[/u:30o5f0ro], and weve had [u:30o5f0ro]enough[/u:30o5f0ro]. You’re meaty ass is ours now, I’m going to enjoy having that pussy of yours on a platter.”
She started slowly pushing the spit deeper into Heather, and sure enough the bitch tried to squirm some more, but it only served to amuse her. She could only imagine how the cold steel felt as it worked into her belly, stretching her asshole even wider than the treatment it have been given last night.
Tanya took the strap-on out of Heather’s mouth, so they could listen to her scream decently before her throat was full again. Jessie savored the sound, taking pleasure in the fear and pain she was causing this poor excuse for skin.
“Please! Dont do this to me!” Heather screamed hoarsely. “How can you do this to one of your friends!?”
“Would a friend do what you did to Jessie? Would a friend do what you’ve done to us for the past six years!?” Tanya shouted, then spoke in a hushed tone, “No, you’re not our friend, you’re our entrée, just meat for our table now.”
The tears streamed down Heathers face as she cried and wailed.
Jessie could feel some more resistance and knew that after this there would be no going back. She looked into Tanya’s eyes.
“All lined up now, hold her head up Tanya.”
Tanya seized her head and held it in line with her body. Heather started to struggle again, but stopped as the spit tore through her intestines. Her eyes widened and she was silent for a moment, probably coming to the realization that the spit had torn into her insides and she was about to die. Jessie grunted gave the spit another shove, pushing it further into Heather. She screamed as the spit tore through her, inch by inch, until it reached her diaphragm. There was a wet pop and Heathers screaming was reduced to a gurgling.
Jessie was extra careful now; she wanted Heather to live through this part, so she needed to miss her heart and lungs. She guessed from what she had seen on that computer model that she should be pushing through the stomach now, and into the esophagus, at least she hoped that was the case, so she and Tanya could enjoy seeing their meat twitch over the fire.
Heather could only grunt now, too weak to do anything else. A bulge formed in her throat and Jessie knew that the spit was almost through. There was a pop as Heather’s jaw dislocated, and Tanya gasped at the sight of the spit protruding from her mouth. The gory spit pushed its way out of her lips, pulling her tongue out a little with it as it went.
Jessie finished pushing the spit through Heather and smiled, satisfied at her handiwork. Heathers chest continued to expand, and she could hear a faint whistling through the breathing holes in the spit, confirming that shed survived this far.
“Wow,” Tanya said with amazement, “She looks just like one of those girls in the drawings.”
Jessie nodded her head in agreement, but decided that theyd better finish trussing her. “Should we tie her wrists to the spit, or leave them behind her back?”
Tanya looked at her, uncertainty in her eyes. “I dont know; the drawings had them both ways, and some even had them with their hands in front of them.”
Jessie pulled a quarter out of her jeans and flipped it.
“Lets tie them to the spit.”
Tanya grabbed the twine they’d used to hog-tie Heather earlier and helped Jessie truss her to the spit, tying her ankles and wrists to the spit so she was stretched out, with only a slight bend at her knees and elbows. Jessie was a little surprised Heather didnt struggle, but she supposed Heather was either too weak or had just given up.
Finished, they tied her hair up in a bun and began to baste her, applying a thick coat of olive oil over every inch of skin that they could cover. After finishing her back, they flipped her over to baste her front, paying special attention to her freshly shaved cunt and her tits, the extra stimulation working to arose Heathers body. Heather squirmed a little under their basting brushes, but didn’t do anything else aside from making the small grunting noises she had ever since Jessie had finished spitting her. Tanya and Jessie tested Heather’s nipples and felt her pussy for fullness and firmness. Jessie enjoyed making Heather’s nipples hard and her puffy outer labia full. She looked good enough to eat right now, but she resisted the urge to take bite out of her just yet. Satisfied, they gingerly turned Heather back onto her belly.
Jessie clamped the stabilizer rod to the spit between Heathers legs and taunted, “Don’t worry, Heather; we won’t let your pussy get lonely with no cock to fill it.”
She gave it a hard push; Heathers body jerked and her fingers flexed uselessly as the rod was buried deep in her juicy cunt. Jessie kept pushing until she felt the sharp point of the thermometer dig into Heather. The display came to life and registered an average body temperature. That was all Jessie needed to know she had it in far enough, and she secured the stabilizer in place, hoping that it would not only stay where it needed to be, but would actually keep Heather from slipping around on the spit like it was supposed to.
The clamp secured, Jessie flicked the switch to the vibrator on. Jessie and Tanya both smiled as they watched how Heathers body looked as she squirmed, and enjoyed the noises of protest and pleasure she made around the spit. They kissed each other deeply, then picked Heather up and carried her outside.
[b:37copygr][u:37copygr]Putting the Meat on to Roast[/u:37copygr][/b:37copygr]
Tanya could only imagine what Heather was going through as they carried her to the barbeque pit, supported entirely by the spit that was impaling her through the length of her torso. She couldn’t see her now, as she was taking the lead. She was a little jealous of the view Jessie had, but only a little.
It didn’t take them long to reach the pit, and when they did they had to be careful. It was actually a lot hotter than she’d thought it would be, and she started sweating immediately when they got within a foot of it. She was thankful she was naked except for her boots now, and smirked as she looked over at how Jessie was dealing with the heat in her flannel and jeans. Heather was, of course, screaming as best she could through the spit and frantically trying to squirm her way away from the hot bed of coals that she was being placed over. It both amused and annoyed Tanya, because while it was fun to see Heather act that way, it also make the spit bounce, which made easing it into the guide that much harder. If she got burned because of this bitch, she was going to be pissed, if nothing else because there wasn’t much else she could do to her that she and Jessie hadn’t done already.
The two of them stood back and just looked at her for a minute, looking just like one of the many girls in her cannibal porn. They knew they couldn’t just stand there for long, though, because Heather was already starting to cook, the oil already dripping down over her skin and onto the fire. Jessie went to go get the crank shed made for the spit while Tanya went inside to get the olive oil and basting brushes.
Tanya watched as Jessie clamped the handle on the blunt end of the spit and turned Heather over, enjoying the play of light off of her glistening skin and the way her tits flopped as she was slowly turned over.
She started to baste Heather as she noticed dry spots appear or the baste starting to thin out. She put on thick layers with the brush, and was memorized by how it ran over Heathers body, especially at the droplets that formed on her nipples before dripping off and sizzling as they hit the hot coals. She probably wouldve only basted the doomed womans breasts and nipples if Jessie didnt keep teasing her. It did start to get a little tiresome for them after a while though, so they took turns at the crank and basting their still living meat.
Tanya enjoyed the orgasms that Heather was having the most. The vibrator Jessie had made was working wonderfully, setting off orgasm after orgasm, especially when the basting brush was dragged over Heather’s plumping lips or even just barely touched her exposed clit. Basting her breasts was starting to get more fun, too not only did it keep her nipples hard, after a while it was helping to make Heather cum. She came more and more frequently, so much that Tanya lost count of how any times her body jerked as it was rocked with yet another powerful orgasm. And, infamous in life as a squirter, Heather was no different now, her pussy juices forcing their way out and adding to the hiss on the coals. It didnt take too long before Jessie got the idea of collecting this and using it to baste her.
Heather tried to cry and moan, but was muffled by the spit, and soon she stopped doing it. The tears continued to stream down her face though, and Tanya joined Jessie in making cooing noises and laughing at her.
After a few hours, Heather didnt have to be basted as much, and even when she did, it was more to spread her own drippings over her body than to add more olive oil. She looked absolutely delicious, and Tanya’s mouth was already watering in anticipation. Her skin glistened as it took on the appearance of a light tan, her own juices running over her darkening hide, collecting on her breasts and ass before dripping off and hissing on the coals beneath her. She didn’t squirm as much when she came either, and it looked like she might be starting to dry up. It was too bad there was no way to keep her going any longer, but it probably wouldn’t be too much longer before she died anyway.
She just loved the way Heather’s cunt and tits were plumping up. Her pussy looked so delicious and inviting, and her tits were almost perfect hemispheres, their nipples standing straight out. They weren’t even flopping anymore, really. Maybe they were getting too full.
Jessie must’ve noticed the same thing. “Her tits look like they’re about to burst, don’t they?”
“Maybe the juices in them can’t seep out because of all the tissue there,” Tanya theorized.
Tanya left Jessie to turn Heather while she went inside the cabin. She searched through some of the drawers that lined the walls of the cabin before finally finding what she was looking for a long slender needle used for leatherwork. She took it outside and had Jessie rotate Heather around so her breasts were easier to reach. Starting with the left side, Tanya put the needle against the tip of Heathers nipple and pushed.
Heather jerked weakly, her vocal cords probably too far gone to make any noise and her tears long since dried up.
Tanya laughed when she saw the juices squirting out of Heathers nipples. “It almost looks like she’s lactating.”
Jessie smiled and both of them watched this latest development play itself out, which, in Tanya’s mind at least, only added to Heathers beauty as she roasted.
[b:fr3b4gxd][u:fr3b4gxd]Is It Hot In Here, Or Is It Just Me?[/u:fr3b4gxd][/b:fr3b4gxd]
Heather was surprised to find herself grateful that her skin had died. Being impaled was the most pain she’d ever experienced at that point in her life, but even though her life was now nearly over, she kept experiencing new most painful things. While having a sharp object stabbed through her insides had been painful, being supported by the steel rod that was now raping her from both sides hurt even more, pressing against organs and nerve clusters she didn’t even know she had. Then there’d been the intense heat from the bed of coals those cunts had put her over, like the most intense sauna she’d ever been in. It had reddened her skin like the worst sunburn she’d never had within a minute, and was so hot that it even seemed to burn her eyes. At first the bastings had felt good -cool to the touch- but as her skin burned it became hyper-sensitive and the brush’s touch felt as bad as the fire itself. If that hadn’t been bad enough, the huge thing Jessie had shoved up her pussy was digging into her flesh deep inside of her, and the vibration from it was making her body betray itself to Jessie and Tanya, who seemed to cheer each time she shuddered with another orgasm. Even worse, they seemed to do everything they could to help it along, by touching her clit or lightly brushing her engorged pussy lips, and after a while even them brushing her sensitive nipples seemed to set her off.
At least now that the heat had finally killed her skin, she could just barely feel the pressure from the brush as it spread her own fats seeping out from inside of her over her body. She couldn’t even really feel her tits anymore. The stabs to her nipples had hurt, even though it helped to relieve the pressure that had been building inside of her breasts. Now they were just deadweight hanging from her heaving chest. She still felt plenty of pain though. The spit still hurt, and as time went on it began to burn too, inside of her mouth, throat and belly. The thing in her cunt began to burn too, Jessie probably having designed it that way as another way to torture her.
The worst torture of all, though, was that she’d had far too long to think about her impending death, so much so that she actually craved it now. Dying was bad enough, but knowing that you were slowly dying and that there was no way to survive was even worse. It had also given her plenty of time to think. She still didn’t understand how anything she’d ever done to anyone meant she deserved to die like this. So what if she’d screwed people over for her own success? That was just the way the world was, even if you had to step on your own friends to get there. And her “friends” were just a couple of dykes anyway, who should have been happy she’d even given them the time of day, let alone helped to pay for the apartment they lived in. As much money as she had, she probably could’ve had that apartment to herself, the ungrateful bitches.
She felt the dull pressure of another orgasm building, but her body barely even twitched any more when she finally came. That was the only thing she had to look forward to now. She didn’t even care about Tanya and Jessie anymore, barely aware of their presence anyway. For all the pain she was in as she slowly died, this was her one pleasure, and even though her pussy was burning, it still felt good to cum, just one more time.
The brush was at her pussy lips again, and even though she couldn’t really feel it, it was enough. Her legs twitched and her ribs shuddered as she contracted around Jessie’s huge vibrator. Her eyes rolled back as she weakly flexed her muscles, reveling in the high her body was giving her. If she could still smile she would have, even as she drifted off to sleep.
[b:2h6hpnyo][u:2h6hpnyo]Blonde, the Other White Meat[/u:2h6hpnyo][/b:2h6hpnyo]
It had been Jessies turn to baste Heather. Starting with her back, Jessie had covered Heathers body from head to toe, saving her favorite parts for last. It wasnt quite as fun to tease Heathers breasts anymore because she didn’t react to it, but Jessie still liked the way it looked when she brushed the combination of oil, fat, and cum juices on them. It was pretty obvious that Heather had almost made the final transition from woman to meat, and Jessie actually found herself almost feeling sad to see her friend of so many years die, but then she reminded herself of all the horrible things Heather had done to her and countless others. Either way, there had been one last part to baste, one that she knew would still get a reaction out of Heather. She held the pail under Heathers pussy and started to drag the bristles of the brush over her engorged lips. Heather had jerked, cumming almost the instant the bristles of the brush had touched her. Jessie had been a little disappointed that hardly anything had dribbled into her bucket, but as the last drops fell and Heather convulsed one last time, she noticed that the faint whistling from the breathing holes had stopped.
Jessie set the pail down and checked Heathers face. Her icy blue eyes were vacant, staring at nothing from behind their partially closed lids. Jessie checked her pulse just to be sure, and feeling none, she nodded at Tanyas questioning glance.
The roasting meat smelled delicious, better than any steak she’d ever cooked. Her stomach growled and her mouth watered at the smell of cooking meat, and her loins burned at the sight of Heather’s browning body being turned by her pale lover over the red-hot coals. By now, the coals were providing most of the light, illuminating everything with a warm glow.
She’d taken off the flannel shirt not long after they’d put Heather on to cook, and let the suspenders ride along the outside of her small breasts. She cupped them now, teasing her own nipples and squeezing them together. One of her hands made its way down her taught belly and into her loose pants. She wasn’t wearing any panties. Her fingers found her moist inner warmth and started to play, sending shivers up her small slender body. She’d never been this turned on before, and didn’t think she ever would be again. She looked at Tanya, busy turning Heather so she wouldn’t burn. Tanya was playing with herself to, her hand rapidly moving over her baby-smooth twat.
Jessie’s lips curved into a smile. [i:2h6hpnyo]Maybe she could use a hand.[/i:2h6hpnyo]
She walked up behind Tanya, who was too distracted to notice her. She jumped a little when Jessie put her hands over her little tits and kissed her lower neck. Sucking gently on Tanya’s favorite spot, Jessie slid her hands over Tanya’s firm abdomen, and used both hands on her pliable cunt. Tanya gasped and intertwined the fingers of her free hands with one of Jessie’s, helping her to feverishly work her pussy until she came.
She kissed Tanya and gave her a smile.
[i:2h6hpnyo]My turn…[/i:2h6hpnyo]
[b:1rvyw3ll][u:1rvyw3ll]Dinner is Served[/u:1rvyw3ll][/b:1rvyw3ll]
It was almost completely dark before the meat formally known as Heather was finally done roasting all the way through.
Tanya propped the door to the cabin open and gathered some padded oven mitts for herself and Jessie. When she got back outside Jessie was waiting for her. She gave her a knowing smile. Who would have thought cooking a woman and eating her would do so much for her libido. Jessie must be feeling pretty frisky too, because the two of them had almost constantly been fingering and eating each other out while they took turns tending to Heather. Her legs and knees were actually feeling a little weak, and she’d probably be sore tomorrow.
Tanya handed Jessie the oven mitts and they put them on, the spit too hot to handle with bare hands. They carefully took the spit off of its guides and carried Heather inside. Once they set her down on the table, Tanya finally got a chance to take a decent look at her in the incandescent lighting.
Heather’s golden brown skin was still dripping with fat and olive oil, producing a sheen that accentuated the shape of her body. Her hair had ended up burning off and falling out, leaving her completely bald, but otherwise she was very recognizable as who she’d been prior to becoming meat. Despite the fats that had dripped out of her, she had the same sexy shape, the same curvaceous legs, and the same rounded, pert cheerleader ass Tanya had always found attractive, even if she loathed who they were attached to.
She looked good like that, but the cuts they wanted first were on her front, so they turned her over so she was tits up. They cut the twine holding Heathers wrists and ankles to the spit and laid her out with her legs spread and her arms at her side. Since Jessie had been the one to spit her, Tanya now had the honor of pulling the spit back out. Steam and some of Heathers remaining juices poured out of the gaping holes left behind by the spit and the stabilizer as Tanya pulled them out and set them aside. Jessie straightened Heather’s head and stuffed an apple in her yawning mouth to complete the arrangements, and the two of them admired the way their dinner looked - like right out of one of those drawings. Her eyes stared vacantly up at the ceiling, a film over them, and her irises looking like solid grey saucers. Her breasts were a little smaller than they had been in life, but they had the same fantastic shape, swelling proudly outwards as the steam rose off of them. Her nipples, still oozing melted fat, again almost blended in with her golden-brown skin, with only a hind of light purple-pink in them to make them stand out. Her skin had tightened a little over her abs, forming a perfect trough from between her steaming tits down to the crater of her belly button, with the hint of another one that let down to her fully plump and juicy cunt, framed on either side by her well-toned thighs. It was almost a shame that they had to cut her up, but fortunately she’d thought of a way to have Heather and eat her too.
Jessie raised an eyebrow at her when Tanya went to dig through her bag. When she pulled the camera out, Jessie almost looked terrified.
“Do you [u:1rvyw3ll]really[/u:1rvyw3ll] want to have any evidence of what happened this weekend?” Jessie scolded.
Tanya dismissed her, “I know how to develop my own film, and besides, I want to be able to remember how she looked.” Then she leaned in close and whispered into Jessie’s ear, “Besides, you [u:1rvyw3ll]know[/u:1rvyw3ll] how hot it would probably make you to look back at these.”
Jessie was silent, but the way she sucked on her lower lip told Tanya that she agreed with her. This would be better than any porn she had on her computer.
Tanya carefully set up each shot, making sure to focus and adjust the aperture of her professional, all-manual, vintage 1970s camera. It took time, but Heather needed to cool down a little before they ate her anyway. Tanya took pictures from every conceivable angle, trying to capture every detail of how Heather looked. When shed finally used up the whole roll, she put it back in her bag and helped Jessie get down the plates and silverware.
The body that Heather had been so proud of and worked so hard for was carved up piece by piece. The breasts she had always flaunted to get herself the attention she had so craved were severed and put onto plates, Jessie and Tanya each taking one. The pussy she flashed at professors or anyone else she wanted something from was put on a small platter, still gaping wide open from the last cock it had been wrapped around. Tanya savored it for only a moment before she split it down the middle and gave half of it to Jessie. They were both starving, not having eaten anything for two days now in preparation for this feast. Now they gorged themselves on Heather part of her thighs, calves, belly, and ass would join her breasts and cunt in Jessie and Tanya’s stomachs before they finally had to stop for the night.
Exhausted from everything they’d done that day, and the meat filling their bellies, Tanya could barely keep her eyes open as she helped Jessie carve Heather up into more manageable pieces and wrap them in plastic before putting them in the refrigerator. It was a pity they couldn’t have eaten her all at once, because meat never tasted quite as good when it was reheated compared to when it was first cooked. There was enough of Heather left to probably last them through the week if they paced themselves.
Done, the two of them unrolled their sleeping bags and zipped them together to form on big sleeping bag. Tanya took her boots off and watched while Jessie took her pants and suspenders off. The two of them would sleep naked together, but neither of them had energy to do more than cuddle. Tanya smiled to herself when Jessie curled up next to her, pressing her back into Tanya’s breasts and belly. She inhaled the smoky scent of barbeque from Jessie’s hair, and kissed the back of her head.
“Good night,” she said, and nuzzled the back of Jessie’s hair.
Jessie just gave her a happy sigh, and the two of them drifted off to sleep together.
[b:32z6p7sx][u:32z6p7sx]The Only Thing That Sucks About Cooking…[/u:32z6p7sx][/b:32z6p7sx]
It had taken them until the next Friday to finish eating all the parts of Heather they thought were safe to eat. Jessie had even eaten the slut’s wicked little tongue, having pried Heather’s dislocated jaw open and tearing it out herself. Tanya had been a little taken aback by that, but for Jessie it was personal. She even made a point of using it on herself before she ate it, the rough texture of Heather’s roasted tongue helping to get itself coated in Jessie’s cum juices. Admittedly it wasn’t as fun to eat as it had been to play with, but she still ate every bite.
When they finally finished eating her, Tanya helped Jessie to clean up. This part was especially important, in case the police ever found something that might lead them out here. They put the Heather’s bones and other inedible parts in the huge bag Heather had packed for herself, and scrubbed the cabin from floor to ceiling. It occurred to Jessie that it might look suspicious to have the cabin look so clean, but since their story was going to be that they’d come out here for Spring Break anyway, they could just play off of the typical stereotype for women and claim they’d cleaned the cabin in order to be able to stand staying there.
Tanya went outside to deal with the barbeque pit and what was left of Heather. She’d have to burn the bag and its contents down to ash and mix it in with the coal ash before pulling the dirt up from underneath it to hide it.
In the meantime, Jessie cleaned and polished the steel spit, setting the stabilizer rod aside for later. When she was finished with the spit she wrapped it in a blanket and went outside. Next she knocked the wood pile next to the cabin over, and restacked it over the top of the spit and the supports Tanya had left there for her. That would make it harder to get at if they ever wanted to use it again, but this was the only way to hide it, sort of burying it someplace away from the cabin.
By the time she finished and went to see if Tanya still needed any help, she had already replaced the sod and was tossing the rocks that had lined the pit off into the trees at random intervals. She inspected where the pit had been, and was impressed that Tanya had been able to fit the sod back together since she hadn’t been out there to see Jessie dig it up. She’d even done a good job of hiding the cuts the spade had made in amongst the grass, so it would be very hard for all but the sharpest eye to tell that anything had ever been there. With any luck, there would be no sign that Heather had ever been out at the cabin.
They stayed one more night out at the cabin, making love together one last time on the worn-out mattress Tanya’s father had put out there.
The next morning, Saturday morning, they drove back to their apartment in relative silence, having already worked out their alibi together.
[i:32z6p7sx]Heather? Why I don’t know, usually she hitches a ride with some guys down to Cancun. She was just finishing up packing when we left for our camping trip, officer.[/i:32z6p7sx]
Campus was quiet when they got there, as most people didn’t bother coming until the next evening. Plus most people wouldn’t have been up on a Saturday morning by the time Jessie pulled into the parking lot. It was just a good thing they didn’t live in the dorms, because those didn’t open up until Sunday when everyone else would be getting there.
She was relieved to see that Heather’s car was gone, stolen during the week just as they had hoped it would be. She and Tanya shared a smile as she pulled into her usual spot and turned the engine off.
Jessie’s chest heaved as she sighed heavily. Next to the preparations for getting Heather out to the cabin, this would be the hardest time, because the police would be questioning them, and probably looking through the apartment for clues.
She and Tanya unpacked their things and got ready for what was to come.
[b:8akgdgy6][u:8akgdgy6]Gone, but Not Forgotten, or Missed[/u:8akgdgy6][/b:8akgdgy6]
It was a week before Tanya and Jessie called in Heather as a missing person themselves, none of her squeezes or even the professors she flashed her pussy to on an almost daily basis apparently caring enough to miss her. Naturally the police came to them first and took down their statements. They admitted to the fight they’d been in with Heather in the weeks leading up to her disappearance just in case any of their neighbors had seen or heard anything. Based on that and what little corroboration they could get from the other people in the apartment complex, the police theorized that Heather had used Spring Break as an excuse to run away, or she had fallen victim to a stranger who was traveling with her.
There was an extensive search and everyone the authorities could think of was questioned. Fortunately no one had seen them leave; everyone in the apartments that would have been able to had all gone home or camping themselves before the women had departed for the cabin.
When the police found Heather’s car, what was left of it was being parted out at a chop shop, her silver Lexus being far too tempting to pass up the way it had been left. The police squeezed the men at the chop shop, and even managed to find the guy who had actually stolen the car, but the story he gave them about finding the expensive car unlocked with the keys right on the ground next to it didn’t make any sense to the police, and he was charged with kidnapping and murdering Heather. No trace was ever found of Heather, and due to lack of evidence the man they’d blamed with her disappearance was acquitted of kidnapping and murdering her, though he was sent to jail for the theft of her car.
Everything had worked out perfectly. As far as the world was concerned, Heather had simply vanished into thin air, and Tanya and Jessie were just her two mourning friends. Tanya couldn’t help but laugh at that thought as she flopped down on the living room couch with Jessie.
“What’s so funny?” she asked.
“Oh, nothing,” Tanya told her. After settling in next to Jessie she indicated the leather-bound photo album she was holding. “I have something for you.”
Jessie’s eyes lit up as Tanya opened it up and showed her what was inside.
Tanya had waited another week after all the attention had died down before developing the roll of film she had hidden away and bought this album for them. That morning before she’d gone to class, she’d put all the pictures she’d taken of Heather in the album so she could reminisce about that week out at the cabin over a month ago.
Jessie’s skin flushed and Tanya could tell that she was getting turned on as she paged through the album. Tanya watched her, happy with the changes Jessie had made to her appearance since their experience roasting Heather. The stubborn little girl had insisted on keeping her glasses, though she did wear contacts on special occasions. She didn’t dress in frumpy clothing anymore though, taking pride in the way that her body looked with a semi-professional “look but don’t touch” look. Jessie had even started going out on the weekends, and had managed to bed that guy she’d been drooling over in class all year. According to Jessie, Heather was right about him being well equipped.
Tanya still didn’t understand the draw, but it made Jessie happy and that was what was important. She didn’t even mind cleaning her out when she came home afterwards.
Speaking of, Jessie had also started waxing her pubic mound. Tanya hadn’t minded the little patch Jessie had left just above her labia, but it made it somehow more exciting to have her completely bare, like she was. It made rubbing their twats together feel better, too.
“I have to admit, I’m glad that you took these,” Jessie finally said.
“She sure did look beautiful that way,” Tanya agreed.
Tanya and Jessie looked each other up and down, ready for action. Jessie’s expression looked especially mischievous as she started to push her down onto the couch.
“You know,” Tanya started, “I’m doing nudes in drawing class right now.”
Jessie gave her a knowing look. “Is that a request?”
“Maybe,” Tanya said and smiled. “I was thinking something with a cannibal theme…”
Jessie had her pinned on her back and straddled her. She exhaled her warm breath on Tanya’s neck and whispered in a husky voice, “I might be up for it.”
Tanya grinned broadly as Jessie sucked on her ear. When Jessie stopped and sat up, Tanya gave her a disappointed look.
“You shouldn’t start something you’re not going to finish, girl.”
Jessie reached into the cushions and pulled out a familiar copper-colored object.
“You’re not the only one who kept a little souvenir.”
Tanya gasped and smiled as Jessie turned it on. Jessie pushed the bulbous end of the huge phallus into the baggy crotch of her pants until the fabric was pressing against her rapidly moistening sex. She sighed and writhed under Jessie, stroking the skin of her lover’s arms.
“Ever wonder what a man would taste like?” Jessie asked her unexpectedly.
“What?” Tanya moaned in response to the non sequitur. [u:8akgdgy6]That[/u:8akgdgy6] had certainly come out of nowhere. Jessie wasn’t letting up with the vibrator, either. “I think I already get a taste of one every few days.”
Jessie smiled but shook her head. “No, I mean like what we did to Heather.”
The idea didn’t really appeal that much to Tanya, but what Jessie was doing to her left her fairly weak-willed.
“I don’t think a man would look very good on a spit,” she offered.
Jessie giggled, “There are more ways to cook meat than on a spit. We could always make an oven or come up with some other way.”
Who was she to argue? She waggled her eyebrows.
“Have anyone in mind?”
“No,” Jessie admitted, “but with all the guys Heather dragged home with her, we’re bound to run into some jerk of a guy that no one would miss eventually.”
“Umpfff…” was all Tanya could manage at that point.
“You know,” Jessie said thoughtfully, “Were going to need to get a new roommate.”
Tanya quickly nodded her head in agreement, still amazed that Jessie could be so calm and rational while doing this to her, but then she was probably taking advantage of how compliant she was when someone was twixing her nethers.
[i:8akgdgy6]Clever girl…[/i:8akgdgy6]
Tanya gave Jessie a quiet moan and looked at her knowingly. The future was definitely looking bright.
[u:8akgdgy6][b:8akgdgy6]The End[/u:8akgdgy6][/b:8akgdgy6] (for now)
Thanks, glad you liked it.
Any preferences for the next female victim? Blonde? Brunette? Red Head? Athletic? A little belly fat to her? Busty? Small and perky?
Well, based on suggestions, so far Emily DaVinci and Tawney Roberts have come to mind as possible casting for the next female victim.
UPDATE: I’m hoping to get started on the sequel to this in the next week or so. I ended up deciding on Emily DaVinci as the next meal, along with her character’s boyfriend.
Anyway, I’ve yet to decide on who the new roommate should be. I’ve settled on two possible models who I would “cast” for the part and I’d like help selecting which one to go with. First one is Gabrielle, from MC Nudes, and the second is Lucy C from Met Art.
And as it turns out, both of those pics are of the same woman. Lucy C seems to be her more recent modeling alias. So I guess I have a model for the new roommate now and it’s pretty much a matter of sitting down and writing this. 8)
Dusting this off again… And I still haven’ gotten around to writing the sequel to this yet. I did find another model though who looks a lot closer to the actual prson the new roommate character is being based somewhat on, though. Meet Silke.
I’m excited because I’m finally working on this. 8) I’m just getting to the good bits now, but the only downside is that I’m kinda slow at this and I don’t have a lot of time these days. :-\ In any case I thought I’d bump this in case anyone wanted to refresh their memories.
Thanks, glad you guys enjoyed it.