Belinda 10: Belinda and the Society of Eminently Edible Ladi
Belinda and the Society of Eminently Edible Ladies by Leo (Title borrowed from Audrey Ermine, with love.)
Luxury resort hotel slightly below Miami, penthouse living room. Four very nice women, nude and doing sexual things to each other. The brunette stretched out prone on the floor, a pole protruding from her mouth and another from her pussy (hiding the large vibrator that is almost totally inserted inside her and humming away merrily), arms bound to her sides, legs tied together to the bottom pole, is Christie. She’s 24, studying for her Ph.D., and really, really hung up on the idea of being spit roasted. This is as close as the group can simulate the process.
The slightly stocky, busty blonde straddling her thighs, wearing a strap-on and preparing to insert the long thick shaft into Christie’s very round deep ass is Jane, 31, happily married, mother of two, and bisexual one week of the year when she lets it all hang out about her woman eating and cooking fantasies. Her husband knows all about said fantasies and cheerfully lets her have her week off, knowing he’s going to get 51 weeks of fabulous, somewhat kinky, and passionate sex out of the deal, as long as he occasionally pretends to have her for dinner.
On a specially made electric grill, smuggled into the hotel suite in parts, is another blonde, her legs pulled back and tied crossed at the ankles in a roasting position that nicely exposes her deliciously plump pussy. Her arms are down between her thighs, with the upper arms pushing a very nice pair of 36C big-nippled breasts upward in a sexually stimulating display. The bound hands tipping those arms are in exactly the right position for her fingers to play with that aforesaid plump pussy. Her name’s Beth, 34, gorgeous figure, and a total freak about being cooked as meat. At the moment, she’s gasping and moaning, but she knows she’s really going to start howling when the cook decides she’s been over the grill’s heating coils long enough, puts her on a platter, and sits down to enjoy a tasty meal of fresh pussy steak still on the girl, using her tongue instead of her teeth to do the “eating”.
The woman who actually does play the role of “cook” in the foursome and is currently basting Beth’s cunt with flavored olive oil is black haired Ruth. She’s 28, a figure model, Lesbian, and really hung up on cooking women. Right now, she’s getting more and more excited as occasional drops of oil, not to mention occasional drops of Beth’s girl juice, drip onto the grill’s warm heating coils and give off a supremely wonderful odor. She’s happily anticipating getting Beth on a platter, mouthing that juicy and pulsating pussy, and having a truly delicious sexual experience. For dessert, Beth will return the favor, to the enjoyment of all.
All four women, while not spectacularly built, have curvy bikini grade figures as revealed by the fact that they’re only wearing their birthday suits. All four really, really get their sexual jollies at woman eating role play. All four comprise “The Society of Eminently Edible Ladies”, the name taken from a story one of them discovered on the Internet a while back. All four totally enjoy their yearly week at a plush resort hotel on South Beach. All four are about to experience some really exotic events in the next few days.
Not all that tremendously far away, there lies a sprawling single story mansion atop a cliff facing the Atlantic. Just below the house, a secluded beach, guarded by vertical bluffs, forms a little island of sandy privacy. The mansion, home to an unusual (and drop dead gorgeous, spectacular body included) lady in her early forties known as Belinda LeGacyl and a bevy of women soon to be described, is known to its residents and a select circle as Belinda’s Meat Ranch and Dairy.
Oh, and every single woman in the place, including Belinda, is perpetually nude. Belinda sees no reason for future meals not to be on display. Besides, it’s convenient, simple, and comfortable in the warm Miami climate.
Belinda, as she is universally known, is an accomplished hunter and dedicated woman eater. Being as Belinda has a number of somewhat dotty quirks, her selection of women to capture for a good meal is also quirky. To wit: Belinda will only pursue and capture women she considers complete bitches, occasionally referred to as “cleaning the gene pool”.
She is aided in this nutritious hobby by a former walking banquet and now close companion named Sharon, a tall, 38D-28-38, nicely toned honey blonde specimen of down to earth practicality. Among other things, Sharon acts as a steadying governor to Belinda’s loopy thought processes. Sharon - as shown by a small (silenced) golden bell-bearing chain clipped to her nipples (that pulls her breasts together) - is lead cow, den mother, head wrangler, and general manager of a rotating herd of around ten or so spit muffins.
The muffins are a somewhat unusual breed. Sometime back, Belinda made the happy discovery that there were any number of women that harbored the fantasy of becoming meat strongly enough to actually do it. After developing a working recruiting system for these oddballs, Belinda proceeded to enjoy a smooth flow of delicious women that - in return for a number of weeks of total erotic freedom and really goofy licentiousness - got to realize their supreme fantasy of the Ultimate Thrill: becoming dinner.
Sharon’s assessment of these women is terse and pretty accurate. They’re nuts.
However that may be, the spit muffins - ranging in age from early twenties to thirties with the odd toothsome forty-something occasionally thrown in - are divided into two categories dependent on original breast size. The girls with the larger breasts are given a hormone cocktail invented by Belinda that will start them lactating, thus accounting for the dairy part of the ranch’s title. There is quite a market for the milk these girls give while they wait for their (highly anticipated) turn in the kitchen.
The other women, while intended primarily for meat, serve a variety of functions including that of milkmaid. They, too, receive a hormone dose, but this one increases the flesh sheath around the fat and glands that primarily make up a woman’s breasts. The hormones also induce development in other areas such as the pussy, hips, buttocks, thighs, etc. In short, a hormone enhanced muffin looks like a Playboy photographer’s wet dream with expertly enhanced breasts, but lacking those irksome saline implants that have to be thrown away when a girl is butchered.
Belinda herself is no slouch in the body department. Short, spectacularly curvy, with short bobbed blonde hair, she perpetually moves with an excess of energy manifesting itself in a bustling stride that sets every part of her luscious form into motion in one direction or another. Just watching her walk is sexually exciting.
At the moment, Belinda is crossing the living room in her habitual bustle, heading for the patio where Sharon and Wendy are benignly and with some bemusement watching a group of muffins practice their roasting positions. In other words, there’s a gaggle of naked women on their backs on pads on the patio, legs pulled back to their shoulders, and Sharon and Wendy are watching to see that nobody pulls a muscle or strains a ligament.
Wendy, by he way, is in her early twenties, a pleasantly plain dishwater blonde with a solid, nicely curved body and 34D breasts that also give milk. She has a tuft of pussy fur because she’s not in the meat category. She’s Belinda’s sole employee and Sharon’s assistant. She wears a silver chain clipping her nipples. It’s her badge of office, but silver to indicate Sharon outranks her.
Comfortably relaxed in Wendy’s lap is a large tom cat of a very peculiar color. He’s actually pink in the right light, and thus is named Belinda’s Pink Pussy, or Pink for short. He considers himself lord and master of the ranch, loves the taste of girl meat, is absolutely worshiped by the muffins, and is also engaged in watching the girls curled up on their backs, carefully judging which part looks best to eat.
Got all that? Now we can actually begin the story.
Belinda bustled out onto the patio and clapped her hands. “Ladies, ladies! We have guests coming for dinner tonight, and we need a girl to roast. I want all of the muffins lined up here next to the pool as soon as possible so we can choose,” she said loudly, her musical voice sounding a little odd with the volume.
“As though we didn’t know it was going to be Dottie on the barbecue,” Sharon groused as she heaved herself up from the lounger resignedly. “Damn girl’s been talking about nothing else for the last few days.”
“Well,” Wendy agreed as she joined Sharon to go round up the rest of the herd, the three or four that weren’t already present, “this is Dottie’s role play scenario, after all. She’s entitled.”
Sharon snorted. “And it’s still a pain in the ass. Look, I’ll go round up the rest of the girls. You get the straps.” Wendy nodded and headed off while Sharon went in search of errant muffins.
Soon enough, eight of the muffins were lined up by the side of the pool, the picture of nervous nudity. The other two, Ixinza and Rosa, were already working in the kitchen. All eight possible roastees had a leather strap buckled around their thighs, holding them tightly together and hobbling the girls as they walked. Part of Dottie’s scenario, Sharon thought with resignation. She didn’t mind this part, but what was coming next was going to be irritating.
Belinda walked up and down the line, squeezing breasts, pubic mounds, hips, thighs, etc. When she had the girls turn around, she performed the same examination on buttocks and the backs of thighs. Really, she thought, the dear girls were all just so ripe and tasty looking. It was a real pleasure to grill any of them. They were just so nicely built for cooking, not to mention sex.
She had the line turn around to face her and reached over to grab a handful of Dottie’s big nippled left breast. “Excellent stew base and stuffing material, here, love,” Belinda told the bright eyed and nervous appearing blonde. “I have to say you’ll taste excellent when properly done.” Dottie’s eyes grew brighter and rounder to match the big smile she gave Belinda for the compliment.
Watching the show, Sharon rolled her own eyes. All eight looked excited and nervous, as though they were afraid Belinda was going to choose them. At least some of them did. The others were poor actresses.
Still holding Dottie’s breast, Belinda announced, “Dears, I believe Dottie is the best choice for tonight’s dinner!”
Immediately there was a whole lot of squealing and nude female flesh jiggling as hobbled muffins, using only their lower legs to run on tiptoe, took off in all directions. The object here was for the horrible, slavering cooks to chase down a poor unfortunate terrified girl and force her onto a spit. Sharon simply wasn’t up to this sort of silliness. She let Wendy take off (slowly) to round up the scattered girls, and sat back down to watch as naked women scampered in all directions, making a variety of noises. Two muffins scampered by, elbows by their sides and hands held shoulder high, their bound thighs making their progress look like something out of a Fifties sex farce. This was totally ridiculous. Oh well, let them have a few minutes of fun then they could get back to serious business.
Pink bounded off a table and took off after the general stampeed. Sharon had to smile at the idea of a cat chasing pussy. Too bad the damned beast couldn’t be taught to fetch. Would have saved some trouble.
Finally, Dottie came jiggling and joggling along. “Dottie, stop!” Sharon said firmly.
When she did, giving Sharon an apprehensive - albeit hopeful - look, Sharon continued. “Turn around and bend over.” Dottie complied and Sharon’s guess was confirmed. Her pussy lips were glistening, the girl was so excited. “Come here,” Sharon added with a sigh. “I’ll take care of that, then we have to get you on to cook.” Looking over her shoulder, Dottie backed up to within easy reach and bent over again. As she grabbed Dottie’s hips and mouthed the juicy plump pussy, Sharon reflected this was only going to be the first of Dottie’s orgasms for the day. This girl was going to be really popping off as she underwent her Ultimate Fantasy. Dottie, Sharon thought for the umpteenth time, was nuts. Delicious, but nuts.
Meanwhile, the Society of Eminently Edible Ladies was holding an informal meeting by the hotel pool, with very minimal bikinis as Society uniform. The conversation was languid, soft voiced, but very much to the point of why they were all four assembled at the hotel this week.
Taking a sip of something tall, cool, colorful, and alcoholic, Ruth commented to the other three, “Ladies, I think I’ve found a way to take things to the next level.”
Beth, who was engaged in applying sunscreen to every part of her body not covered by the very tiny bikini she was wearing, cocked an eye and asked, “Which level and how?”
Ruth smiled as she answered, noting the avid attention the other three women were showing. “Well, you know how we’ve played a lot and gone to that restaurant in Miami for real girl meat? Well, I’ve found where I can order a haunch of girl just for us to cook. Not only that, I can also get a hypermagnetic spit, so I can actually put all three of you over the coals for real without any damage. Imagine, just you and the heat as you rotate and the rest of us watch. I’ll even baste your body with olive oil. It ought to be a blast.”
This really grabbed Christine and Beth’s attention. As has been said, both were really, really hung up on being cooked for dinner. As was Jane, to a lesser extent. She looked at Christine and Beth’s excited expressions and voiced the obvious question. “What in the hell is a hypermagnetic spit?”
Ruth lay back on the pool lounger and smiled. “It’s what all the femme-de-cusine chefs are using now. It’s in two parts. The front goes in your mouth and the back goes in your ass or your pussy. The back’s tipped with an electrostimulator that buzzes and tingles inside you and is really twice as good as a regular vibrator, I’m told. Both ends are poles for a ultra strong magnet - bless the space program again - so when you turn it on, it locks the girl in place and supports her like she was actually spitted by a solid pole. Once it’s on, a woman can be handled as though she was actually on a spit. Put her over warm coals, and she feels like she’s cooking. Not only that, the buzzer inside her is going nuts and it’s Orgasm City. The routine is to pull her down once she’s had enough and the cook starts nibbling her pussy as soon as she’s on a platter and she goes wild again.”
Ruth took another sip of her drink as her open mouthed audience stared at her with big, slightly avid, eyes. “It doesn’t hurt as long as the girl’s not on too long, just gives her huge blasts. I’ve got a friend in town who’s been doing it for nearly a year and she says it’s phenomenal.”
“Wow!” Beth breathed. “That’s wild!”
Jane thought about it. “Yeah, that sounds great, especially if you’re going to be doing the nibbling, Ruth. But we can’t do that here. It’d cause talk,” she giggled.
Ruth nodded. “I know. But maybe we can charter a boat to take us to one of the unoccupied Keys and we could camp out for a few days. Sort of do a cannibal island thing.”
Christine, eyes blazing with excitement, said, “Oh, that would be wild!”
“Oh, I agree!” said a feminine voice from behind them.
Shocked, the four spun in their loungers and beheld a large blonde, late twenties, behind them, wearing what appeared to be a coat of paint masquerading as a very daringly cut one piece swimsuit. The woman had a round face, blue eyes, obviously dyed long pale blonde hair since her eyebrows were darker, and a truly mouthwatering body. The eavesdropper had large - VERY large - round breasts, a nicely defined waist, and hips and thighs that matched the breasts. She also wore an interested and eager expression.
Unbidden, this blonde collection of excessive curves dragged up a pool chair and sat in front of them. Conversation, once the shock and embarrassment wore off, revealed that the woman had overheard them talking and stopped to listen when some of their remarks touched on a secret and long held fantasy of hers: being a cannibal feast.
It took a while and a lot of talk, but the four Society members began to get comfortable with the blonde, Julia by name. They were so comfortable that Beth began to wonder about how she could use her tongue. Jane found herself wondering how she’d react being pumped by a strap-on. Christine began to fantasize being on a grill next to her, while Ruth also wondered how she’d taste - raw. All four had disturbing visions of Julia rotating on the just discussed hypermagnetic spit. After a trip upstairs for some role-play, along with other fun and games, Julia was enrolled as the Society’s latest member.
Belinda’s visitors turned out to be Brooke Park, her two-girl camera crew, and several models. The idea was for Brooke, who was planning on launching a line of swimwear for truly curvy women with hips and breasts in the 36-38 inch category, to use Belinda’s family home in the Florida Keys as a photo site. Brooke, a former international swimsuit model, had a long fall of wavy dark hair, complimented by a flawless figure. She was a former president of the Society of Lilith, an underground power organization for women, and very well-to-do as a result of it.
The Society of Lilith was known among very select circles for the financial success it brought its members. Joining was easy; a girl simply had to be recommended. The next part, though, was where things got tough. During the year a woman was a candidate member, the Society had four quarterly Beach Fests. At these, four women were cooked to feed the assembled crowd. If there weren’t enough volunteers, the remaining meals were chosen from a lineup of the candidates. If a woman got passed over during the four choosings (done by the Society president, currently Lorna Paten), she became a full member.
All this is relevant because Maria, a curvy little brunette with a furry contralto voice and big eyes, was not only the photographer’s assistant and Brooke’s live-in lover, she was also a candidate member of the Society. This was revealed when she stripped in the visitor’s dressing room and revealed a tasty little hairless pussy. Her cheeky attitude, however, offset any extraneous worry about various Society beach parties and made her a real presence wherever she went.
Alyssa, the photographer, was a classically beautiful natural blonde with a full, nicely curved ass, equally nicely shaped breasts, long legs, and a happily urbane attitude, gained as a soft-core porno model earlier in her career. She took Belinda’s “no clothes at the ranch” rule with perfect aplomb.
The two models, Suzi and Kim, were both solid bodied and very curvy. Kim looked like she was going to take a while to get used to the ranch, but Suzi was looking around with wide, excited eyes. Suzi knew what the ranch was all about, enjoyed the fact, and was getting really, really, sexually charged about the situation. Kim, on the other hand, was a little slow on the uptake, nervous about the situation once it was made clear to her, but gamely ready for anything, which, given both muffins and Belinda, pretty well described what could happen.
“Relax,” Suzi told Kim as the pair, stripped to the skin, walked out to join the rest of the nude women in the ranch, “nobody’s going to eat you.” It didn’t pass Kim’s notice that Suzi hadn’t mentioned who they WERE going to eat. She sincerely hoped that women weren’t like potato chips: You couldn’t eat just one at a sitting.
Kim noted nervously as they entered the great room that it was pretty obvious that they were getting ready to eat somebody. Again, looking around at the profusion of bare flesh bouncing and jiggling around the room, Kim noted that most of the women were built like her. This was Not Good For The Home Team.
Her fears eased somewhat when Dottie was brought in sparklingly clean (inside as well as out) and it became apparent that she was the Designated Meal. More interesting was the fact that Dottie didn’t seem disturbed about the matter. In fact, the girl seemed to be wildly sexually excited that she was about to be spit roasted. Hm.
Dottie was nearly ready to roast. Her hair had been put up to keep it from catching fire since they were going to use the outside barbecue. Her large, big nippled breasts were bound together to keep them from flopping as she rotated on the spit and they’d been left half full of milk to add to the flavor. Dottie was the perfect picture of an appetizing meal.
Ixinza and Rosa accompanied Dottie to the kitchen. They’d missed the earlier lineup, both because they really didn’t want to play chase-and-catch games and because, being of a practical nature, they needed to get things ready for the afternoon roasting. Ixinza was a tall, mocha colored Creole from Puerto Rico with an upper level Playboy grade figure. Rosa, shorter by a good bit, had long honey colored hair that only Hispanic blondes seemed to possess. She was also literally hourglass shaped, with spectacular breast and buttock development that owed nothing to Belinda’s hormones. Rosa was also excitable, possessed a volcanic temper, and was like a cross between a demented anaconda and a runaway dynamo in bed. Ixinza was the more intelligent, stable one of the pair. And also a great fuck.
Both had originally been purchased as future dinners by a Caribbean resort that catered to a highly select cannibal trade, only to meet up with Belinda and the muffins when they vacationed there. After Belinda got to know them, she offered to buy them out and give them positions as spit muffins at the ranch in, needless to say, the milk herd. Since they were due to be cooked anyhow, and Belinda made the process far more sexually exciting than was their expectation at the resort, both women took her up on the offer.
Everyone at the ranch was looking forward to Rosa’s trip to the barbecue, given her spectacular development. Belinda was just waiting for a suitable occasion with a large enough guest list. Brook, at her first sight of Rosa, was fascinated. “Good gravy, Belinda!” she said. “That girl’s almost nothing but female sexual attributes!”
Belinda nodded complacently. “Rosa’s a wonderful muffin to have around, love,” she replied. “And, yes, she does somewhat resemble someone with an overdose of my body development hormones, but she’s all natural.”
Brooke was still wide-eyed. “And what an ass!”
“Oh, she’s certainly got one, dear,” Belinda replied with a chiming laugh. “And that’s where she normally likes it, too. Perhaps the pair of you ought to get together while Dottie’s cooking.”
Brooke nodded thoughtfully at that comment, as Belinda knew she would. Brook had a serious anal thing, and it looked like a superb ass and a serious butt banger were going to meet up tonight. Excellent. Belinda did so love it when she could provide her guests with memorable hospitality.
Meanwhile, Dottie was on her stomach on the cooking island while Ixinza, having spread the plump soft meat of the woman’s buttocks with two fingers, was inserting small peeled sweet potatoes up her ass, one at a time. Belinda had given Dottie her choice of stuffings, and she’d chosen the potatoes over the more traditional rice, cornmeal, and girl meat mixture. “I think it tastes great,” Dottie had told her, “and I really like the way those potatoes feel when they go up me.”
Fully stuffed, Dottie spread her shapely thighs for the next intrusion into her body. It wasn’t long before she felt the soft thick shaft on top of the bottom half of the spit insert itself through the soft lips of her vagina and into her body. It went into her - quite a ways into her - and she was satisfied when she felt it inside as far as it could go. She opened her mouth to take in the front half of the spit and felt herself getting excited. The shaft was in her mouth, but not far enough to block the sounds she was planning to (voluntarily and involuntarily) make.
She wriggled slightly, from happiness. She’d been cooked in role play many times. But this ride was it. The Final. This was the Big One. The Ultimate. And it was coming.
Many willing hands coated Dottie with spiced oil. Suzi was one of the eager volunteers, and she loved the way Dottie’s soft curves felt under her hands. She couldn’t resist the occasional squeeze or jiggle of a handful, and Dottie certainly didn’t seem to mind. In fact, it was obvious the girl was enjoying it. Suzi couldn’t resist running a hand along the curve of a prominent buttock mound, then inserting her fingers between Dottie’s thighs to stroke the plump pubic flesh as it spread around the shaft of the spit.
Suzi had to stop for a instant. The tingling in her cunt was threatening to overwhelm her, and she shivered with delight. Then she felt delicate feminine fingers brush underneath her buttocks and between her thighs, feeling for her clitoris and the lips of her pussy. A muffin whispered in her ear, “Go ahead, sweetie. We’re all enjoying this, especially Dottie. If you pop one, nobody’s going to care, and I’m just the girl to help you do it.”
Suzi’s rapidly rising gasps and loud moan went pretty well unnoticed in the general fun of oiling Dottie.
One person that did notice was Brooke. She was standing back from the group, one arm under her beautiful bare breasts and every line of her sleek nude figure expressing relaxed enjoyment as she sipped on a drink, her eyes watching the group of naked women oil up Dottie’s bare body before she went to the barbecue pit. There was a knowing, sensual smile on her face. She always enjoyed watching a woman being prepared for the spit, almost as much as watching her cook.
There was another person watching, too, but she was mostly watching Brooke with a silent intensity. She was young, barely twenty, with long dark straight hair that fell halfway down her back, and sleekly curved in contrast to the far more rounded nude women bouncing and jiggling around her. Her name was Tiana and she’d wrangled an invitation to the barbecue through a friend that happened to be a muffin in residence at the ranch. She knew perfectly well her friend was headed for the same fate as Dottie but didn’t much care. Oh, the taste of woman flesh was wonderful, of course, and it was a good use for the overripe cows that populated the place. But they were nothing but a good meal. SHE was something else. In sum, Tiana was a typical egotistical predatory hardbody from South Beach.
Tiana was here not to enjoy cooking Dottie, but to advance her ambition. She knew Brooke was a fashion magnate with a taste for women, either on her plate or in her bed. Furthermore, the word was Brooke liked a nicely turned female ass. Well, hers was smaller, firmer, and better shaped than the plush seat cushions she saw around her. She planned on using it to catch Brooke’s eye. Then, in the fullness of time, to get Brooke to award her a modeling contract. With her body, Tiana was sure, the next step was the runway and exorbitantly high fees for her work. Status as a supermodel, the world, and a jet set lifestyle were coming. She simply had to catch the eye of the sleekly curved woman in front of her.
Sharon was aware of the girl, if not her ambition, and detested her on sight. Of course, she detested young, sleekly curved predatory females that made her feel big and overstuffed by comparison, so there was nothing personal in her dislike of Tiana. She simply couldn’t stand her on general principles. Belinda, on the other hand, tolerated Tiana as a guest with the breezy openness she offered anyone, so Sharon held her peace and forgot about the girl. Besides, they were taking Dottie to the barbecue pit.
Once on the rotisserie, Dottie’s oily body began revolving and Dottie’s mind began to submerge itself in sensation. The heat of the coals, the illusion of a solid spit through her body for her to strain against, and the tingling in her cunt began to take over her being. Her first orgasm on the spit was not long after she was placed on to cook, and it was only the first of many, each one seemingly stronger.
Suzi was one of the volunteers basting Dottie, and she enjoyed trailing the oily brush along the woman’s spectacular curves. When the bound, big nippled breasts rotated up to face her, she carefully brushed each nipple and was rewarded with an orgasmic convulsion by the slowly cooking meat. Suzi licked her lips, entranced, wishing she could rub her juicy cunt on Dottie as she rotated. Or, better yet, have a group of muffins rubbing theirs all over HER as she cooked. Right then, she decided she loved what was happening.
For that matter, so did Dottie. She was squirming enthusiastically, making every noise she could between orgasms, and generally putting on a hell of a show. She could hear (between moans, groans, and other sounds) the delicate hiss of droplets spattering on the hot coals. Some were oil, to be sure, but some were girl juice from the overload she was producing in her excitement. Not all the glistening liquid on her body was oil laced with girl juices, some was the pure thing, straight from the source between her thighs. And the aroma it produced! She could smell that, and she could smell another heavenly scent starting to build. When she recognized the odor as herself starting to cook, her mind exploded into another orgasm and went spiraling into a kaleidoscope of erotic sensations.
Later, after dinner, Tiana began to carry out her plan. It wasn’t hard to attract Brooke’s attention in the general orgy that took place while Dottie was finishing cooking. Everyone, even her, was so turned on that any suitable body would do for release. She’d simply been within arm’s reach of Brooke when the woman turned around looking for a partner. Now she was into the second phase of her planned seduction.
Tiana was on her side on the bed, facing away from Brooke. She rose up on an elbow and looked over her shoulder in a pose calculated to display her rear end to it’s best potential. “I heard you like a girl with a nice bottom,” she purred. Then she wiggled the butt under discussion. “How’s mine?”
Brooke studied Tiana (and the nicely presented ass) with calm intensity. She was quite interested in the girl, and she did have a nice round set of buttocks. She was also no fool. She knew exactly what Tiana was up to, and was getting steadily more irritated. Tiana was trying to take her for a fool, and Brooke was nowhere near one. Just the attempt by this arrogant, egotistical little bitch was enough to get her into what her friend Lorna Paten termed the “dangerous diva” mode.
Then a plan appeared in her mind and she smiled. Mistaking the smile for lust, Tiana returned it sensuously and rolled onto her stomach, stretching languidly. She knew perfectly well from plenty of experience the stretch would simply make her body more exciting. She relaxed and said, “You look interested, Brooke. Want to come play?”
“Oh yes,” Brooke murmured. “Just let me get ready.”
As a frequent visitor, Brooke knew where the supply of sex toys were kept in the bedrooms. For all practical purposes, given the enthusiasms of Belinda and the muffins, they were everywhere, but this one was in the right hand top dresser drawer. It was known as a plug-on. It had the same shaft as an ordinary strap-on (Shaft sizes tended to vary according to personal preference. This one was medium sized.), but no unsightly clumsy straps.
The plug-on was the inspired invention of one of Belinda’s muffins, Martha, a home crafts expert. (Yes, she strongly resembled the OTHER Martha in attitude, looks and skills, but let’s not go there. Shudder.) Instead of straps to hold the shaft tight to the wearer’s pubic mound, the thing had a curved spring that went between the legs and up between the buttocks. In addition, there were appropriately placed plugs that went into the wearer’s cunt and ass, thus providing the wearer with as much fun as the girl taking the shaft and holding the whole thing firmly in place. Everybody at the ranch loved it.
Having used a plug-on more than a few times, Brooke efficiently oiled the two plugs and put the thing on - and in - her hips. She also carefully oiled the shaft so it would enter her intended sex partner easily. She wanted no problems in inserting the thing smoothly all the way up Tiana.
At this point, Tiana was unaware of Brooke’s preparations, having decided to adopt a pose of languid erotic sensuality. To wit, she was simply relaxing on her stomach, subtly twitching her bottom cheeks to maintain interest, while she turned her head away from Brooke and relaxed her head on her crossed arms. The idea was Studied Vulnerable Relaxation About To Be Surprised By The Aggressor. That posture ought to really get Brooke into her.
Yep. It was about to do just that. Literally.
Tiana’s eyes were closed as she smugly awaited Brooke’s next actions. She was perfectly certain she was in control. Even the feel of the tip of the plug-on’s shaft resting just slightly between her buttocks didn’t bother her. So the woman was into toys. Well, it wouldn’t be the first time she’d played that way.
It was when the tip pushed down between her buttocks that Tiana woke up to a Dreadful Possibility. “Hey, what are you doing? NO! Not there… I’ve never… I’m too small… I’m… EEEEEEEEE!!!!!”
In the bedroom two doors down, Belinda was also wearing a plug-on. The difference her was that Sharon was in perfect accord with what Belinda intended to do with the thing. Lying with their tantalizing nude bodies pressed closely together and cuddling, Belinda suddenly leaned her head up and listened. “Dearest,” she asked Sharon, “Who’s doing all that squealing? I really don’t recognize that voice.”
Squealing in the bedroom wing was nothing new at the ranch. Quite common, in fact. That’s why the rooms were reasonably sound proofed. Sharon reflected that the source of the racket had a hell of a pair of lungs. Listening for a moment, Sharon remarked calmly, “Sounds like that arrogant little bitch Tiana. She was all over Brooke tonight. I guess she got a little more than what she bargained for.”
Since bitches were Belinda’s chosen prey, her interest was aroused. “I wonder if she’ll be around tomorrow.”
Sharon gave Belinda an old -fashioned look. “Belinda, I know what you’re thinking, and you can forget it. I was using bitch as a figure of speech because I can’t stand her type. She might be a real bitch, but I can’t prove that.
“At any rate,” Sharon continued, cocking an ear as the squealing diminished in volume, “Brooke apparently has things under control. Not surprising, actually, given her. I imagine tomorrow we’ll greet a much changed Tiana. Only question will be what Brooke intends to do with her.”
“Well, dearest,” Belinda said, leaning back on the bed and fondling one of Sharon’s prominent breasts, “I’m sure she’ll be able to handle the girl.
“Now as to handling you, dearest,” she continued with a smile. The kiss that followed was long and deep. So, shortly thereafter, was Belinda’s plug-on.
The ride to Dogsfoot Key was a long one, even after the drive down from Miami to the charter dock in the Keys, but the 45 foot cabin cruiser was quite comfortable. All five members of the Society of Eminently Edible Ladies (SEEL from here on - the name’s too long) enjoyed themselves with the sun deck, the bar, and general loafing. Of course, there was the deliciously dangerous feeling of going to a deserted island to live out roles in a Cannibal Island fantasy, not to mention there was a real girl’s hip in the cooler - complete with Prime Filet - that they were actually going to cook and eat. This was an adventure!
All four were in bikinis because that’s what beautiful women wore on boat trips down here, but the standard issue size, not their daring ones. Their very tiny ones weren’t in evidence because the man running the boat, Gomez by name, was an unknown quantity. Jane was actually rather miffed at him. He seemed to be paying absolutely no attention to their luscious bodies, much less Julia’s fabulous curves, and she still, after two kids and a decade plus of married life, had what she considered an eye-catching body. “You don’t suppose he’s gay, do you?” she asked Ruth, who’d set up the entire excursion with information from a friend in Miami.
The two were sunning themselves on the forward deck, sipping Margaritas. Ruth shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. Laci Hudson said he was very discreet when I talked to her about this trip a month or so ago. I haven’t been able to find Laci in the last few weeks, but everything she’s told me has been good. She says the island is deserted, too. There’s some sort of big abandoned house on it, but I figure we can leave the house alone, have our fun, and go home with nobody the wiser. Gomez doesn’t know why we’re going there and he’s being paid to keep his mouth shut. That’s good enough. When we’re ready to come back, all I have to do is call him and he’ll pick us up. Great week, we save a few days of hotel room rent, and we get to really play.”
She settled back a little more comfortably and sipped her drink. “And I finally get to cook some real girl meat, not to mention get the four of you on a play spit for some fantastic role playing. With the way Beth goes nuts on a grill and Christine loves the spit, things ought to be really wild. We all want to see Julia nude over a fire, so that’ll be fun. How about you? Ready to feel what it’s really like to be cooked?”
Jane mulled that one over. “Yes, I get wet just thinking about it. I really want to feel the whole experience. I bet I’ll be popping big ones every minute.”
Ruth licked her lips. “Yummy. Tasty juicy pussy for everyone.” Both women laughed.
Interestingly enough, there was a small pier on the undeveloped part of the island. There was another, of course, near the huge house that occupied the other end of the island from where they landed. All five women had gazed raptly at the big place as Gomez ran the boat down the shoreline, and were totally fascinated.
The house was almost too big to deserve the name. It was a huge square blocky Edwardian style building, built of gray stone and four stories tall, sitting atop a hill nearly the height of the building. The mound, Jane decided, had to be man made, since hills that size just didn’t occur on the Keys. The house actually looked like some kind of blockhouse, with literally hundreds of windows covered with dark shutters. “Deserted or not,” Jane commented, “that place looks spooky. Must have cost plenty.”
“I’d like to look around in it,” Julia commented. “It really looks interesting.”
She lowered her voice and spoke conspiratorially to the others. “After all, we can’t spend all of our time dancing around a girl cooking on the fire.”
“Oh, can’t we?” Ruth replied with a grin. Everyone laughed.
Unloading all of their gear and food, the afore mentioned girl’s hip in one of the coolers uppermost in the minds of the SEEL, didn’t really take long. Jane, a veteran of many a camping trip with her family, took charge and got everything efficiently organized and camp set up, to include a large roasting pit.
“Hey guys,” Christine called after everything necessary got done, “what do you think of the cannibal tribe outfits I got us?”
On looking, the other four got quite an eyeful. Christine had stripped out of her bikini and was now wearing a minimal grass skirt, cut to mid thigh length, a primitive looking necklace of some kind of wood pieces, thong sandals, and nothing else. Her bountiful breasts were on full display, along with a variety of Christine’s other attractions as the skirt shifted whenever she moved. “Yum,” Beth said, “fun and appetizing. We all get one of those?”
Christine nodded. “Outfits for everyone. Although I might just stay bare most of the time in this weather. The grass is a little irritating for too long.”
Eager to try out their role playing costumes, the other four quickly switched bikinis for grass miniskirts and modeled them for the rest. Everyone agreed Julia’s huge breasts and rounded hips went well with the skirt.
“Speaking of weather,” Ruth said, looking at the horizon, “I’m beginning to get worried. Look over there, guys.”
The horizon was not beginning to darken, it was becoming utterly black. There was evidently a storm - a bad one - headed their way. Jane again took charge. “That looks like a nasty storm. I’m not too happy about weathering the thing in that tent.”
While the rest nodded, staring at the approaching storm, Julia spoke up. “I wonder if we can get into that old house? It looks strong enough to go through anything.”
With sudden decision, Jane began issuing commands. “You’re right, Julia. Ruth, go check and see if we can get into the house. The rest of us will pile all of our stuff in the tent, drop the poles and stake the rain fly and the canvas tarps over the gear to protect it. If we stake everything down real well, it ought to ride out the storm all right.”
Ruth was back as the rest were putting the finishing touch on their gear stowage. “The front door is unlocked. There’s furniture and stuff inside, but everything looks dry.”
“Okay,” Jane said, “let’s get over there.”
“Hey,” Beth commented as they trooped towards the big, spooky house, “we’re still in the skirts. Shouldn’t we change to bikinis or something?”
Jane shook her head decisively. “No. All our clothes, such as they are, are under that mound of gear and I don’t want to take the time to haul it all out and put it back. That storm’s nearly here.”
Catching sight of the small purse in Julia’s hand, Jane asked, “What’s that?”
“Cell phone, “Julia answered, getting an approving nod in return. “I thought we might need it.” And, she thought to herself, I’ll need the gun too.
The horizon was not just beginning to darken, it was becoming utterly black. There was evidently a storm - a bad one - headed their way. Jane again took charge. “That looks like a nasty storm. I’m not too happy about weathering the thing in that tent.”
While the rest nodded, staring at the approaching storm, Julia spoke up. “I wonder if we can get into that old house? It looks strong enough to go through anything.”
With sudden decision, Jane began issuing commands. “You’re right, Julia. Ruth, go check and see if we can get into the house. The rest of us will pile all of our stuff in the tent, drop the poles and stake the rain fly and the canvas tarps over the gear to protect it. If we stake everything down real well, it ought to ride out the storm all right.”
Ruth was back as the rest were putting the finishing touch on their gear stowage. “The front door is unlocked. There’s furniture and stuff inside, but everything looks dry.”
“Okay,” Jane said, “let’s get over there.”
“Hey,” Beth commented as they trooped towards the big, spooky house, “we’re still in the skirts. Shouldn’t we change to bikinis or something?”
Jane shook her head decisively. “No. All our clothes, such as they are, are under that mound of gear and I don’t want to take the time to haul it all out and put it back. That storm’s nearly here.”
Catching sight of the small purse in Julia’s hand, Jane asked, “What’s that?”
“Cell phone,” Julia answered, getting an approving nod in return. “I thought we might need it.” And, she thought to herself, I’ll need the gun too.
On the patio the morning after Dottie was cooked, Brooke was enjoying her coffee and happily watching an unusual and quite appetizing spectacle. A long time back, Belinda had ordained daily aerobics for the muffins, to help everyone keep in shape. Sharon had joined in enthusiastically and, Brooke silently noted, was much the better for it, still 38D-28-38, but now highly toned. Brooke continued the thought train, ruminating that a video of the aforementioned aerobics class would be worth a mint on the open market.
You see, the class wasn’t the interesting part. The interesting part was that the students in the class were: a. Nude except for sports bras, b. VERY nicely figured, and c. Prone to jiggling and such as they bent and turned in various directions. In general, it was quite an eyeful, both for someone that appreciated the female form, and for someone that appreciated the female form as the potential for a good meal. Brooke was both.
As the class broke up and the girls threw their sweaty bras into a pile for later washing, then dived into the pool for a cool down, Brooke turned her attention to a figure - also a nude female - walking through the glass doors from the house to the patio. The figure was Tiana, walking a bit bowlegged after last night’s workout with Brooke and her rather long, thick plug-on (description in Part 1). The girl appeared a bit out of sorts this morning, Brooke mused.
Tiana proved that assessment a moment later when she faced Brooke squarely and snarled, “I can barely sit down, you banged my butt so hard last night! Is that all I am? Just an ass?”
“Oh no, dear,” came a musical comment from behind Tiana. “Not at all.” It was Belinda.
She bustled over to Tiana and began to give the girl’s body an expert evaluation. “Your body tone is good, dear,” she said, giving Tiana’s hips a little squeeze. “These have excellent potential, although they’re slightly underdeveloped, but the meat ought to do very nicely on a grill.”
Squeeze and heft of Tiana’s inner thighs. “Um, quite tender. Great filets… And speaking of filets,” (another squeeze) “your prime filet is nicely fleshed, which would mean a delectable pussy platter. Your buttocks have good shape” (full handed grab and joggle) “and not too much fat, which should be good for steaks. Your breasts…” (heft) “would be very good for stew, although they also could use a little meat development. If properly done, they’d make a wonderful stew.”
Brooke glanced at Tiana’s shocked face for a moment, smiled in a lazy, ominous fashion, then asked Belinda. “Belinda, do you think I ought to put her on hormones for a while before I cook her?”
Belinda smiled sweetly, her hand still massaging one of Tiana’s round smooth buttocks, “I think she’d be well worth it, love. Oh, she’d make some nice dishes as she is, but she’d only dress out to about sixty pounds of good meat. She could easily gain ten or fifteen more on that frame with a hormone regimen, and the meat would be even more tasty.”
Tiana’s mouth was gaping. She finally got some words out through her shock. “You can’t…! I mean, you aren’t serious!”
Maria, who’d been sitting silently next to Brooke and watching everything with a grim smile, piped up. “Oh, yes they are, Tiana. I’d say you have two choices. You can either be a walking pussy platter or a great buttfuck. If I were you, I’d do everything Brooke tells me to do, including take the hormones, and hope I can make her want to keep me around. Who knows, if you’re any good, you might just be let go… someday.”
Tiana transferred her shocked stare to Maria. A sudden vision of her - possibly limited - future suddenly unveiled itself, and she realized just how badly she’d erred with her plot. Things were really looking grim, and option two appeared her best course. She looked back at Brooke, and noticed the predatory look in the piercing dark eyes. Tiana began to think about being a great butt fuck.
Belinda plopped herself into a deck chair next to Brooke. “I’ll have Wendy mix up her initial dose and you can put it up her ass in a little while, Brooke, dear.”
Brooke nodded lazily. “That sounds like fun. I like putting it up her ass anyway. Meanwhile, what about the trip to your family estate? That WAS what I originally came here for.”
Belinda nodded. “I’m arranging for a flight later today, dear. We’ll helicopter over to the island, since I won’t have a large party. Including you and your girls - Tiana as well, of course - I’ll be bringing Sharon, along with Ixinza and Rosa to do for us. You can choose several of the muffins to accompany the party also. I thought you might like to have them as extra models.
“Besides,” she continued breezily, “we might want some fresh meat while we’re there.”
The group watched the helicopter fly away and trooped inside the house to get normal, i.e. nude. Of course, to the obvious approval of the pilots, that wasn’t a great chore for the muffins. Ixinza, Rosa, Sheila and Carrie were only wearing dental floss bikinis under T shirts. The rest were in some form of sportswear (very expensive sportswear in the case of Belinda and Brooke), with the exception of Tiana. She was also in a muffin outfit, and very nervous about it. Meat, you know.
The outside of the mansion having been described (Yes, it IS the one in Part 1.), the interior is worth a few words. Just inside the huge oaken front door, the main hall was something out of an English mystery, full of heavy overdone furniture, a wide variety of animal heads on the walls, displays of miscellaneous weapons, bookcases, etc. Off the main hall was the Old Kitchen, done in tastefully gothic heavy stone with hooks high on one wall and a fireplace and spit big enough to cook… well, cook a girl.
Belinda led Brooke through the Old Kitchen into the remodeled new kitchen. “We actually use this during our family reunions, love, and the whole of the first floor has been redone with the exception of the hall and Old Kitchen. Much more comfortable that way. The upstairs has been left pretty much original and in storage since nobody lives here anymore. The downstairs is large enough to handle the crowd at a reunion.”
“Belinda,” Brooke asked, slightly amazed, “just how big is this place.”
“I’ve been told there’s over a hundred and forty bedrooms alone, dear,” Belinda replied airily. “Although I haven’t counted them. Let’s get everyone settled and you can begin choosing locations for your pictures.”
A little later, Sharon called. “Belinda, you better come see this.”
After Belinda, Brooke and attachments (the rest of the gaggle of girls) were out in front of the place, Sharon pointed out to sea. “There’s a boat headed this way.”
“That’s Gomez’s boat,” Belinda said musingly. Glancing at the horizon, she added, “There’s also a storm coming.
“I wonder what Gomez is doing here? He’s normally our family boatman, but we don’t have anything going on at the moment requiring his services,” she continued. “Ladies, I think we need to go up to an upper floor and observe.”
From a fourth floor window in a dusty bedroom full of sheet covered furniture, the gang observed the SEEL disembark and begin setting up camp. “They look quite nice, don’t they?” Belinda commented.
Sharon eyed the group of five very tasty looking women and nodded. “Particularly that overstuffed blonde. That’s some good meat jiggling around out there. You know, those girls won’t be oblivious to the storm for much longer and this is the only real shelter on the island. I’m betting they’re going to come here when they realize there’s a blow headed this way.” Having ridden out a major hurricane in the house, Sharon spoke with authority.
Belinda nodded decisively. “You are quite right, dearest. And that might lead to some fun. Sharon, please take the girls and lock all the downstairs doors except the front door. I want them to be able to get in out of the storm, but they don’t need access to the newer rooms, just the hall, Old Kitchen, and the upstairs. Then, dearest, I’m going to show you and Brooke the secret passages. Given this house, you had to know we have them.”
“Secret passages? Oh, brother! Belinda,” Sharon said, looking at her with suspicion, “you wouldn’t be thinking about having another girl hunt in here, are you?”
Belinda smiled with angelic innocence. “Possibly, dearest. Possibly.”
The five women, nude except for minuscule grass skirts and thong sandals, entered the shadowy main hall with relief to be out of the oncoming storm. Relief quickly became discomfort as their surroundings registered. “Brrr,” Christie said, shuddering theatrically in a way that made her bare curves quite entertaining, “this place looks like something out of a ghost story.”
Ruth came back from a check of the area. “All of the interior doors are locked. But you guys ought to see what that kitchen back there looks like!”
The other four duly followed Ruth back to the Old Kitchen, and stopped dead just inside the door. “That fireplace,” Christie said with another shudder, “is big enough to cook an ox.”
“Or a girl,” Jane mused. “And I don’t want to know what those hooks are for. Come on, maybe there’s a bedroom or something we can use to sit out the storm. I don’t really want to wait it out down here if I can help it. This place is too spooky.”
Julia was all for going upstairs. Better yet, she was all for going upstairs and getting everyone separated. That would make things far more simple for her and the little silenced pistol in her bag. It also contained all of the credit cards the women had brought, and the key to the storage locker where they’d left their luggage. Judging from casual remarks, these girls were loaded and were just what she needed for another big score. With the take she thought she could get from this job, she could be out of the country and living in comfort somewhere far away, preferably where nosy cops wouldn’t recognize her.
It seemed that Christie was reading Julia’s mind, or at least her desires. “You guys go ahead. This place is spooky, but I really, really don’t want to wander around in it, even with your company. Would you mind if I sit right here where it’s safe and wait until you decide where we’re going?”
Jane, pretty much the group leader, nodded. “Okay. This place is spooky, but it looks harmless enough. Obviously, nobody’s home. We’ll go on, but scream if you see a ghost.” Everyone grinned.
Nobody noticed the eyes in the portrait on the wall were now very alive, twinkling, and moving around as they followed the five women around the room.
Christie watched for a moment as the other four climbed the stairs, bare breasts bobbling, nicely shaped bare legs moving, and flashes of bare bottom showing through the grass miniskirts. Then, looking around, she decided on a comfortable looking overstuffed chair against the wall. Good place to wait until the rest of this spook joint had been cased.
Suiting thought to words, she seated herself. Once she was aboard, the chair, with absolutely no fuss, rotated on a hidden turntable and Christie suddenly found herself in another room. Moreover, the room was full of naked women looking at her. She sat, speechless with shock, while a large nude brunette commented dryly, “Welcome to our midst.”
She was immediately grabbed, bound, and gagged before she could even think to move.
“Very good, ladies,” Belinda commented from the platform where she’d been using the spy holes in the paining to watch the SEEL. She took her hand off the button that rotated the chair, first making sure to return the chair to its original position in the other room. “Please remove that cute little grass skirt, then put her on one of the hooks in the Old Kitchen. Next we have to see about the rest of the group.”
Shortly, Christie found herself cozily tucked away, completely nude except for cuffs and ball gag, with the center link of her wrist cuffs hooked onto one of the wall hooks in the Old Kitchen. In a typically thoughtful gesture, Belinda had lengthened the cables on the hooks so Christie could stand comfortably with feet flat on the floor even if her hands were overhead. The thoughtfulness of the gesture was lost on Christie, who continually stared at the huge hearth and the woman-sized spits standing in the corner next to it. She was pondering a number of things, but chief among them was just exactly WHO was going on one of those spits. It was obvious to her that those naked women, whoever they were, were planning on cooking somebody soon, and Things Really Looked Bad for her.
Meanwhile, the other four members of the SEEL were on the third floor, looking into one of the bedrooms. The dust and the sheets on the furniture were a little off-putting, but the room seemed a good choice to ride out the storm and watch what was happening at the same time. At no time in the discussion did they turn and look at the painted portrait on the wall. If they had, they might have noticed it was looking back.
Then again, maybe not.
It was finally decided that Ruth would go downstairs and bring Christie back up. On arriving downstairs, Ruth found the main hall empty. Trying to puzzle out where Christie had gone, Ruth sat down on the same comfortable chair that had given Christie such an interesting ride. Same ride ensued. Shortly thereafter, Christie was no longer alone, hanging from her hook in the Old Kitchen. The hook next to her was occupied by Ruth, also meditating on the huge cooking hearth and the spits.
Meanwhile again, Julia, Jane, and Beth were inside the old bedroom, window drapes drawn back, and watching the rain and lightning. Julia had tired of carrying her purse and put it on a table next to the wall. A panel in the wall slid back, a bare feminine arm came out, picked up the purse, and silently retreated into the wall. A moment or two later, the purse was returned to its place and the panel closed, just as silently.
The storm was in its full fury. Rain hammered at the bedroom window and lightning blasted the sky outside. In all, pretty spooky, given the fact that the three women were in a dusty, apparently abandoned bedroom. Of course, none of the three had the sense to figure out the obvious fact that the room wasn’t abandoned, merely in long term storage, judging from the condition of the furnishings. Still, one can’t think of everything when one is in a quite unsettling old house full of sheet covered furniture and really lousy lighting, much less the effect of the violent storm outside, meanwhile wearing nothing but a grass miniskirt and a pair of rubber shower sandals.
Eventually, Beth noticed the rest of the SEEL hadn’t returned to the bedroom and wondered if she ought to point out the fact to the other two. She moved back from the window to ponder the situation. About that time, Jane felt she needed to show a little unconcern, so she also moved back slightly and leaned up against a nearby wall, putting her hand on a conveniently placed wall lighting fixture. She was so intent on showing unconcern she didn’t notice the fixture depress into the wall a quarter of an inch or so.
Beth, however, did notice a large panel in the bedroom wall next to her sliding silently aside. She turned to look, saw a large frowning nude brunette glaring at her, and decided to scream. Needless to say, she was grabbed and jerked through the open panel and into the bedroom next door, all without too much fuss or noise. Since the minor scuffle occurred during a particularly horrendous thunder crash, the other two didn’t hear a thing.
Julia, meanwhile, was pondering when to start the program of taking care of witnesses. She actually didn’t want to shoot anybody. She’d never done it before, after all. Maybe just tie each one up in a separate bedroom, using curtain ropes and sheets. Plenty of those around, and if she did it right, none of these meat-fantasy screwballs would be free before she could call for the boat and get back to Miami. Once she was there, she had plans to clean out the storage locker and catch a plane to somewhere quick after selling the credit cards, jewelry, and other stuff to a discreet fence she knew. With the money she already had in an offshore bank, she’d be set for life.
Well, no time like the present.
She turned around, intending to say something that would send Beth off somewhere while she dealt with Jane (obvious leader type and probably quicker to catch on than the other three screwballs), but found that Beth had wandered off on her own. “Jane,” she asked instead, “where’s Beth?”
Jane started to say something, glanced around, realized there was just Julia in the room with her, and changed what she was going to say. ” I don’t know. She must have wandered off. You know, the rest aren’t back either. Wonder what’s going on? I’ll check in the hall outside.” Suiting action to words, out marched Jane.
This left Julia in a quandary. She was starting to get the uneasy feeling that something actually was happening, but not what it was. She decided to grab her little pistol and take a look. If Jane was alone out there, she’d bring her back in here and tie her up. If Beth was with her… well she was confident of being able to handle both of them.
The pistol was missing. So were the credit cards and key. She’d been robbed! Those dirty, no good, thieving women… and after all she’d done with - and to - them, not to mention let them do to her. Much grumbling.
On occasion, Julia could be a little dense.
To demonstrate the fact that she just didn’t get it. Julia turned her back on the storm still raging outside and headed for the bedroom door. If Beth was in the corridor outside, she, Julia, was going to confront her, get the stuff she’d stolen plus her gun, then tie up the other three and make her escape as soon as the storm let up.
In addition to dense, Julia occasionally wasn’t too bright. Might have been blonde genes, but her blonde hair was false.
Striding firmly down the dim, dusty hallway, Julia was wondering where everyone else had gotten to. She was in the mood for a fight and wished someone would show up so she could have one.
She got her wish. Julia rounded a corner and was confronted with a large bare brunette named Sharon.
When Julia, slightly mussed and a little the worse for wear, was frog-marched into the Old Kitchen, it was to see the other four (and real) members of the SEEL naked and dangling from hooks by the cuffs securely binding their wrists. In short order, Julia joined the lineup and also their universal preoccupation with the woman sized hearth and spits.
“Hm, dearest,” Belinda commented to Sharon as she walked down the lineup, carefully studying the five women, “this is quite a nicely developed and juicy looking group. I can quite imagine that they will prove tasty, as well.”
Standing in the center of the floor, Sharon was also studying the five women. “Have to agree, Belinda. The question is if any of them meet our criteria.” Meaning were any of the five certifiable bitches, thus fair game.
Belinda reached over and tweaked Christie’s plump bare pussy mound. “Oh, I think so, dearest. I took the occasion while you were collecting the last two to have a little talk with the first three. I’m quite satisfied that all of them will not only be suitable for cooking, they’ll turn out to be very flavorful and delicious.
“In fact…” Belinda paused, right index finger under her chin in her favorite thinking posture, “yes… I believe I will.
“Dearest, I think I’ll take these four to bed with me tonight.” She indicated the four original members of the SEEL. “The storm outside had made this a night for snuggling, and they look like good snugglers.
“Ladies,” Belinda continued, “would you like to sleep with me? I’d very much like to judge your usefulness as something other than dinner.” Four enthusiastic wide-eyed frantic nods (the idea was to be better for sex than lunch) and a baleful glare from Julia.
“Dearest,” Belinda said as she and several of the other girls released Ruth, Jane, Beth, and Christie, “you’re welcome to the blonde on the end if you so desire.”
Sharon studied Julia for a moment. There was something about the look of her face, something a bit hard and bitchy. Sharon decided Julia could be of best use to society as steaks and chops. She, Sharon, preferred a little more amiable human being in her bed. “No, Belinda, I think I’ll see if Suzi is doing anything tonight.” A happy squeal proclaimed that Suzi was, and it involved Sharon.
Later that night, Julia had plopped her nicely upholstered bare bottom on the cot in the cage and fumed as she finished a bottle of very interesting wine. Things didn’t look good relative to the next day and that overgrown hearth, not to mention she wasn’t regarded as sexually attractive enough to share the bed of that overgrown brunette. Either way, she certainly had reason to be mad.
“Hey,” a feminine voice called softly from the shadows, “you want to get out of here with me?” It was Tiana, and she Had A Plan.
The lock on the cage was an electronic model, and Julia was still fervently agreeing that she wanted out as Tiana hit the switch. Once the door was open, Tiana hurried inside, making “be quiet” motions. “Shut up!” she hissed. “I don’t know who’s awake, but we don’t want them down here!
“I’m slated for pussy burgers just like you,” she continued softly, as Julia stood attentively, all ears. “I figure it will take both of us to escape this place. Look, I’ve even got your cell phone.”
What Tiana was studiously not saying was that it was going to take both of them to escape, all right. Then, the other one could be conveniently dumped to be discovered and captured. Then while Belinda, Sharon, and Brooke were engaged in something humorous involving the captive, a cooking spit, and oregano, the free girl would have a little extra time to call a boat and escape from the island.
Oddly enough, the exact same thought was running through Julia’s mind.
Not-so-great minds also think alike.
Julia decided to put her plan into action first. Thus, when Tiana turned her back to lead the way out of the cage, Julia bopped her on the back of the head with the mostly empty wine bottle. Some hefting of Tiana’s dead weight, a little work with some convenient cuffs left lying around, and Julia surveyed her work with satisfaction. A moment’s thought, and she even had an idea about the wine bottle.
Carefully closing the cage behind her, Julia headed for the front door of the mansion, planning a speedy departure for parts far away. Wonder of wonders, the door was unlocked! She took the time on the front stoop to very quietly close the door behind her and hide her escape. As she heard the door click shut, she also heard another, louder, click.
This one was beneath her feet.
Almost immediately, Julia found herself sitting on her ass on a thick air cushion at the bottom of an eight foot concrete shaft. As she looked up, the trap door above her closed quietly. Life sucked.
It really wasn’t all that long before a large hatch in the side of the shaft opened. It was Belinda. “Ah, dear, I wondered if anyone would discover that old trap door after I activated it. It sets off an alarm in my bedroom, you know. Quite woke up all five of us. When I saw it was you in the security camera, Julia, I decided you might like some more wine. Here it is, dear. Now have a good night.” With that little homily, Belinda left the bottle and departed behind the closing hatch.
Julia was still holding the cell phone taken from Tiana. Obviously, that stupid bitch Belinda hadn’t thought of it. Flipping it open, she tried to turn it on. No response. Tenth try later, she decided to see if the battery was out of place or something. The battery was out of place, all right. It wasn’t there. Belinda had removed it.
Life really sucked.
The next morning dawned bright and sunny after the previous day’s storm, and Belinda was equally bright and sunny throughout a breakfast featuring muffin bacon, among other culinary delights. Tiana, on the other hand, wasn’t so bright and sunny. In fact, she appeared to be stiff and a bit sore. Of course, that was to be expected after spending a night tied with her ankles and wrists bound together and resting on her knees and shoulders.
“At least that damned woman shoved the wine bottle up my cunt and not my ass,” she groused to a not entirely sympathetic Suzi. “Brooke gives my butt enough of a workout.”
After breakfast, the whole gang trooped back into the Old Kitchen, where the five captured women were again occupying their hooks and meditating on the uses of a hearth that huge. Belinda took a stroll down the line. As she tweaked Ruth’s prominent pussy mound, she commented, “Dears, there’s really quite some nice meat hanging here. This part feels quite succulent.” Similar remarks were made about Jane’s inner thighs, Christie’s hips, Beth’s legs, and just about everything on Julia. Those complimented gave wide eyed, nervous looks over their ball gags in response.
Belinda also hefted a few breasts and gave them a slight squeeze just for fun. When she came to Julia’s outsized globes, she remarked, “Hm. If we core these and stuff them, they’d make a great luncheon dish. The pair are large enough to feed the ranch with appropriate side dishes. Julia, I have to congratulate you on a very nice rack.”
Julia wasn’t exactly gushing with gratitude at the congratulations.
Alyssa, the photographer, was in seventh heaven. She was feverishly moving around, taking pictures of the examination from various angles. “I won’t be able to sell them,” she chuckled, “but they ought to be absolutely wonderful souvenirs.” She was wrong about the sales. Belinda bought all the prints.
“Let’s turn them around and see the backsides, ladies,” Belinda commanded. In short order, all five were facing the wall and Belinda was judging their buttocks. The women each got a few squeezes and hefts to the rump cheeks, with appropriately appreciative remarks.
Julia felt soft hands spread her cheeks. “Her little bottom hole is rather tight,” Belinda said. “After last night, I can vouch that the rest are more relaxed, although this one might have a case of the nerves. That might do it. They all really need another relaxation session.”
Ixinza and Rosa grinned. They knew what that meant, and began thinking about which bag held the plug-ons. Brooke did too. This morning promised to be fun.
Belinda came to a decision. “Ladies, they need to all be cleaned out. Fortunately, they are all shaved, so only a little depilatory cream will be needed, but they still deserve the full treatment. After all, they’re such nice girls. Ixinza and Rosa, why don’t you and, oh… Sheila and Carrie take them to the cleaning room and flush them out one at a time.”
To two hands were raised. “All right, dears,” Belinda smiled, “Maria and Suzi may assist.”
Brooke strolled up, pulling Tiana by an arm. “Do this one, too,” she said, indicating the shocked girl. “She needs to get used to it.”
The next hour or so were marked by muffled pleas and loud squeals as each girl was led to the back, followed soon after by rising moans and groans. Sharon reflected that having three feet of large hose thrust up your ass for a super enema might be thought of as a super-sized butt fuck. Of course, most girls actually did get off once the hose was removed and a long flexible soft plastic brush went up their asses to finish scrubbing things out.
Once the freshly scrubbed (inside and out) women were all back on their hooks with butt plugs keeping their rear entrances open, Belinda proceeded to the next phase of the festivities. In short order, all six had their hands released and arms bound to their sides. Then they knelt on a low platform and made to lean over on another platform in front of them that supported their shoulders and heads.
Addressing the row of meaty asses that framed plugged bottom holes and deliciously meaty pussies glowing with girl juice , Belinda announced, “Ladies, you are all going to participate in a little game of ours known as Stuff the Roast. We’ll show you how it’s played in a few minutes. I just want you to know that I’ll be choosing dinner after the game. Won’t that be fun?”
As the question was rhetorical, she didn’t get an answer, unless uncomfortable (and quite interesting, considering the view) squirming and high moans counted.
Meanwhile, Belinda had passed plug-ons to Sharon, Brooke, Ixinza, Rosa, Suzi, and Maria. As everyone was straddling the devices and inserting the plugs in pussy and ass, Belinda gave a few directions. “We’ll do their pussies first, ladies. Then let everyone else that wants a turn have one. After that, we can unplug their asses and repeat the process.”
Beth was already sexually excited when she felt the tip of the thick plastic shaft insinuate itself through the lips of her pussy. As it slowly progressed into her body, she forgot all the other times she’d had a strap-on with the other girls in the SEEL, and began to think of it as the thick pole of a spit. Her first orgasm was immediate and strong. Christie, next to her and entertaining the same fantasies, signaled her approval of the process just as quickly and loudly.
Even Julia, who normally faked such things, was getting excited at the pumping in her cunt. For some reason, she’d been in a low grade state of sexual excitement all morning. Even the pulsating brush up her ass had given her a very nice pop-off. Now, whoever was slamming their hips into the back of her butt was doing a damn fine job with that plastic prick. She began to understand what it meant to get fucked cross eyed.
Sharon, the individual slamming Julia, already knew about getting fucked cross eyed. That’s what happened anytime you went to bed with Belinda. Of course, Julia was responding to more than the pounding, Sharon thought with a secret little smile. Belinda had spiked the woman’s wine with one of her sexual stimulants, guaranteed to make the recipient horny enough to fuck a telephone pole. As the plugs in her ass and cunt joggled and moved with the fucking she was giving Julia, Sharon decided to forget smirking about drugs. The coming orgasm promised to be a biggie.
Julia was almost enervated when she felt someone remove the plug from her ass, but still found the energy to be a little nervous. She knew what was coming next. Sure enough, the shaft of the plug-on drove smoothly far up her butt. Julia let out a loud squeal when that happened, then industriously followed up with more noise when the shaft started pumping like a pile driver. Her eyes actually did cross as she orgasmed.
After everyone had calmed down a little, Belinda surveyed the upraised butts, open bottom holes and sloppy wet pussies in front of her, then reached over and squeezed a succulent inner thigh muscle. Transferring her squeeze to a buttock, she announced, “We’ll spit this one, girls. Up the cunt.”
With a cheer from the assembled group, less the six women in the bound position, Julia was lifted up and taken to a nearby stool with two holes in the seat. Her hands were released and bound in front of her, then she was seated on the stool. A thick wooden dowel was inserted through one hole and up her pussy. Another went through the other hole and into her ass. With the length and thickness of the two dowels, Julia was effectively pinned to the seat of the stool, with a very nice view of the preparations for her spitting and roasting. Being as Belinda was of a festive mood, the other five were squatting with their backs against the opposing wall, their hands now tied behind them, ball gags still in place. So that everyone could have fun, Belinda had thoughtfully ordered vibrators inserted prior to the women squatting, and every so often a slight moan or rolling of the eyes confirmed her wisdom in that act.
A large mobile cooking table was rolled in and things began to get very interesting. Julia was lifted off her stool and laid face down on the table with her legs spread wide, ankles strapped to opposite sides of the table, and her neck strapped to the front. This left her immobile and the pathway to her tasty plump pussy quite open, as, by the way, was Julia. Next on the docket was seasoning and stuffing. Suzi had a blast with this part, smearing oil all over Julia’s curvy body, squeezing appropriately appetizing spots and making sure that Julia had oil as far up her cunt and ass as a motivated finger or three could reach.
Experienced cook’s helpers, Rosa and Ixinza carefully applied salt and pepper to the wriggly meat, along with a good dollop of oregano (favored for slightly plump girls). Sharon hand stuffed Julia’s ass, to the accompaniment of much squirming and many loud squeals, especially whenever Sharon tamped the stuffing in with a thick dowel. She finished her task and, with a flourish, then inserted a thick vibrator to keep the stuffing in and to help keep Julia’s interest in the proceedings at a high level. Once her hair was done up to protect it from the fire and her breasts were bound to keep them from flopping, Julia was ready to spit.
Belinda’s spit of choice for this girl was a two part hypermagnetic spit. It not only didn’t hurt the woman, it kept her alive longer and let her do more squirming and wriggling. With Julia’s outstandingly plush body, Belinda thought, more wriggling and squirming could only be classed as a good thing.
A two part hypermagnetic spit was brought out, the top tipped with a long thick mouthpiece that went partly down the woman’s throat. The bottom was tipped with a long thick vibrator that went far up the other end. Which, in this case, it did. The vibrator was inserted so far up Julia that only the switch was visible. Then they tied her legs to the spit and her arms to her sides. Once both halves were secure, the magnetic current was turned on, and Julia felt as though she were actually impaled on a long thick rod.
Belinda turned to the five fascinated (and semi-orgasmic) women squatting against the wall. “I will be more than happy to give all of you a ride on this before we leave, dears. I assure you, you’ll have a great deal of fun.” Eyes of five bound women got wide.
While all of this had been going on, Sheila and Carrie had been working on the fire in the huge hearth, not high enough to actually burn Julia but high enough that the heat would eventually drive her into delirium before heat stroke got her. They’d stoke the fire and really begin cooking her after she was gone.
As she wound the huge clockwork spring that drove the old fashioned rotisserie, Belinda commented, “It’s a bit old timey, ladies, but I do love the traditions of this old house. When I think of all the good times my family has had watching a girl rotate in this hearth…” She sighed and wiped away a little tear.
Julia was gently transferred to the rotisserie and the clockwork motor activated. During this process, Julia had been squirming and squealing (Another advantage of the two part spit is that it didn’t block the vocal cords.), but she got even more active as she felt rotate. The she began to feel the heat and the effects of the highly active vibrators inserted into her body. Shortly thereafter, the squeals took on a different note, accompanied occasionally by the odd moan.
“Oh,” Suzi said, “I love the way her breasts and buttocks shimmy when she wriggles like that.”
Sharon nodded. “I always get worked up when I see a woman cooking on the spit.”
She eyed Suzi’s full curves thoughtfully. “Want to do something about all this excitement after she’s gone?” Suzi nodded enthusiastically, her eyes bright, then turned back to the show in the hearth.
It was quite a show, too. The audience wasn’t quite sure if Julia was reacting to the feeling of being cooked or to the sensations from the vibrators. The only thing certain was that the woman was squirming quite vigorously, and sounding off with every noise she could make to accompany the pole dance.
Julia wasn’t certain, either. All she knew was that the heat and the sexual sensations in her hips were driving her wild. She most certainly didn’t want to be here, but the wonderful, wonderful feeling every time someone ran an oily basting brush across her breasts, pubis or buttocks jacked her nerves to a fever pitch. The blast of the orgasm following a basting was more than she could stand. As her mind grew ever more disconnected, all she could think of, all she could feel, were the heat and the rolling blasts of orgasm that convulsed her body. She drifted away, submerged in a sea of wracking orgasm, heat, and the fabulous smell of something wonderfully delicious cooking.
Sharon noticed that the five women previously under restraint were now free, gathered with the rest and staring fascinated at the slowly turning beautiful form gently squirming over the low fire. Jane was stroking Christie while Ruth and Beth hugged each other and exchanged the occasional deep kiss. Tiana was alone, staring at Julia with an uneasy expression, but Sharon could tell she was excited by the way the girl rubbed her thighs together and absently stroked herself.
Sharon caught Belinda’s eye and nodded her head at the fascinated four members of the SEEL. Belinda smiled, drifted over and whispered in her ear. “I’m letting them go, dearest. They are actually quite harmless. Just four innocent women on a vacation and indulging their fantasies. We had quite a talk last night. They all asked to go through the entire meat preparation process today and I was happy to indulge their harmless little fantasy.”
Belinda looked at Julia, slow roasting over the hearth fire and her smile became predatory. “That one’s another story. She’s a thief and confidence trickster, who got their trust in Miami and planned to rob them out here. She’s right where she belongs.”
Sharon grunted. “Good thing it was her. Not only is she a perfect bitch, she’s perfect cooking, too. Ought to be very tasty.”
Belinda favored Julia’s slowly quieting curvy body with another predatory smile. “Oh, quite tasty, I should think, lover. Let me finish showing the girls where the couches and toys should go. I expect we’ll need them soon.”
They did need them soon. Julia was gone, quietly cooking over a slightly hotter fire and everyone was pairing up. It wasn’t long before Sharon had her plug-on back in place and was settling onto Suzi’s firm belly. The girl tilted her head back, closed her eyes, and bit her bottom lip as she felt the shaft sink into her pussy. As Sharon began to gently pump, Suzi moaned, “Oh, that’s so good! Make it last!” Sharon did.
Tiana was desperately looking for someone, anyone, to help with the sexual overcharge she was nursing. Brooke, an evil smile on her face, did so. “Bend over that table,” she told the slightly disgruntled girl. “You’re going to take me for a ride.”
Grunting and screwing up her face in passion as Brooke pounded her butt, Tiana had time for only one extraneous thought. She was just going to have to get used to this shaft pumping in and out of her ass.
Later, out of her plug-on, Sharon was still lying on Suzi as she felt a soft rubber shaft begin to slide between her legs and into her cunt. “I hope you don’t mind,” Jane breathed into her ear, “but I’ve been wanting to do this ever since I first saw you.”
Remembering Jane’s solid and curvaceous figure, Sharon answered, “Feel free. That’s what Belinda is all about, besides cooking delicious women. But I get to play with you when you’re finished.” Her answer was a happy moan.
The next several days were fun for all concerned. Sheila and Carrie were a bit disappointed that Julia had enough succulent meat to feed everyone during their stay, especially when the SEEL brought their girl hip from their gear to add to the store. All four had been awarded a quarter of Julia’s luscious pussy apiece, and were now confirmed woman eaters.
Those that wanted got to ride the spit in role play. Repeat riders included Jane, Beth, Christie, and Suzi, who really, really got off on the process. Ruth got to do a lot of cooking and enjoy some really tasty juicy pussy.
The swimsuit photo shoot went beautifully, and, since they had the right kind of figures, Jane & company were added to the models. They raised the total models for Brooke’s shoot to eight, and Brooke was delighted with the results. Alyssa proved to be an artist with a camera, and the shots were spectacular.
Tiana was still nervous about her future. Brooke hadn’t neglected her hormone treatments while she was on the island. As she uneasily noticed Maria smiling at her, she wondered how long the hormone treatments would take before she was deemed ready for the kitchen. She had exactly that long to become the best butt fuck Brooke had ever experienced. She resolved to lay in a goodly stock of lubricants and a very thick vibrator. And hope.
Prior to departure, several announcements were made. Belinda called everyone together and announced the SEEL were returning to the ranch to finish their vacation with the gang, and were welcome any time they were in the area. This produced a general round of cheers and a few happy tears from the SEEL. To the accompaniment of more cheers, Beth stated she was planning on chucking it all and joining Belinda’s herd of spit muffins. Privately, Sharon thought Christie was thinking about making the same declaration, but hadn’t got up the nerve yet. Ruth, for one, was in heaven thinking about all of the succulent pussy that was going to be jiggling around her, free for the asking. Jane was just enjoying the best vacation she’d ever had. Her husband was going to enjoy it too, when she got home.
Watching as the curvaceous mass of female nudity broke up into small conversations, Belinda commented to Sharon, “I think this trip turned out quite nicely, dearest. It proves the adage that all’s well that ends well.”
Eyeing Jane’s nicely rounded buttocks, Sharon nodded. “And those are some nice ends, Belinda.”