Belinda 07: Belinda and the Boob Jobs
Belinda and the Boob Jobs by Leo
When Sharon, nude as usual, came out onto the patio of Belinda’s fabulous South Florida mansion after the morning milking, she found it was empty. Everyone, it appeared, was occupied somewhere else. This was a wonderful opportunity to soak in relaxed quiet in the hot tub, looking out at the expanse of the Atlantic visible over the patio rails.
Joining her in a full agreement with the day was a large tomcat whose fur had a distinct pinkish hue. He was, formally, Belinda’s Pink Pussy, otherwise known as Pink. He was a permanent resident and a connoisseur of woman meat.
Belinda’s large, single story modernistic mansion occupied a cliff overlooking a large expanse of public beach on one side and a small private beach and cove on the other side; a spot totally inaccessible and out of view of the public. That private beach was a wonderful place for cookouts and for the spit muffins to play, since there was no reason for any of the women to wear anything while on it. That was also good, because none of the women in the mansion, A.K.A. Belinda’s Dairy and Meat Ranch, ever wore anything bit a smile and a light coat of sunscreen. Shoes, when needed. Belinda, who owned the place, preferred nudity and wanted to get a good view of what was on the menu. The menu, in this case, was the rotating group of at least ten spit muffins, girls whose driving fantasy was becoming a delicious feast. These women, ranging in age from early twenties to late thirties and in beautiful condition, were recruited from a variety of locations to come, live at Belinda’s place, give milk (via Belinda’s special hormone recipe) if they were reasonably large breasted, and enjoy a hedonistic lifestyle dedicated to lesbian sex and sensuous pleasure in any form until it was time to go to the kitchen and become that night’s dinner.
Sharon thought they were nuts. Appetising and very tasty nuts, but nuts.
Sharon had originally been captured because of her mouth-wateringly plush figure, but had instead become Belinda’s companion, since it turned out that her pragmatic outlook nicely balanced Belinda’s somewhat dotty personality. Thus the reason that Sharon, just like the muffins, had no body hair, especially pubic hair. A bare pussy meant you were on the menu, unless you were Sharon, and she worked hard to ensure that it stayed that way. Not that Sharon didn’t trust Belinda’s promise not to ever cook her, but, well… a girl had to look out for herself. Especially if she was the proud possessor of a lush, nicely rounded, hour glass figure that would set any dedicated woman eater to salivating. To repeat, a girl had to look out for herself, especially when the alternative was finding a spit up her pussy.
All of that was irrelevant to a beautiful morning and a really spectacular view of the ocean. The tub looked like a good place to enjoy both. A testing finger showed the water already warm. Hm. Somebody must have been using it lately. No matter. Everything was just right. Nice thing about always being nude, not only were you ready in case anyone wanted to play, you didn’t have to waste time when the hot tub was calling.
She unclipped the delicate golden chain clamped to her nipples that held her breasts together and placed it carefully on a pool table. She really loved that chain. Not only did it signify that she was head girl, lead cow, marshal, and den mother to a group of meat fixated screwballs, it pulled her large breasts together, gave them some support so she didn’t flop, and actually gave her cleavage while nude. Wendy, the girl hired as Sharon’s assistant, also wore one, but hers was silver, as befitted a deputy den mother. Nearby, Pink hopped up on a patio table to watch Sharon immerse her plush figure in the hot tub. Sharon didn’t delude herself. The damned cat was hoping it was a cooking pot.
Sliding into the water, Sharon reclined back against the side of the tub in one of the moulded seats and sighed, enjoying the comfort of the warm, relaxing water. Looking at the button that started the water jets, she debated for a moment not pushing it - just relaxing - then decided to enjoy a water jet massage. She opened her legs slightly, since one of the jets was placed to apply a gentle current to the pussy of any girl seated where she was. There was another under her ass, too. Just about anything in Belinda’s place had some sexual application.
She was reaching for the button when she heard Wendy shout, “Sharon! Wait a minute!”
She completed pushing the button to start the water jets. “WAH-H-HOOOOAAAAA!!!” Sharon shot to her feet in the now roiling water and, one hand between her plush buttocks, glared back at the two water jets that spouted a good six inches above the regular water level like underwater geysers. Pink took off like a shot.
Wendy giggled. “Sorry, Sharon. I tried to warn you, but it was a bit too late. Abby’s been messing with the jets, trying to get a water fuck. She didn’t reset them before she came in the house for the milking.”
Sharon transferred her glare to Wendy, a pleasant faced, nicely rounded twenty something sandy blonde. “Well tell her to get her ass back out here and reset the damn things and not to do it again. I thought I was being given a combined enema and douche! Damn if I need that this morning!” The muffins had surprisingly diverse backgrounds, for a group with such a goofball outlook on life. Abby had been a mechanic, and a very innovative one, before deciding to chuck it all for a short, hedonistic life prior to realising her meat fantasy.
Growling under her breath, Sharon climbed out of the tub and reached for a towel from a nearby rack to dry off. “I admit the girl has done some interesting things,” she said, staring to settle down as she dried herself, “but a woman needs to know when something’s safe.” Wendy continued to giggle and Sharon decided darkly that the day was taking a turn downhill.
The day picked up speed on the downhill slope a few minutes later when Belinda came bustling out onto the patio. Belinda never strolled or walked, she bustled, with every delicious curve of her spectacular naked figure in some form of motion, usually in a different direction. Sharon was normally very appreciative of Belinda’s body in motion, but not right now. A little voice was telling her Belinda was about to drop A Bomb. Again.
The little voice was dead on. Again. Belinda said without preamble. “Ladies, we must organise the muffins. We are about to have visitors over the next few days.”
Sharon favoured Belinda with a jaundiced eye, jaundiced as only a pragmatic woman who has just had a water jet up her ass could produce. “WHAT visitors, Belinda? When? And why?”
Belinda smiled brightly. “Oh darling, you’re sure to love them.”
Fat chance.
Looking absently up into the sky, Belinda began to tick off the visitors on her fingers. “Now let me see… First, a very nice Irish woman is coming for Trish’s oven roasting. At Trish’s own request, by the way. There will also be the editor of Womaneating Gourmet magazine in attendance. He’s quite interested in our new hormone body development process and wants to sample the taste. I’m sure he’ll love Trish.”
Sharon interrupted. “A MAN?! Belinda, you’ve never had a man as a guest since I’ve lived here!”
Belinda dropped her glance to meet Sharon’s astounded face and gave her another bright smile. “Darling, I’ve had a few here over the years for various reasons. This gentleman will certainly help the business now that we’re dosing the non-milk muffins with the body development hormones. A good report will certainly help with sales and distribution.”
Wendy decided it was her turn to interject. “Belinda, I’ve noticed Trish has been gone for the last few days. Has she been staying with this woman?”
“Kate?” Belinda replied. “Oh, I don’t think so, dearest. At least, not exclusively. Kate, by the way, is a full member of the Society of Lilith and a former officer in the Society. Quite an interesting woman… Oh, yes, back to Trish. She wanted a few days off with a friend of hers that was going to be in town, Liam - he’s also Irish. I’m sure we’ll hear all about it when Trish and Kate arrive this afternoon.
“Now where was I?…” Belinda was back studying the sky and ticking off visitors. “There were three more… ah, yes. Another man, dearest Sharon. Reilly has done a few jobs for the family business - of the less savoury type - and he’s bringing a girl he wants to have the hormone treatment. - He won’t come until after Trish’s roasting. - We’re also hosting Katherine Place and her niece for dinner. Her niece, Linda, wants the hormone treatment as a non-surgical breast enhancer. Build up her figure a little, too. She’ll probably be staying here for the full treatment.”
Sharon looked at Belinda’s innocent expression. “That’s how you’re going to market this stuff to the general population? As breast enhancement?” Belinda nodded enthusiastically, and Sharon rolled her eyes. Hoo, boy. No telling where that would lead. Among other effects, the body development hormones increased the size and firmness of a woman’s breasts by increasing the flesh sheath around the glands and fat that normally made up most of a breast. The hormones actually made the breasts a nicely edible dish, once cored and stuffed. They also increased the meat content of her pussy, ass and thighs. Belinda had been using them on the non-milk muffins and most of them now had large, plump, tender pussy mounds, not to mention enhanced buttocks and other meat on their hips and looking like they’d had boob jobs. Everything, of course, was nicely edible.
Wendy broke in. “Belinda, that gives us a lot of outsiders at Trish’s roasting. What about…”
Belinda got Wendy’s meaning and gave one of her tinkling laughs. “Oh, my darling, there won’t be a problem. Simply tell the muffins to be on their best behaviour tomorrow when we cook Trish and they can play with the gentleman from the magazine. It’ll be a very nice variation for them, and I have other plans. I’m interested in Reilly - and you might be also, Sharon, dearest. After all, if the girls get a man first, he’ll be of no use to me once they finish, while if I get him first, he won’t be able to handle any of the rest of you after I’m done. It’s best that we divide.”
“Belinda, we’re all girls here. Nobody is protected,” Sharon said uneasily.
Belinda shook her head. “There’ll be no problem, dearest. A lactating women doesn’t conceive and the body development hormones protect the others. I’ve got protection, and Sharon, dearest, you give milk, so we’ll be able to enjoy Mr. Reilly.
“Now,” she said firmly, “let’s go assemble the muffins and get them ready for company.”
Company began to arrive that afternoon, to wit: Trish and Kate. Sharon met them at the door nude, as was her custom, and Kate’s lack of surprise showed she was well aware of house rules. She got down to bare skin nearly as fast as Trish. Kate was rather tall, of the slender but curvy type, with deep auburn hair and grey eyes. Trish, on the other hand, was her usual athletic, bouncy self, her hormone augmented, well endowed figure the picture of physically fit sex appeal.
She’s turned into quite the corn-fed beauty, Sharon thought to herself, although what the girl ate was only occasionally corn. More usually it was muffins, augmented with selected hormones in regulated dosages.
“Hi, Belinda,” she said with a hug. “Thanks for having me here. Liam sends his best, but he appeared a little wrung out when I picked up Trish this morning. Trish’s batteries are quite charged up and they apparently had a pretty good time. Oh, Liam asks if you’d mind sending him some meat after she’s roasted. Uh, is that cat pink?”
The Master of the House had joined them.
“Certainly, dear lady,” Belinda replied. “I’ll save Liam some hip cuts. And yes, he is.” Trish nodded enthusiastic agreement to both points.
Kate turned to look at Sharon, smiling appreciatively at what she saw. “I’ll be spending the night with Trish and Belinda,” Kate purred as she openly admired Sharon’s plush body, “but I do hope you can spare me some time to work me into your schedule.”
Sharon smiled back. Kate was quite appealing. “After we have Trish for dinner, honey. We’ll get together then.”
The deal was sealed with a nod.
The next morning after the milking, Sharon was in the dairy room, fixing four bulbs for hormone injections. The bulbs were normal rubber squeeze bulbs, but each was attached to a long, thin, flexible nozzle about eighteen inches long. The nozzle went up the girl’s ass and her hormone dose (determined individually, depending on how much development was wanted) far up her when the bulb was squeezed. According to the schedule, one of the muffins needed her milk hormones and the other three were due for body development boosters. Sharon called out, “Wendy, would you tell the girls I’m ready? Let’s get ‘em in here and bent over. I have a lot to do today.”
Wendy stuck her head in the room. “All four are out on the patio, just watching the day. Abby asks if you’d mind giving it to them while the were bending over the railing so they can see the ocean. The day’s so pretty, I kind of agree with her.”
Sharon shrugged. Actually, she could agree with Wendy. It WAS a pretty day out there. Combine four deliciously curved female bottoms and a beautiful view of the Atlantic and the day would really start nicely. Besides, it wasn’t as though Belinda ran the house like some kind of anal-retentive boot camp. “Okay. Be right out.”
When Sharon carried the tray with the four bulbs out to the patio, she saw the girls waiting for her, looking out over the ocean. She took a moment to enjoy the view as she placed the tray on a patio table. Pink was already there, and also appraising the view. All four naked muffins were quite nicely fleshed, curvy and very appetising. The best thing about those four delicious, sexually appealing and succulent bodies, Sharon thought, is that they were going on a carving platter, and not her. Sharon was a firm believer in ABM: Anybody But Me. “Okay, ladies,” she said, “if you can get comfortable bending over the railing, do it. I’ll pump this stuff up you and we can get on with the day.” Besides, she thought to herself, it was enjoyable - not quite fucking their asses, but fun, nonetheless.
“Can I try something different?” Abby asked as the other three bent over the railing.
Sharon snorted. “Since when is that unusual for you? Okay, but let’s get to it. Got things to do.”
Sharon went about her business, inserting the greased tip of a bulb nozzle up each girl’s ass, then pushing it as far in as it would go before squeezing the bulb to inject the hormone solution. When she’d finished and removed the nozzles, she turned and saw Abby. True to form, Abby was trying something a little different. Abby had taken two of the picnic benches and stacked them on top of each other so she could sit on the top one, which she was primly doing. “I think my butt is about chest high on you, right?”
Sharon looked at her quizzically. “Yes, but what the hell that has to do with anything I don’t know. Besides, how am I going to get anything up your ass when you’re sitting on it?”
Abby slid back carefully so her butt overhung the back of the bench. “That ought to give you access. Try to put the nozzle up me now.”
Shrugging, Sharon took the remaining bulb and walked behind Abby. Looking, she decided the girl was far enough back on the bench that she could get the nozzle up her bottom hole. “Okay. This works, but my question is why? Try some new sensation?”
“In a way,” Abby said, squirming slightly as she felt the long nozzle work its way up her ass. “I’m testing something I want to try out later. Don’t worry. I promise it won’t be like the water jets.”
“It better not be,” Sharon growled as she squeezed the bulb between Abby’s meaty cheeks. “Feel any different that way?”
“No,” Abby said, squirming some more as she felt the liquid pumped inside her, “but if my idea works things are going to be a lot more fun.”
Sharon thought about asking just what in hell was up, then decided there were questions better left unsaid. Instead, she pulled the nozzle from Abby’s butt with a slurping sound and slapped her cheek. “Okay, you’re finished. Get going. Kate and Trish are already up and the rest of the guests are going to be here soon. Then we can start preparing Trish for the oven.” Sharon appreciatively watched four sets of nicely rounded bare buttocks twinkle as the owners scampered off, then shrugged. Whatever nutty idea Abby had in mind, she’d find out soon enough. Meanwhile, there were guests coming. Damn, Abby’d forgotten to replace the benches. Oh well, she’d just get the whole crew to straighten up the patio. It needed it, anyway. “Come on, Pink,” she said to the cat, “let’s go get the girls out here.”
Abby and her schemes were forgotten when the security system alerted Sharon that there was someone preparing to enter the property. Late model sedan, slightly shadowed interior, man driving, but he had the proper code for entry. Which guy was this?
Belinda bustled up behind her. “Ah,” she said, looking at the nicely featured and interesting face in the security monitor, “that is the gentleman from the magazine. Sharon, dearest, you and I will dress quickly. We have our first guest.”
Wendy scurried up behind the pair. “I’ll take over, you guys go dress.” Wendy had already thrown on a pair of short shorts and a T shirt. “The girls know to stay out of sight until you give them the okay, Belinda.”
“Thank you, darling Wendy,” Belinda replied, then pushed slightly on Sharon’s back. “Come along, my dearest love, we must dress for our visitor.”
Nice, Wendy decided. Very nice. The man was medium height, dark and mid thirties or so, with regular features, a nice moustache, and eyes that immediately caught Wendy’s attention. Yup. Very nice. Added bonus… Belinda had told her she could do the entertaining on this guy, since the next one was reserved. Been a while since she’d ridden a dick, she thought. She was looking forward to renewing the experience, but it was like riding a bicycle, you never quite lost the knack.
Wendy had him into the main hall when Belinda bustled back into view, ‘fully dressed’ in high heels, jewellery, and a form fitting, translucent, white silk sheath, low cut and hemmed at mid thigh, that loudly proclaimed the fact that there was nothing but Belinda under the dress. That little fashion statement got Mister Epicurean Magazine Editor’s eyes wide open, yes sir. Beside Belinda’s outfit, Sharon’s tight, high cut cut-offs and sleeveless blouse tied under her full breasts were a postscript, although she also came in for her share of close scrutiny as soon as the Epicurean’s eyes could refocus.
“Ah, hello, Mister…” Belinda began with her usual bright smile and chirpy lilt to her voice. “Pardon, sir, what IS your name?”
The man seemed somewhat embarrassed. “It actually is Epicurean, actually. Mother and father were gourmets, although their professions and families were somewhat different from their avocation.” He caught sight of Pink, come to check the visitor. “Is that cat pink?”
Sharon’s eyebrows went up. “Yes, he is. Epi for short?” she asked in a dry voice.
Epicurean seemed a bit relieved. “Yes, my friends call me that.”
“Oh, wonderful, my dear,” Belinda said in a practical tone as she swept him into the living room. “Now we have to get something straight.” She frowned repressively at Wendy and Sharon’s matching grins. No pun intended.
“Do sit down, dear,” she continued, seating herself on the chair opposite the couch. “Now, you, of course, know the situation here at the Meat Ranch and Dairy. In a moment I’ll bring the girls out for you to see the effects of the hormone treatment yourself. We have two more guests to arrive, then we’ll begin preparing Trish for the oven. First, however, there’s another little item with which I feel you should be familiar - the dress code.”
Wendy wasn’t exactly sure how Belinda did it - the flow of words was hard for anyone to follow - but not long after beginning her speech, the result was a group of four people, none of whom was wearing the first stitch of clothing. Wendy was pleased that Epi didn’t seem bothered by nudity, stayed cool as she and Sharon stripped (His reaction to Belinda’s fabulous figure didn’t count. Everybody ALWAYS got goggle-eyed when she stripped.), and looked pretty damn good in his skin. She was getting very interested.
Pink wasn’t. He only liked the taste of women.
The muffin show that came next was more to Pink’s liking. Good meat in view, the thought as he coolly inspected what he confidently assessed as future meals. Epi also stayed cool while he inspected the muffins. Wendy decided he was judging the women as meat, not as nicely appealing, well built female goofballs. Of course, squeezing the enhanced plumpness of several pussy mounds, the occasional well rounded buttock or tender thigh, etc., on the meat muffins was fun for all concerned, and Wendy also joined in with a few professional tweaks and judicious comments. The milk muffins also came in for their share of tactile inspection, and enjoyed it. The menu was certainly appetising for the foreseeable future. For that matter, several items on the menu were eyeing Epi in return, with obvious carnal interest.
“Belinda,” Epi said, “you are certainly to be congratulated. On a lot of women, fattening them up tends to distort their figure. All of these women have beautifully shaped bodies, just with more meat in the best spots. These girls are a gourmet’s dream.” To a woman, the muffins smiled and blushed at the compliment. Sharon raised her eyes to the heavens and shook her head at their reactions.
“Oh, thank you, dear man,” Belinda beamed. “It’s so nice to have one’s efforts recognised and complimented by a knowledgeable expert. I still have two more guests to attend to when they arrive. While I’m doing that, why don’t you and the girls go in back and you can do a closer examination of the meat, and I’m sure they girls can demonstrate a few of the tricks they’ve learned with each other while they’ve been here. Wendy, dearest, you go with them and ensure Epi isn’t tired out. He’ll want to enjoy Trish’s roasting.” Meaning somebody - probably Wendy - would get a nice fuck once Trish was cooking properly. Wendy was certainly going to ensure Epi didn’t get totally tired out.
Sharon didn’t see the arrival of the aforementioned Katherine Place and her niece, Linda. She was in back, helping Kate give Trish her final enema and general cleaning. Since this activity devolved into a general round of fingers, plugs, etc. in all three pussies and asses, it took slightly longer than was absolutely necessary, much to the enjoyment of the three women involved.
The three eventually emerged - Trish sparkling clean inside and out, hands tied behind her for fun’s sake - to meet the two newcomers. Naturally, Belinda already had them naked. “Ladies,” she said, “this is Kathy Place and her niece, Linda. Kathy, Linda, this is Sharon on the left, Kate on the right, and the delicious looking item in the middle is Trish, today’s roast.” Greetings were acknowledged by all, to include Trish.
Since Pink was on the back of the couch, carefully appraising the two newcomers, Sharon figured they’d already gotten the usual ‘Is that cat pink?’ FAQ out of the way. Thankfully.
Kathy Place was slender, and somewhat angular. She was a titian haired type that also had the look of a woman familiar with girl cooking and had plans to enjoy herself. Dirty blonde Linda, on the other hand, looked like she’d just walked into something that she wasn’t too sure about.
Sharon gave Linda another look. The girl was also slender, in a depressingly curvy, flat bellied way (to Sharon’s way of thinking). For a moment, Sharon couldn’t understand why Linda wanted breast augmentation, since her tits were perfectly adequate, then she studied her face a little more closely. In Linda’s case, the lights were on, but nobody was home. Linda was apparently a Miami party girl that wanted to have a little more impact on the scene. Ergo, a candidate for a hormone boob job. Sharon decided the hormone treatment would do good things for the girl. The question was, how was she going to take to living with ten or so meat-fixated spit muffins for weeks. From the looks of those slightly vacant blue eyes, it might take her a while to catch on the girls were a rotating menu.
Three or four roastings, maybe. Well, back to the main event.
Belinda looked at Trish and commented enthusiastically, “Trish, darling, you look simply marvellous!”
Sharon had to admit she did. Trish had started as a very nicely figured athletic, clean cut brunette. The hormones had done nothing but add a little extra to the girl’s exciting curvature. That, and enhanced her full breasts so they were high and firm, even as large as they were. Sharon noticed Linda eyeing the aforesaid breasts with real envy, then glancing down at her own front bumpers. After and before, maybe.
“Oh, thanks, Belinda,” Trish said happily. She shook her chest to cause her breasts to jiggle. “These ought to be a great side dish, and my pussy steak is just so prime. I’m so glad you agreed to put me in the oven. It’s been a real dream of mine for so long.”
Sharon rolled her eyes. No matter how often she heard muffins talk like this, it was still purely crazy. On the other hand, the girls were always an excellent centerpiece for a great feast. Besides, Trish was primed and ready for a good show in the oven.
Handing a couple of bottles of spiced olive oil to various individuals, Sharon remarked, “Okay. Let’s get her oiled up before we put her on the platter.”
Trish stood quietly as ten hands (Belinda’s and Sharon’s were practical, Kate’s sensual, Kathy’s eager, and Linda’s becoming more enthusiastic) smeared oil over every surface of her body. Kate made very sure Trish was protected from the heat as far up her pussy and ass as she could reach. For additional internal protection, the guests were invited to supplement the layers of oil as far up as they could get their fingers, also. Sharon watched Linda screw her finger between Trish’s plump smooth cheeks and decided the girl was really getting into the preparation process.
“All right, Trish,” Belinda said, “on to the cooking platter and we’ll get you stuffed and plugged, then into the oven. Oh, Sharon, dearest, will you please get Epi and the girls? I know they want to watch and I’m sure Epi would like to see this, as well.”
Once everybody was assembled (not without a little untangling), Trish smiled brightly and climbed up onto the island and lay on her belly on the pan. “Here I am, Belinda,” Trish said brightly. “Is this the way you want me?”
“Yes, dear,” Belinda replied. “Now, since I’m not going to put an apple in your mouth at the moment, you may feel free to squeal or make noise while we’re stuffing you, but please try not to wriggle to much. We don’t want your nice oily little self slipping off the pan, now do we?”
“Yes, Belinda, I’ll be good. Thank you for letting me squeal. It makes it so much more fun,” Trish replied.
As often as Sharon heard these pre-oven or spit conversations, it still strained her brain to listen.
As Belinda tied Trish’s ankles to her wrists, then bound her knees together, Epi spoke up. “Belinda,” he asked, “this is rather an unusual position for oven roasting. Why are you using it?”
“Well, love,” Belinda replied as she picked up what looked like an oversized cake decorator full of stuffing and inserted the nozzle far up Trish’s pussy, “it all has to do with Trish’s hormone treatment. I’ve found a girl with the treatment is far more tender and juicy than she would normally be, almost like one of the plump milkers. There’s really no need for her to be on her back, because we don’t need to harvest her breasts and pussy part way through the oven roasting. The increased meat in the breasts will allow them to cook up almost like a normal cut, and pulling her thighs together will protect that meaty pussy just enough that it will be done to perfection when she comes out of the oven.”
To the accompaniment of the promised moans and squeals from Trish, Belinda finished squirting the stuffing up her cunt and began to refill the stuffing bag. The next load was going in Trish’s ass. “Besides, she’ll be so juicy that Trish will best be carved stretched on her belly, and this cooking position allows us to position her on the platter much easier.” Trish took the whole load of stuffing up her ass, her high squeals letting the whole room know what she thought of the process.
Belinda took a moment to stroke Trish’s cunt, precipitating a few mild convulsions, rising moans, and one genuine scream. “Marinating the stuffing,” she said, then finished preparing the roasting girl by inserting a large vibrator in her pussy and a thick meat thermometer up her ass. Sharon had to admit, as she watched Belinda carefully salt and pepper the girl, then dust her with chopped parsley and oregano, that Trish was a truly beautiful and appetising roast.
Epi and two of the muffins were recruited to move Trish onto the oven shelf, and Belinda turned on the vibrator, pushed the girl into the oven proper, then closed the door and carefully set the oven controls. “I like to use a vibrator to hold in the stuffing,” Belinda explained, “because I want a girl to enjoy the process as much as possible. Not only does it produce better tasting meat and some really yummy juices, it’s just so much more fun to watch her. She’ll be orgasming from now until heat stroke gets her.” Judging by Trish’s squirms, convulsions, and the expressions on her face, Trish was already well occupied by the orgasm process.
“This is a special oven,” Belinda told Epi. “It automatically brings up the heat at a slow pace, so Trish will get to smell herself cooking before the heat takes her, then I can switch the cooking process over to microwave. She’ll be done ever so much sooner with this new model. We’ll be carving that delicious bottom of hers in only a few hours. Meanwhile, the tradition of the house is to watch Trish’s show - out of respect for her, of course, but she’s already putting on an excellent one - then work off the tension while she finishes cooking. Feel free to use the girl of your choice for that part, my dear. Just ask which ever one you wish.”
The glass door of the oven was positioned so that most of the kitchen and living area had a good view of the squirming, convulsing occupant, and everyone could hear the apple-muffled squeals and other noises she was making. Eventually, that meant that the audience could still get a good view while playing with one or more partners. Wendy found herself bent over the kitchen island next to Sharon while Epi plowed her cunt and Belinda used a strap-on on Sharon’s plush butt. A good time was had by all.
Once Trish was finally brought out of the oven, Belinda harvested her prime filet and both breasts, then positioned her on the platter, legs together and arms at her sides. The breasts were rapidly cored to remove the remaining fat and glands, then stuffed with some cuts of tender side meat and presented to Kate and Epi. Kate, of course, got Trish’s cunt steak. When Belinda stuck a fork into a golden brown buttock, juices positively squirted, trickling down the side of the roast into the platter.
Epi was ecstatic. “Belinda, I’ve never seen this quality of juicy meat from a girl with such a high meat to fat ratio, especially in an oven roast. Your treatment wonderful! I’m going to feature it on the cover! And this breast! A true gourmet meal!”
Everyone enthusiastically dug into the succulent meat. Even Linda, for whom this was a first time, began to settle down and really enjoy her dinner, after the first tentative bite. Belinda had given her a small portion of Trish’s cunt steak, since it was her first meal of woman flesh, as well as a thick slice of thigh.
Sharon watched Linda taste the tender pussy flesh, get an amazed and appreciative look, then become thoughtful. Yep, another one with the usual reaction. Belinda always said that the first time a woman tasted cooked pussy, she wondered how her own tasted. Sharon shuddered. She’d had the same reaction, and that was madness around Belinda. Still, Linda was going to be staying with them, for a ‘hormone boob job’ and Sharon smiled to herself as she wondered where THAT was going to lead. Meanwhile, there was a nice slice of Trish’s ass on her plate and Kate was giving her signals for later in the bedroom. Life was definitely good.
The next day, Kate and Kathy were gone and Linda had been settled in a bedroom and given her first hormone treatment (“Bend over, girl. If this is the only thing that goes up your butt while you’re here, it’ll be a miracle.”). Needless to say, there were a high volume of stupid questions, protests and various noises during the administration of said hormones. Also, needless to say, stupid questions were ignored, protests were useless, the noises proved interesting, and Linda was brought to the inescapable conclusion that having a bulb nozzle up her ass was going to be a regular feature of her life while at Belinda’s. She was also brought to the conclusion that Sharon Did Not Put Up With Any Crap. Go along to get along was now her motto, especially if she wanted bigger boobs.
Belinda’s final guest of the week arrived that afternoon. By prior arrangement, Wendy, Sharon, and Belinda were dressed - more or less (Sharon was now in a bikini. More comfortable.) - while the muffins and Linda were elsewhere (Linda was panting and moaning under Abby at the moment, thus fully occupied.). Wendy felt a chill run down her spine when she saw the guy in the security monitor, and the chill only deepened when Belinda let him in the door and brought him into the living room. “Ladies,” Belinda said, indicating the tall, silent man next to her, “this is Reilly.”
He was tall, dark, muscular, with shoulder length hair and flat, unemotional eyes. It wasn’t his rough looks, Wendy decided. It was the fact that he radiated something that every nerve in her body interpreted as ‘predator’. And she was prey. “Belinda,” Wendy said uncomfortably, cringing slightly as the eyes focused on her, “if you guys don’t need me, there’s a few things I really need to be doing.”
“Of course, dearest,” Belinda began. “I’m sure…” Zip. Wendy gone.
Belinda shrugged and turned to the man. “Reilly, didn’t you have a the young lady you wanted us to treat?”
Reilly looked at Belinda for a moment. Predator gazed at predator as equals. They just used different methods. “Not that one. I ate her. I got another one and she’s in the trunk. I’ll get her.”
“Of course dear,” Belinda replied with a bright smile. “Just bring her right in. Sharon will take care of her.”
Sharon watched Reilly leave with real interest. Belinda was right. This guy was attractive. Her slight smile turned to a frown as Reilly returned, carrying the girl. Carrying was the right word, too. He’d hog-tied her face down, ankles to wrists, and was using the rope as a carrying handle to tote the girl like luggage. He deposited her, none too gently, on the carpet. “Fix this one up, will you?”
As Belinda began to discuss methods and time needed, Sharon calmly got out of her chair and walked into the kitchen area. She selected a carving knife and returned. Reaching down, she cut the ropes binding the girl. “You can walk now,” she said to her. “Get up and we’ll go in back and I’ll get you settled. No nonsense, and everything will be just fine, understand?”
The girl nodded in a submissive fashion, then waited while Sharon walked over in front of Reilly and stopped, fists on hips. Looking him in the eye, she said calmly, “She does better without the ropes and I don’t feel like carrying her.”
Reilly’s flat stare measured Sharon for a moment, then he nodded minutely. Sharon nodded back, just as minutely, then waved at the brown haired and painfully thin girl, “Follow me, sweetie.” The girl followed her meekly.
The girl followed Sharon until she found Wendy. “Wendy, honey,” Sharon said, “we have a new girl for hormone treatment. Looks like she could use it, too. That, and a real cleanup. She’s dirty as hell. Comes from riding in the trunk, I guess. This is… What IS your name?”
“Sparkle,” the girl said in a dispirited voice.
“Like hell,” Sharon said without heat. “What do the cops put on the rap sheet?” Wendy looked a little shocked.
The girl gave Sharon a submissive, hopeless look. “May. Dr. Dee gave me the other name. He’s my…”
“Pimp,” Sharon finished for her. “You’re a hooker. Let me see your arms.” Wendy was now even more shocked. She’d led a bit of a sheltered life.
Sharon inspected May’s arms, between her fingers and toes, looked up her nose, and trailed a finger over welts on her lower back. “At least you aren’t shooting up or snorting. Dr. Dee gave you these? Or Reilly?”
“Dr. Dee. I think he was going to eat me, because I couldn’t make any money. Now Reilly is going to fatten me up and do it.”
Sharon snorted. “Yes, Reilly probably is, but you won’t get any mistreatment here during the fattening process. Trust me. You’re even going to have fun,” she said, not unkindly. ” And who knows what will happen a few weeks down the road? Anyhow, nobody’s going to hurt you, May. Go with Wendy. She’ll get you cleaned up and a place to sleep. She’ll feed you, too. I’ll see you tomorrow. There’s things I have to do this afternoon and tonight.”
May showed a little life as she spoke up again. “But Dr. Dee will come after me and find me. He always has before. When he does…”
Sharon broke in again. “Nope. I’m going to have a little talk with Reilly. Dr. Dee won’t be any problem in the future. Trust me.” The girl nodded and looked at Sharon with an odd combination of acceptance and hope.
When Sharon came back out into the living room, Belinda had removed her tight little white silk dress and was sitting, gloriously nude, talking with Reilly. “Sharon dearest,” she said, “Reilly and I have been having a fascinating talk. He’ll be doing some work for us. Isn’t that nice?”
Sharon nodded, her eyes on the man. His expressionless eyes were on her. “Wonderful, Belinda,” Sharon replied. “I have a little job for him I think he’d enjoy, too. We can talk about that next.”
“Well, dearest,” Belinda replied, “we needn’t be out here to do that. I’ve always contended the most important discussions between a man and a woman took place in the bedroom. History, of course, has proved me right time and again. Shall we go in back?”
With that, Belinda rose and bustled back towards her bedroom. Naturally enough, Reilly’s eyes followed her everything-in-motion glorious body before he rose to follow her. Sharon allowed him the look. After all, she’d done it herself, often enough. She gave Reilly a careful appraisal. Black, shoulder length hair, check. Blue eyes with a flat threatening expression, check. A screaming aura of utter predatory danger, check. Muscular body, check. Ka-ching!
As Reilly started to move after Belinda she stepped in front of him. Sharon was nearly five ten, and her curvaceous 38D-28-38 body was nicely displayed by the tiny thong bikini it was spilling out of at the moment. Reilly gave her a long, careful appraisal, then looked up to meet her steady eyes. “We’re going to have a threesome. I’m Sharon,” she said in a husky voice, “and I’ve got seconds.”
About a week later, Wendy was flopping exhaustedly onto a pool lounger, reaching for, in order: 1) a cool drink and 2) a towel to mop off her sweat. It was the usual result of the aerobics class Belinda had instituted to keep everyone in shape. Wendy stripped off her sports bra and wrung it out, wondering how wearing only a bra could make her feel hot. The bra had been ordained by Belinda from simple practicality. Girls that tended to flop during athletic movements needed support if they were going to put any effort into exercise. Needless to say, the sports bra was all anyone wore during class, which made for a rather interesting spectacle to any onlooker.
“Quite an interesting spectacle,” commented an onlooker.
Wendy turned and saw Nancy, Belinda’s favourite writer and an occasional guest at the Ranch. Sharon must have let her in while everyone else was finishing up. Not that Sharon ever missed an exercise session if she could help it. For some reason, she seemed determined to trim down and harden her plush shape. Wendy shrugged at such a strange idea and waved to Nancy. “Hi, Nancy. You were just too late to catch the class, not that you needed it.”
Nancy’s eye-opening figure was nicely formed, and very well toned. She brushed back her long dark hair with one hand and waved off the compliment with the other. “Hey, girl, you think I’d get in the class and miss the sight of ten or so curvy women jumping, bending and bobbing? The jiggles alone are worth the price of admission.”
“And some of us have bodies where selected parts don’t stop jiggling until several seconds after the rest of the girl stops,” Wendy commented with a smile. “We had a guy with us a week ago that stayed a few days and he liked to watch the classes, too. Interesting dude I guess, but I’m glad he’s gone. Scary type. Staying for dinner?”
Nancy nodded. “Who’re we having?”
“One of Janine’s thighs is marinating in the kitchen,” Sharon said as she walked onto the patio, accompanied by Pink. The cat checked Nancy and Wendy for any sign they were already seasoned as dinner, then settled himself with a feline sigh once he decided they weren’t meat on the hoof at the moment. “That’ll be for later,” Sharon continued. “Meanwhile, you can loaf, use the pool, or play with the recreation equipment.” She waved at a group of muffins chattering by the patio rail.
A series of splashes heralded the fact that most of the class, sans sweaty bras, had decided to use the pool to cool off. Pink, having once been thoroughly splashed while sitting next to the pool, took himself speedily elsewhere. “Actually,” Wendy said, “that looks pretty good to me. You guys want to continue the conversation in there?”
Once the three were relaxing chest deep in the shallow end, Nancy asked, “Who are the two new girls? One looks a little thin.”
“That’s May,” Sharon answered, then continued in a dry voice. “Reilly brought her to us to fatten up with the hormone treatment. The other one is Linda. She’s looking for a hormone induced boob job.”
“I know Reilly, actually,” Nancy commented. “Not the nicest guy in the world, but I like him. I see you’ve got both of them as bare of hair as any muffin. Linda on the menu?”
Wendy shuddered slightly as she remembered Reilly. How could anyone reasonably normal, like Nancy, call that guy a friend? Took all types, she guessed. “Linda’s not on the menu. She really is here to get her breasts enhanced. Of course, she’s got the brain power of a not too bright gerbil, but we’re treating her as a temporary guest. The two of them look like they’re getting along.”
Sharon nodded. “May’s pretty resigned to what’s going to happen to her and Linda’s a dim bulb, but they hit it off. Room together. Make out together. Actually, May seems to be coming out of her shell and enjoying it here. Belinda’s doing some good for that poor kid. Shame she’s slated for Reilly’s kitchen. I’ve got a feeling there’s more to her.”
Nancy changed the subject. “Now that you speak of her, where’s Belinda?”
“In town for a few days,” Wendy answered. “The editor of Womaneating Gourmet wanted to do a big story on Belinda’s hormone treatment so she went to the magazine and took one of the muffins to prepare for a full color layout and cover. It’ll be a major article.”
Sharon snorted. “The muffins were falling all over themselves to volunteer to be cooked for the article. Belinda finally had to call a Best Cunt Steak contest to choose the cover girl.”
“That must have been fun,” Nancy giggled.
“Yup. Epicure, the editor, gets something out of it, too. They’re staying at his place. I’ll be amazed if the guy has the energy to finish the piece before Belinda leaves.”
All three laughed, then Nancy pointed at a strange fiberglass backless bench, set so the users could look out over the ocean. The seats on the bench were almost four feet off the ground. “What’s that?”
Sharon looked. “One of Abby’s bright ideas,” Sharon said with a wry shake of her head. “Muffin ingenuity at work. She talked Belinda into buying her idea, and Belinda had it made and delivered. You know the benches in the sauna have vibrators built in, right? A girl slides her pussy down on one as she sits on the bench and enjoys both the steam and the orgasms. Well, this bench has the same feature, with one added extra. There’s a wide slit under each seat where Wendy or I can insert a bulb nozzle while a girl’s sitting, enjoying the vibe and the view of the ocean. A lot of the girls take their hormone injections out here now. Actually a pretty cool idea. Wendy and I both do it now, and I used to get my stuff orally, not up the ass, so it’s a big change for me.”
For a moment, Nancy’s imagination ran riot, imagining five naked women sitting on the bench, with Sharon or Wendy walking behind them, shoving a long nozzle through the seat and between the plump cheeks of the squirming, moaning recipient. That would really be fun to watch. Hell, it might even be fun to experience! Belinda and the muffins strike again. She had to admit, this place was wild. “I just came over for a day’s relaxation and to mooch a good meal of a tasty girl, but I’d really like to see that hormone treatment - and another exercise class. Got some place I could stay the night?” Sharon and Wendy both nodded with a knowing smile that matched Nancy’s.
May slipped out of the bed into the morning light streaming through the window and tried not to disturb the still sleeping Linda. In what had become a regular ritual over the last six weeks, she stood in front of the room’s full length mirror and studied her nude body, thoughtfully squeezing her quite plump and very prominent bare pubic mound. There were other changes, too, she thought to herself. She now had quite a figure, with nicely rounded and prominent breasts, smooth hips, full thighs and everything else in between matching. Reaching behind herself, she squeezed her meaty round buttocks, checking the full fleshy mounds. Then she sighed deeply. Her time was about up. She was almost ready to cook. It wouldn’t be long before Reilly came and got her. Would he bleed and gut her first or just stick her on a spit and throw her over a fire? She found herself wishing she could be cooked here at the Ranch. At least the girls all enjoyed the process the way that Belinda did it!
“Boy, you look nice,” came a sleepy voice from the bed. “Almost as good as I look.” Linda had also developed over the weeks. Both girls had fuller figures than when they’d started, but neither was too big. Both would get plenty of looks and some downright stares in bikinis.
“Yeah,” May said in her habitually resigned voice, “but you aren’t being fattened for dinner. I am.” She squeezed her pussy mound again. “And I’m just about ready for it.”
“Well,” Linda replied, “you’ve still got some time before that happens. We need to enjoy it.”
Slipping out of bed, she walked up behind May, still staring at herself in the mirror. With an impish smile, she slipped two fingers below May’s soft bottom cheeks and between her thighs. Tweaking and stroking, she said, “We don’t have to be anywhere in particular for a while, so why get out of bed so soon?”
As a wriggling finger slipped up inside her, May involuntarily clenched her gut and gasped. She was certainly more sensitive than she used to be! “Oh…! You keep that up and we’ll be forever getting out of here, and I want some breakfast.” Another finger was now stroking her lightly along the tops of her buttocks, just at the base of her spine. Thrills were shooting through her body and, especially, between her thighs. “On the other hand, I suppose we could be… just a little late.”
Linda grinned and grabbed one of May’s breasts to pull her back to bed.
After breakfast, Linda and May were sitting on the patio, watching the beautiful day and two of the muffins. One girl was mounted belly down on a two-part hypermagnetic spit, but not rotating. The spit was two poles with very strong, computer controlled electromagnets in their tips. One pole went in a woman’s mouth, and the other up her pussy or ass. Once activated, the poles grew rigid from the magnetic fields and the girl felt as through she had a spit run through her body. Since the bottom half had an electronic tingler in it, the woman on the spit was in a constant state of sexual stimulation while she was mounted and tied on the spit. Belinda much preferred the hypermagnetic spit because it didn’t hurt the girl and she stayed alive longer, constantly orgasming due to the stimulation. Since it didn’t block the voice box, the spitted women could make all the noise she wanted, and that was fun too. Belinda always contended that plenty of sexual stimulation gave a woman’s meat much better flavor. Besides, the music she made was great.
The girl on the spit was one of the milk girls, and the second muffin was milking her. The combination of the pole’s stimulation and the sensation of being milked was, according to all of the milk girls, totally out of this world. Linda and May wouldn’t know, not being in the milk ‘herd’, but it was fun to watch a woman squirm and hear her squeal as she was being milked on a spit. “You know,” May said, “I need to do that today.”
“You don’t give milk,” Linda replied with her usual intelligence.
“No, silly,” May shot back, “I meant ride the spit. I need to get in some more practice. Get ready. I’m going to be doing it for real soon.”
Linda shrugged. “Okay. If you do it, I’ll do it. Think Wendy would help set us up? Maybe she and Sharon or one of the other girls would like some nice juicy pussy.” Munching on a wet, lightly toasted pussy was the cook’s reward after a role play cooking.
“Let’s find Wendy and see,” May replied as she got off the lounger. Linda obediently followed.
Not too long thereafter, or slightly longer than Linda’s normal attention span, both girls found themselves bound belly down on wheeled serving carts, the front halves of two part spits in their mouths and the back halves between their legs and all the way up their pussies. May tested her bonds gently. Her hands and arms were bound to her sides and legs tied together, just like they were going to be when she was roasted for real. Linda, on the next cart, was identically tied.
The posture was slightly uncomfortable, especially since the magnetic fields were switched on and May could swear she had a real rod running through her body from pussy to mouth, but she didn’t mind. Actually, she found the condition relaxing. There was no more tension wondering when she was going to be cooked. She could actually think about things while she was on the spit. At least, she could until Wendy switched on the tingler in her pussy.
May decided she didn’t want to become a meal. Not just because she still wanted to live, but because, for the first time in her nineteen years, she was enjoying life. The body she saw in the mirror was a knockout - totally different from her old figure, the Ranch was fun, and - again for the first time - she was enjoying sex. She’d discovered there was enjoyment in life and she really wanted to experience it. Not that she was going to, she thought with a deep sigh around the pole in her mouth. Sooner or later, hopefully later, hopefully MUCH later, she was going to be meat for Reilly’s table. So far, though, Belinda had seemed to ignore her development. Too many other nicely rounded naked girls. May decided she was lost in the background clutter and really wanted to stay that way.
May was relaxing, waiting for Wendy to come, turn on the tingler, and put her over the heat when she heard a voice she dreaded. “Oh, THERE you are, dearest.” It was Belinda!
Belinda bustled up to Wendy and stopped between the serving carts, totally ignoring the two spitted girls, one at either side of her hips. “I really must speak to you and Sharon, dearest Wendy. We’ve somehow gotten quite low on meat in the cooler. It’s time we cooked up another girl and I’m trying to make a decision as to who it should be.” Absentmindedly, Belinda let her hands drop, one to a buttock on each girl, while she looked at Wendy.
Unseen by Belinda, both May and Linda cringed. May because she just knew Belinda was going to select her once that plump buttock she was absently squeezing registered and Linda for pretty much the same reason. In Linda’s case, pure instinct was screaming at her that she was eligible for the carving platter and instinct had a pretty strong voice in Linda’s affairs since intelligence wasn’t all that much involved. Both girls got wide-eyed panicky expressions and tried very hard not to move or otherwise call attention to themselves. Both wanted desperately to fade into the background. Hard to do when the object of their fear was currently fondling a bottom cheek apiece.
Wendy said, “Well, Belinda, any one of the muffins would be delighted.”
Belinda nodded agreement. “Yes, dearest, I’m sure, but I’d really like to choose just the right one, possibly two.
“Actually,” she said, still squeezing and fondling two soft butt cheeks, “for some reason I find myself wanting a nice thick butt steak.” She looked down and realized what she was doing, then continued squeezing and examining the tender rumps with more intent purpose. “Something like these two, for instance. Who do we have here?”
Bustling around in front of the carts, she looked squarely into the wide open eyes and apprehensive faces of May and Linda, framing the spits projecting from their mouths. “Oh, hello, ladies,” Belinda said cheerily. “I must say your hormone treatments have been successful. Those are two of the most tender and succulent asses I’ve had the pleasure to fondle in a while. I think we’ve achieved our purpose with these girls, Wendy dearest. Are you planning to do a little role play cooking?”
Wendy nodded. “They asked for it, and Sharon was down on the beach refereeing that muffin volleyball game, so I thought I’d spit roast them individually and do double duty on the pussy nibbling.”
“If you don’t mind, Wendy darling,” Belinda said, smiling brightly at the two apprehensive girls, “I’d like to join you. I’d really like a taste of one of these delicious girls’ pussies. It will help me make my decision. Why don’t we grill them together, instead? That way we can both be munching their plump little cunts at the same time.”
Shortly thereafter, May found herself next to Linda on her belly over a hot set of heating coils. Both girls were writhing and moaning, convulsing to the feeling of the tingler and situation induced orgasms while Belinda and Wendy enjoyed the show. As she smelled the delicate scent given off by her pussy juices, falling to sizzle on the coils, May tried to tell herself this was only a dress rehearsal for the real thing, but the thought kept getting lost in the rolling waves of sensation as still another gut clenching orgasm hit. Once down and on her back on a platter, May thought she’d had all she was capable of handling, but knowing there was still more when Belinda’s experienced and agile tongue started on her pussy. The result was still more noise, writhing, and shaking of plump thighs as they rested on Belinda’s shoulders. Linda was also wildly appreciative of Wendy’s talented tongue. A fun - and messy - time was had by all.
Later that evening, Belinda and Sharon were lying on the bed in Belinda’s bedroom, slightly sweaty and comfortably relaxed. Belinda had her arm around Sharon’s shoulders and their naked bodies were pressed companionably together. “Sharon, dearest,” Belinda said, “we need to talk about scheduling one of the girls for the kitchen.”
Sharon chucked. “Belinda, your idea of pillow talk is distinctive, to say the least. Okay, who goes into the oven or onto a spit? Tonya? It’s about her turn, and she’s certainly fully ripe. Ought to get plenty of good meat from her, even if that means we need to bring in another milker.”
Belinda looked pensively off into the distance and one finger idly played with Sharon’s nipple. “Oh, that’s correct, dearest, and Tonya certainly has very nice thighs, but I’ve been thinking.”
Uh-oh, Sharon thought to herself. Here it comes.
“Actually,” Belinda continued in the same thoughtful tone, “I came to the realization that today that both Linda and May are also fully ripe. They have such nice buttocks, too. Their bottoms ought to carve like butter.”
“Belinda,” Sharon replied, “leaving aside for the moment that Linda is strictly here for a hormone boob job, I’m not too happy about us, or Reilly for that matter, cooking May. She’s neither a volunteer or a bitch, and that’s who we cook. Oh, he’s got the right to do anything he wants with her, and he did bring her here to fatten up for the kitchen, but it still bothers me. I look at that girl and see someone that could be a worthwhile human being if she had the chance, which she never got. There’s so many other women whose best use is meat that I kind of wish we could do something else with her.”
Belinda was a predatory hunter that still captured and cooked the occasional woman, but women of a special type. Belinda only caught women that were really nasty bitches. She referred to it as ‘cleaning the gene pool’.
Belinda looked at Sharon’s serious face for a moment and nodded. “Actually, dearest, I tend to agree with you. Of course, if Reilly wants May’s meat, it’s his prerogative, but I also would prefer, now that I’ve seen the girl for a few weeks, that we could do something else.
“Linda is another story,” Belinda added, laying back and looking off into the distance again. “Kathy Place is her trustee, and beneficiary if anything happens to her. It seems Linda stands to gain control of several million dollars once she reaches twenty one, and Kathy would prefer that doesn’t happen. She confidentially asked me to fatten Linda for the kitchen and plans to be here when we cook her. In addition to an excellent meal, that would give Kathy total control of a tidy sum of money.”
Sharon was outraged. “That BITCH! That bony, manipulative, total bitch!”
“Oh, she is that, although no longer bony,” Belinda said thoughtfully, and began to smile. “The hormones need not be administered in liquid form, you know, so I gave Kathy some pills I want to test. If everything went well, she should have quite a nice figure by now.”
Sharon’s voice was also thoughtful. “Belinda, if Kathy’s such a bitch, and a bitch that has had the hormone treatment…”
Belinda smiled a very predatory grin as she looked at Sharon. “Yes, dearest, I quite agree. On the other hand, May and Linda have such nice plump bottoms, they’ve quite inspired me to want a nice buttock steak. Perhaps we could solve two problems at once. This should be fun, too. Why don’t we…”
Two days later, May was up early as usual. Also as usual, she was looking at herself in the full length mirror, squeezing her now plump pubic mound. Deep sigh. Given her experience at the Ranch over the last weeks, she could tell when a girl was not only ready to eat, but was deliciously prime. She was now in the deliciously prime category. Another deep sigh. The kitchen wasn’t far away. The only question was if she was going to be cooked here or given to Reilly to take back to a presumably more brutal fate. Not too much of a question. She was toast.
May could feel the toaster door open a moment later when Sharon leaned into the bedroom and said brusquely, “May, you and Linda get up. The two of you need to accompany me to the clean out room today. Belinda wants you clean, inside and out, so we need to get going.”
May had a good idea what THAT portended. Linda, on the other hand, went along with the process, but maintained only academic interest. After all, she wasn’t on the menu. During the cleanup, in fact, she felt it was her duty to keep May’s spirits elevated. Of course, that was also hard to do while bent over next to May, with Sharon running a long soft flexible brush up her ass to ensure she was totally clean. Of course, too, it was a little strange that Sharon slapped HER butt as well as May’s when she made the comment, “There, now you’re ready to stuff.”
Linda was still trying to puzzle things out when Sharon and several of the girls bound her hands behind her, put a ball gag in her mouth, and plopped her curvy sweet bottom onto a restraining stool. She was working on concepts when Sharon slipped a smooth thick long peg through the bottom of the stool and up her pussy. As the second peg was inserted through the stool’s seat and up into her ass, thus effectively locking her onto the stool, Linda began to wonder if something wasn’t amiss, here.
“Okay, ladies,” Sharon said after restraining the apathetic May in the same manner as Linda, “you just wait right here for a while. We have a lot to do today, and, besides, the longer those pegs are in you, the better. It helps to have your bottom and pussy really stretched for spitting and stuffing.” Both girls squirmed slightly on the pegs extending eight or so inches up their pussies and asses, then May sighed and slumped. Linda just looked at Sharon curiously.
When Sharon entered the dairy room where the morning milking was going on, her first impression of Kathy Place was she was a totally different woman. Belinda had met her at the door, gotten her undressed, and now she was spellbound, watching five kneeling women milking five others on hands and knees on the low platform on one side of the room. Sharon enjoyed the view of the milking, something she always enjoyed, but this morning, she was concentrating more on Kathy’s now very curvaceous body. Looked like Belinda’s hormone pills had done their work well. The woman’s breasts were now large, but quite firm, standing out like they were in an invisible bra. Very nicely curved hips led the eye down to full, firm thighs. A shift in body position revealed plump smooth, deep buttocks with well defined under creases. Now there were some butt steaks! That woman had a body like a Greek statue, but with a better ass.
Unaware of Sharon’s appraisal, Kathy was babbling on, gushing about the milking. “Oh, Belinda, darling, I’ve never seen even one woman milked, let alone five! And they’re all so beautiful too! This happens every morning? How exiting!”
And on… and on. Sharon grimaced. Let’s get the milking finished and this mouthy broad out onto the patio. maybe she’ll shut up a bit.
No such luck. Kathy’s round face was framed by a beautiful soft fall of wavy auburn hair and done with artfully applied makeup. Unfortunately, it also contained what seemed to be an ever open hole: her mouth. Sharon busied herself as long as she could, getting the muffins off to do whatever they thought would be good muffin things to do. Most of them, it seemed, preferred the beach today, leaving the pool and patio area to Belinda, Kathy and those Sharon considered Kathy’s victims, Sharon included.
Before the girls were sent on their way, Sharon made sure they all knew there was a special dinner planned for today. Now if the other guests for that dinner would just show up, things could get underway and, hopefully, quieter.
Wendy was in the house when the security system alerted, preparing iced tea for everyone and giving her ears a rest. It seemed the other guests were here. A check of the security monitor showed Nancy and Reilly, apparently travelling together. Wendy made a slight grimace and thought of prying Sharon loose from the patio. Nancy was okay, in fact she was currently deep into her latest psychological thriller, but Reilly was another story. A scary story. Still, no help for it. Open the door and hope for the best.
“Hi, Wendy.” Nancy was as classically beautiful as ever, with a firmly muscled nearly perfect figure and a fall of softly waved raven dark hair that Wendy totally envied. “Belinda said there was going to be a really interesting dinner today.”
Wendy nodded. “Ought to be fun. A whole roasting with a few twists. Some really succulent girl flesh on the menu.”
“I think I’ll enjoy that.” The voice was Reilly’s. It wasn’t really loaded with menace. Wendy just felt like it was. As she met his eyes, she could see the hunger hidden in the depths, straining to be unleashed. She was nothing but prey and the thought kept her frozen, staring at him like a bird at a snake.
“Put a lid on it, big boy.” Sharon’s dry comment sliced the tension as cleanly as a scalpel. She turned to a vastly relieved Wendy. “You go see if Nancy needs anything while she undresses. I’ll take care of Reilly.” Wendy vanished.
Sharon watched with amusement as Reilly let his eyes wander over her lush nudity. “Here’s the deal, bucko,” she said, striking a graceful pose. “You get to play with this if you stop scaring the kiddies and just pay attention to Mama. I’ll even make sure you get a damn good meal and have some fun in the process. Otherwise, out you go and I don’t give a damn what Belinda says… Oh, and thanks for handling that little Doctor Dee problem.”
Reilly’s lips quirked in what could be termed a dry smile. “You’re welcome. Actually, you’re making a pretty good offer.”
Sharon’s smile was equally dry, if slightly friendlier. “I flatter myself I was. Belinda is probably going to inject herself into the mix, too. If you like that offer, guy, I’ve got an even better one for you. I’ll tell you about it while you undress. Meanwhile…”
The kiss, and the press of bodies, got a little heavy for a few moments.
When Sharon and Reilly emerged into the main room, it was to find that Kathy had come back into the house and discovered May and Linda on their stools. She was stroking Linda’s sleek flanks, occasionally squeezing or fondling some especially tasty looking part, and of course, giving the world a running commentary. “OH, but she’s SO delicious looking. These thighs ought to provide the most flavorful cuts! And, Belinda, what you’ve done to her breasts! When I squeeze one, it’s just so appetizing. I can hardly wait to test her pussy!” And more of the same.
Linda, for her part, was on the verge of a earth shattering revelation. She wasn’t supposed to be treated like this by Aunt Kathy. Leaving aside the incestuous implications of the way she was fondling her, it was as though Aunt Kathy expected to see her roasting on a spit next to May. That was impossible, because she wasn’t here to be fattened as meat, she was just here for a natural boob job, which was definitely a success, because she’d grown a real pair of beauties, and she ought to be dynamite next time she hit The Movement Club, and… Linda lost the thread of the thought and had to start over. Eventually, it dawned on Linda that Kathy was serious and She’d Been Had. Squirming and moaning followed.
May didn’t squirm and moan. She just looked hopelessly at Reilly, who was studying her round delicious form, hunger blazing in his gaze. At least, May told herself, it looked like they were going to let Belinda cook her, and Belinda made it as pleasant as possible for the girl. May, on the other hand, would prefer that it was as pleasant as possible for another girl, any other girl. Maybe not Linda, but any other girl would do.
Sharon took Reilly by the arm and whispered in his ear. Smiling fractionally and nodding just as fractionally, he let himself be led over to a couch where they sat next to Nancy. Kathy, of course, continued to stroke Linda and blather on, under Belinda’s maternal smile and occasional nod. Looking on, Sharon took careful note of how Kathy’s nicely formed prominent breasts had developed. The woman also had a truly mouth-watering set of round plump buttocks, not to mention great thighs. Sharon also took careful note of the fact that Belinda was aware, without seeming to be, of those salient features. Things were about to get interesting.
Belinda finally distracted Kathy from her game with Linda when the woman asked her how the two girls were restrained. “Well, love,” Belinda chirped, “why don’t you come over here and I’ll show you how the stool works.”
Nancy, Reilly and Sharon, sitting together on the couch, watched stoically as Kathy, chatting away merrily, walked around the kitchen island to see how a restraining stool works. “In a minute,” Reilly muttered, “I’m going to grab that mouthy dame by the neck and hands and bend her over that island so we can shove a spit up her fat ass.”
Sharon patted his shoulder. “Hush. You don’t need to do anything. Just watch a true mistress of the hunt at work. Besides, Kathy’s ass isn’t fat, just nicely meaty.”
Nancy didn’t say anything, just licked her lips as she examined Kathy’s smooth, bobbling posterior globes.
Kathy was happily examining the stool as Belinda explained how the two thick pegs ran up from the bottom to hold a girl in place. “One in the pussy and one in the ass,” Belinda was saying, “and it keeps her from moving around quite well, actually. Would you like to test it, dear, just for fun, that is?”
Kathy shook her head. “Oh, heavens, no, Belinda!” she said with a laugh. “The pussy peg might be fun, but I could never take something that size in my ass. I’ve never even been fucked in it.”
Belinda’s eyes lit up. “Oh, my dear, you HAVE really missed out on some of the more interesting aspects of intercourse. I’m sure we can find someone to introduce you to that sexual variation while you’re here. While the girls are cooking, perhaps.”
Kathy’s thoughtful eyes took on a gleam. “You, possibly?” Belinda nodded. “Oh, that might be fun, if you were very gentle.”
Sharon rolled her eyes and shook her head with a wry grin.
Kathy saw something on the patio through the glass wall. “Belinda, I’ve been meaning to ask, what is that bench for? And are those vibrators mounted on it?”
Belinda, looking in the direction Kathy pointed, nodded. “Oh, yes, dear, those are certainly vibrators. The girls use the bench to enjoy a view of the ocean and a few orgasms together. You slide yourself onto the vibrator as you sit on the bench, and it activates automatically as you sit down. It’s quite an interesting way to take in the view.”
“Could I try it?” Belinda nodded to her, and began to follow the fascinated woman out onto the patio. Sharon noted that Belinda rummaged in the toy box near the sliding glass door and picked out a special butt plug, several plastic ties, and a length of nylon rope and a ball gag. Sharon saw the plug had a T shaped handle at its base, to allow someone to manually insert it up a girl’s butt, then twist. Goofy thing, but Belinda might have a use for it.
Only in Belinda’s house, Sharon thought as she got up to watch the pair on the patio. The most amazing sex toys were scattered all over the place. Reilly and Nancy followed Sharon. They wanted to see the fun.
The bench, of course, was Abby’s special bench for administering hormones. Kathy got up on the front step of the bench, spread her legs a bit, then carefully slipped herself down and onto the vibrator, which obediently began buzzing as soon as the telescopic head got depressed enough to activate the motor. “Oh! Uh… oh my,” she said sitting completely down on the bench. “Ah… Belinda… this is so much FUN!”
Belinda, standing behind her, nodded absently as she hummed a pleasant little tune to herself and proceeded to grease the butt plug thoroughly. Thinking for a moment, she moved one of the deck chairs nearby. “Yes, dear,” she said pleasantly, “the girls all tell me it is. Lean up and forward, would you please, love?”
Obediently leaning slightly up and forward, Kathy was unaware that her posture left her bottom hole quite exposed to Belinda’s view. Kathy was supporting herself with her hands, concentrating on the buzzing inside herself, when suddenly, her eyes flew wide and round - almost as round as her open mouth. SHLERPPP!
Belinda had jammed the greased plug smoothly up her ass the whole way. While the shocked Kathy was still immobile, Belinda used the T handle to pull her back down firmly onto the bench and twisted it so as to turn the bar of the T crosswise in the bench slit, locking the woman onto the bench. It only took a few quick motions for Belinda to then pull Kathy’s wrists together and restrain them with a plastic tie and, hopping up on the chair, pop the ball gag into the now squealing woman’s mouth. The nylon rope was used to loop around Kathy’s wrists on one end and a support member for the bench on the other. That would keep her from pulling up and off the plug. It was no trouble at that point to bustle around front and use the other plastic tie on Kathy’s ankles.
Belinda regarded the restrained, wriggling, squealing (albeit muffled by the gag) Kathy with satisfaction. “There! Quite a nice job if I do say do.
“Oh, Sharon, dearest,” she called into the house, “please release the girls and bring them out here. Oh, and please tell Wendy to join us also, will you?”
Reilly and Nancy were outside by now, both examining a very horrified Kathy. “Nicely done,” Reilly commented. “How are you planning to do her?” Kathy got frantic.
“Oh, on a spit, of course, dear boy,” Belinda replied in her normal cheery tones. Kathy got more frantic.
“She’s got such nice muscular development,” Belinda added with a pleasant smile, “it would be a shame to see her done any other way. I’ve been thinking about using a one piece spit and putting it up her ass so that nicely developed pussy of hers can be properly basted while she cooks.” Rapid fire muffled squeals, cries, pleas, etc. from Kathy as she got even MORE frantic.
Belinda addressed her now assembled crew. “Reilly, dear, would you please lift her off the vibrator and hand her to Sharon? Sharon, dearest, if you’d lead Reilly, Nancy, Wendy and the girls in cleaning Kathy out, removing the body hair and… oh, anything else necessary before we prepare her to cook, I’d appreciate it.
“Girls,” she turned to May and Linda, “you are now both free of any claim on you. That means, May dear, Reilly has decided to allow you to go your own way. And as for you, Linda, you are no longer Kathy’s dinner. Quite the reverse in fact. We shall speak more on this later girls, but, for now, please go help Sharon.”
Reilly smoothly lifted Kathy off the vibrator, twisting her slightly to keep the plug in her ass. He let her stand there in the midst of the group, still bound hand and foot and the plug handle projecting from between her plump buttocks. “First time I’ve seen an ass come with a carrying grip,” he cracked, then started to pick her up again.
Sharon waved him off. Instead, she bent and threw Kathy over her own shoulder, butt up. “I’ll take her from here, fella. Not the first time.” Slapping Kathy on a nicely turned rump cheek, she added, “Come on, dinner. You’ll be glad of that plug opening you up in a little while when we do your enema. We shove three feet of perforated two inch hose up your ass.”
A short while later, Pink, having been present during the previous shenanigans although not germane to the plot, was now in evidence - leading the return of Kathy to the kitchen for stuffing and spitting. As Lord and Master of the house, he exercised his authority and supervised the carrying of the woman, now quite mellow from wine and slung hand and foot from the spit that would soon impale her, to rest on the kitchen island. Pink then jumped up on a nearby counter and carefully watched the preparations. For some unaccountable reason, Belinda and Sharon refused to allow him to sample the food until it was cooked. Ergo, he was going to make damned sure the meat was properly stuffed, seasoned, and prepared to his liking.
The meat, AKA Kathy, found herself deposited on her back on the kitchen island with, in short order, her hands shackled to her ankles so as to raise her knees almost to shoulder level and completely expose both her pussy and bottom hole. While in back, Sharon had offered her wine, saying that would make things easier. She’d eagerly drunk the rather nice vintage, oblivious to the fact that it was heavily spiked with a drug to excite her libido. She found it rather remarkable, mellow as she was, that she was also turned on to a degree she’d never felt before in her life.
Kathy strained her head up, looking down her nude body and between her nicely rounded thighs at Belinda, who was holding what looked like a cake decorator about two feet long. When the nozzle of the cake decorator nosed its way into her pussy, Kathy’s woozy mind felt it had solved a mystery. Belinda was injecting stuffing up her cunt. She was also administering a rather powerful orgasm. Gasping, clenching her pussy and moaning, Kathy went with the blast.
“Very good, dear,” she could hear Belinda saying. “That will be your first orgasm, but by no means your last. I’m stuffing your pussy because I intend to spit your ass, love. Your succulent cunt is just so meaty it deserves to be roasted while on you. I do hope you don’t mind my deviation from the usual procedure, since it will allow us to continually stimulate you with the basting brush. Offhand, I’d say you’ll be popping off a good bit from here on in, love. Gives the stuffing a wonderful flavour, too.”
Kathy could only agree as she felt Belinda slide a large bulbous vibrator into her cunt to help keep the stuffing in place. She could hardly wait for Belinda to turn it - and her - on. Instead, the kitchen staff were strapping her down on the island so she couldn’t writhe around. The reason for that became apparent momentarily when she felt the head of something large, round, long, and very stiff begin to push up her ass. Kathy decided she liked the feeling, and wondered if this was what ass-fucking was like. Too bad she’d only get the experience once. Oh well.
The spit pumped for a few moments, eliciting another orgasm, then began a smooth slide through her body, through her stomach and up her esophagus. She found she was able to breathe because the shaft was ventilated, but it blocked her voicebox. She could only announce her sexual tensions with her body’s motions. She felt her hands and legs being freed, then brought down where her legs were tied to the spit and her arms were tied to her sides. She knew they’d pick her up soon, then she was going to be placed on the rotisserie.
Kathy felt herself lifted by the shaft running from her ass to her mouth, then carried out onto the patio. There was a slight jar, not too painful, as she was placed on the rotisserie. For a moment, she was surprised because the heat she felt was low, but she remembered, in the part of her mind that was still lucid, that Belinda believed in bringing the heat up slowly. She said she didn’t want to hurt the girl, only cook her. The more orgasms the roast felt, the better the meat tasted. She was about to prove that theory, then added a taste-enhancing pop off as the vibrator in her pussy began buzzing away. The basting brush added another as she began to rotate. From that moment on, her entire world was the shaft through her body, the slowly rising heat, and the continual orgasms that convulsed her. All she could do was squirm, writhe, convulse, lose her consciousness in a wave of pleasure, then begin again.
Several of the muffins were helping Belinda, and one took over the chore of basting Kathy with spiced oil while another used salt and pepper shakers on long handles to add a little seasoning to her glistening, curvaceous body. Belinda used another basting brush to dip along Kathy’s cunt, causing orgasmic convulsions and pick up goodly amounts of juice, then dip the juicy brush into a tub of melted butter. The mixture was used to liberally coat the roasting woman’s buttocks, breasts, pubis, and thighs, with additional touches on other nicely rounded tasty looking parts. Belinda especially liked to draw the brush along Kathy’s pubic split in front and the long deep crease between her buttocks in back. Judging from the squirming and convulsions, Kathy appreciated the attentions.
As always, Sharon found her attention fixed on the beautiful body rotating on the spit. Kathy was as gorgeous as she ever been, and as exciting. She was certainly putting on quite a show, too. When Sharon figured she couldn’t stand it much longer, she moved one of the overstuffed chairs where the occupant could turn their head and see the woman roasting, then crooked a finger at Reilly. With one of his slight smiles, he sat in the chair and Sharon climbed atop him, kneeling with a leg on either side of his hips. She reached down and stroked his dick for a moment, just for luck and to make sure he was hard - no problem there - then settled down on his hips as he slid deep into her. As she started to pump, she looked at him and said, “Take me for a ride, buddy.”
At dinner, Pink’s masterful roar of triumph and approval at the chipped hip meat in his bowl tended to sound more like a firm meow, but, hey, it was all in the thought, anyhow.
Belinda decided things were working out satisfactorily. In return for relinquishing his claim on May, Reilly was now starting a week at the Ranch and been given some take-out from Kathy, not to mention a good portion from a roast to be named later. May and Linda had been informed they were on their way to Lorna Paten’s to start new lives and jobs tomorrow. Belinda rather thought May was going to continue along that path, although Linda showed definite signs of coming back as a muffin. If so, Belinda reflected, that was her choice, not that of her quite succulent aunt.
As she sliced the meat on her plate and took a bite, Belinda further decided Kathy had been an excellent choice to test her hormone pills. The woman had proved to provide very good results from the test. After all, Belinda thought, she really had been wanting a good, juicy, tender buttock steak.