A group of storys under 100 words

It had been two months since she let me take her head. I pulled her out of the silicone solution. A quick shampoo and her sister pulled the hair back into a pony tail. “My god sir shes so pretty and well she looks alive” she said. I took the head and slid my cook into its neck. Little sister started to lick my glans as it came out the mouth. She caught every drop as I came, she looked me in the eye and said “My turn” and exposed her throat

92 words

These are very good! I like this idea.

“Geez do you have to,? I don’t like being tied like this.”

“That was my dads 1942 over 41 dime that you swallowed”

“I’ll shit it out tomorrow”

“No Susie that won’t work it would look CLEANED and then it’s not worth as much.”

“Do you know how to do this?”

“Sure I watched dad gut mom last week, and I’m just cutting your stomach open, not taking it out.”


GOT IT! Susie? damn thats a lot of blood,Oh well its collage freshman on the Barbie.

He lays the axe on her neck. Then adds lead shot bags the the flat back of the blade. The edge slowly

ever so slowly parts the skin. She feels, and smells the blood. The edge lays between her vertebra, the

lower part of her being is going numb, but her pain builds with each bag. He enters her ass now fast

and hard, the pain transfers to her ass. As he comes he feels her follow. He throws the last bag down.

she hears a crunch, and see’s her body above her spurting blood.


WOW I’m honored thanks I’m glad you liked them, a bunch of us at Dolcett Girls did about a hundred of them It was fun But hard, trying to set the mood do the deed and in less than 100 words. It was a hot topic for about a week.

I was a lumberjack with a 154 IQ when I lost a leg I had to study and go back to school, I always wanted to write and you were one of the Authors in this kind of writing the got me to try this. I love your stories!