Turkey Story #1


“Wow mom, Look at all those frozen roasters!”

“Yes, it is getting close to thanksgiving, so all the markets have roasters dirt cheep to get people to buy them. The clone banks work double time to produce them, but we are looking at a live roaster, not one of the frozen ones.”

Jenny looked over the large open top freezer, looking at all the headless, mostly gutted girlmeat, wrapped in a skin-tight food plastic and with a simple Lbs next to them. Seeing the sign “Frozen whole roasters, .21 cents a pound!” She knew that none of them where her friends, but she always wondered if they ever used one of her friends as a base for one of the clones.

Jenny followed her mom, and she saw the live roasters, Redheads, blonds, raven haired girls, all nude, all oiled up for sale (she had to admit the olive oil sheen did make her mouth water, and perhaps something else water) she watched as the women took a dirty blond home, hands duct-taped behind her.

The salesman looked at jenny oddly, then gave a grin. Jenny felt a bit uncomfortable, and then her mom nodded and her mom just passed a note to the salesman, he nodded, and within moments, Jenny was looking at a mute, mirror image of herself. There was a few things not the same, no scars, and the birthmark on her belly button wasn’t there. It was Jenny, but if that was the case, she looked at her mom, and her mom was smiling.

“You been wanting to go to Duke University, you have the grades, but we didn’t have the money, but Ozarks meats has selected you for one of their meat types, and with the advance on royalities, well, lets just say that Duke is a real chance now.”

Jenny was jumping up and down, while her mute clone just stared at her, some form of disgust on her face. Jenny’s mom calmed her down, “Well, do you want to roast a girl that looks like you?”

“Mom, that would be, a bit …weird…”

“That might be so, but just think, there will be at least 10,000 copies of you that will be roasting over thanksgiving, some frozen, some live. Which one do you want to roast?”

“How about that Jewish looking one, the one with the dark eyes and ringlets of hair.”

The girl weighed 126 pounds, and at .43 cents a pound, which added up to about sixty dollars after tax. Of course, Jenny noted that after cleaning, the girl would way a lot less then the 126 pounds, but still, sixty bucks for thanksgiving, knowing that she would go to Duke University, well, life was good… —————————