I think this belongs here ...
I have found a website with some of the strangest stuff I’ve ever seen …
Well, I reckon I gotta talk, here. Damifino what I’m going to talk about, but my head is full of odds and ends, and they seem to be related to this subject matter.
I can’t say how you guys all feel when you look at really outrageous stuff like this (No, not outrageous in that it violates decency … I don’t know what decency is, anyway; I know what honour is, and I try to stick with that. [Why do you think the Creator hasn’t discarded me yet?] But outrageous in the sense of “Who would ever think of that?”), but I get filled with a sense of wonder (and of awe, maybe) at the incredible diversity of human beings. I, for one, could never have imagined this guy’s stuff … well, not at first, anyway … now that I have seen it, I think I could imagine some of it. I don’t know why I’d want to, I have enough to give me pleasure with ladies on the standard pattern, without going so far afield, but I think I could do it.
And don’t you sorta wonder what goes on in this guy’s head? And has he messed himself up for real life by giving such free rein to his imagination? But at the same time I’m wondering these things, I’m grateful to have seen something so totally different from my own thoughts … and how many others are out there, just thinking things I could never think (well, maybe with a little help)?
It kinda rattles my cage, I think is the expression.
Uh … I guess I’m done.
I think.